The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Harumi let out a breath of relief as she took down her twelfth vampire . As much as she would've liked to remain with everyone else, one of the stupid males covered her mouth and pulled her off . He thought he was going to have her way with her, but the disgusting moron had no idea whom he dealt with . Harumi covered herself in the deadliest aura of lightning she could muster, instantly frying the monster . No amount of resistance would save him .

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Now to catch up with the others, she thought . Surely, they needed healing, though she hoped not . She hated the idea of her friends getting injured .

"Lovely night, is it not?" someone said .

Harumi spun and ten feet behind her was a woman with blood-red hair and matching eyes, smiling at her . Harumi did not miss the two fangs that blended in with normal teeth . A very beautiful woman, if not for the hunger in those pupils .

Harumi allowed her lightning aura to surround her .

"Another bloodsucker that won't learn a lesson except by the hard way . "

The woman laughed .

"I mean you no harm, from woman to woman, but I am quite hungry . Come serve your princess . "

[??? used charm]

[Harumi is unaffected . ]

The vampire gasped . Harumi shook her head, eyes cold .

"After what you've put my friends through, both Sazuki and Kiko, I can't afford to hold back . And I certainly won't be made to look like some weakling . And to think you'd dare cast some rudimentary spell on me . "

Harumi blurred in front of the woman, one hand landing on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s . "I want you to deliver this message to your clan . I'm not the same bright-eyed and bushy-tailed girl as before . If they go near my friends again, well, to give you an example . "

"Please," the vampire princess cried too late . Harumi unleashed enough magic to level a city . She quickly healed and stabilized the woman before she could die .

The young woman looked over the vampire sprawled on the ground, crying .

"I think Clyde would love to know that vampires cried," she said . "Not sure about the sparkling though . But tears aren't enough to undo the pain Sazuki went through . Now get out of my sight . Or I'll make you wish—"

The vampire princess lunged at Harumi, laughing wildly . A claw grazed her face, then two, before Harumi slugged her backward .

"You definitely surprised me, girl," the vampire princess said, wiping blood from her lip . "But n.o.body threatens me . I am the princess . I am order . I am Hisa, the great . I won't be made a fool!"

Red aura surrounded her like fumes of blood .

Harumi sighed .

"The higher they are, the more arrogant they get . Airi, this is what you've left me with . I hope you're having fun on your adventures . "

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[Harumi has entered a boss fight!]

Hisa pointed a finger in Harumi's direction .

"Die . "

[Hisa activated Precision Death Strike . ]

Harumi countered it .

[Harumi activated Lightning Bolt . ]

The attacks smashed against each other then exploded .

"Not sure if physics work that way, but okay," Harumi said . She chuckled . Too much of Clyde rubbed off on her . He seemed to question everything . Sheesh, way to make himself more alien . Why not tell the whole world while you're at it, she thought .

Hisa engaged Harumi with claws . Harumi dodged with ease, then countered with a kick . She held a hand to the sky .

[Harumi activated Tier 3 skill: Lightning call . ]

Pink lightning bolted from the sky, smas.h.i.+ng into the vampire princess . Her agonizing moan washed across the pink-haired girl .

[Hisa's HP has dropped to 314%]

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"You're going to take a little longer to kill, I see," Harumi said . "The prissy ones always refuse to admit they're dead . "

Hisa snarled .

[Hisa activated Static flash stun . ]

Harumi knew she messed up the moment the attack hit her . Hisa smiled cruelly .

[Harumi is stunned . ]

She walked over to Harumi casually and took a deep whiff of her .

"A human, but food, nonetheless . I won't be gentle with this, new slave . "

Hisa only had time to widen her eyes as Harumi grinned .

"You see, the funny thing about stunning me is that enemies tend to don't realize that they're walking into traps until it's too late . Even so, I still don't have to do anything, right Ruri?"

Ruri's first smas.h.i.+ng into Hisa's face answer that question . The force of the blow spiraled the vampire princess at least thirty feet . Kitome unleashed what seemed like hundreds of heart bombs .

Hisa took a few of the blasts before hopping up and away .

[Hisa's HP has dropped to 232%]

Hisa snarled at Harumi .

"I won't be made a fool . I won't! I will get back at you . "

"I think we're way past the bargaining point," Yusuke said .

"Come, vampire," Ruri said, "Show me what you've got . "

The h.e.l.lhound rushed her, but Hisa hopped backward and simply vanished into the air . Harumi watched as Ruri sniffed the air . She was actually quite adorable, like a cute puppy or even a little sister .

"Harumi look out!"

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[Hisa activated conversion . ]

[Harumi activated Silver tier skill: Thor's war cry- Full Lightning Field . ]

She breathed in then out, allowing billions of amps to discharge around her in a bubble . Hisa screamed . Harumi turned to look at her . Well, look down on her .

[Hisa's HP has dropped to 3%]

"Wow," Ming said . Harumi walked over to the crying vampire .

"Now be a good little girl and deliver the message," Harumi said . "Or I'll start vampire hunting . Is that what you want—because I don't mind . "

Hisa bowed .

[Hisa has lost the will to fight . ]

[Hisa activated Jump . ]

Harumi turned to see the others staring at her, open-mouthed .

"It took Kitome and I forever to dispatch even these so-called lowborns and you just took down their princess with hardly any effort," Ming said . "Who are you?"

Harumi rolled her eyes .

"Just because she's highborn doesn't mean she can fight . Anyway, thanks for coming . " She walked over to Ruri and pinched her cheeks . "Thanks . " She patted her head .

"Don't do that, I'm not a dog," Ruri barked, blus.h.i.+ng, but she didn't push away Harumi's hand .

"Your girlfriend's so cute," Harumi said to Yusuke . He blushed, but before he could try and deny it, the young woman strolled past them .

"I'm going to find Clyde . Coming?"

Everyone shrugged and followed the pink-haired girl, still baffled .

Chika slashed the throat of another vampire using a kitchen knife she found on the ground . Her hands trembled in rage—so close! So close to pulling Clyde in a corner so that he could be up close and personal with her cute yukata . Then these stupid vampires had to go and ruin everything . She turned to her companions, Tear, Alice, Yuki, and Natalia . Alice too looked p.i.s.sed, though her face remained a composed cold mask .

This vampire clan would pay—this was clearly some kind of a.s.sault . The only thing that could make this better if one of their commanders showed up . Maybe they did and someone else killed him or her .

"Please tell me that's the last one," Chika said to Alice .

"I hope so," Alice said . "My feet are killing me . "

All of the women nodded in agreement .

"I just want a hot bath," Yuki said . Chika wished she could be cool and composed as Yuki and Tear . Maybe have their sizes too—life was so not fair . Yuki's prizes were torn to shreds, but the demoness didn't seem to care . Chika wasn't sure if she could maintain such calm .

The other thing that had her enraged was the email she received from her father . Stupid CEO men never sit down and took their losses . He still intended to force her into marriage, as if Chika would let that happen . Akito, the pretend nice guy, but the silver-haired girl could smell the falsehood beneath that . She dealt with his forcefulness before . Never again .

"Let's go meet up with Clyde," Alice said . She seemed satisfied with the area . Tear and Yuki also detected nothing . "I'm done with this festival . Vampires ruined it like savages . "

"And we were having so much fun," Tear said .

"Want to have a drink with me tonight," Yuki said to the succubus . "I managed to find some…" she whispered the rest into Tear's ear . That made the woman light up, even squeal .

"How did you come by it?" Tear said .

"Straight from the vaults," Yuki said . "Besides, there's a show…" She whispered more into Tear's ear .

"Oh wow—I'm in? How did you—"

"Long story," Yuki interrupted . "Let's just say c.o.c.kiness and wagers make easy wins . "

"Are you two done?" Alice said, before Chika could open her mouth to ask about this show .

"Forgive us, Lady Alice," Yuki said .

Alice shrugged .

"Let's go . I can sense Clyde just ahead . And we've got a lot to discuss . "

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