The Anime Trope System: Stone Vs. The Viper, A LitRPG Novel. - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

That afternoon at the apartment, Clyde and his party, Clare and her Fireside magical girl servants, Tear, Melody, and Natalia finalized the new plan . Even Yusuke showed up, albeit on the account of his fierce sister's urging . Kitome glared at him until he put on a blank expression .

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Clyde stifled a laugh . Alice gave him a light elbow, but the corners of her mouth twitched . Tear cleared her throat .

"I'm sorry I'm boring you two," she said sarcastically .

"Sorry," Clyde and Alice said .

After what felt like an eternity, Tear finally finished going over her overthought plan . Clyde told her simple—nuke and scoop, but she insisted on arguing with him . He knew she was right though, living there and all . Five wards held up the palace's main barrier . Each area had a wizard channeling energy to it for hours . The group would have to nail the wizards before they changed s.h.i.+fts—a tired magician was a dead magician . Tear said that at least three times .

Too bad Kitome's silencer spell lasted only three minutes or she'd be plan A .

"Let me ask this one more time," Clyde said . "You're not going to feel sorry for this guy and defend him . "

"Nope," Alice and Tear said .

"How can you trust them?" Yusuke said . "You haven't been in this town that long—that makes no sense . "

"A soldier could probably tell you this, but when you're on the brink of death with someone, working together, you'd understand," Clyde said . His uncle was a veteran, but he told Alice about that already and didn't feel like repeating it to the others . One strange thing about the Soul link was that he felt Alice and she probably felt him in return . The amount of love she emitted made him wonder if he truly deserved it . But she told him plenty of times that unlike humans, demons made up their minds and skipped the waiting . Not that it meant much when they were soulmates—the feelings were already known . Only honesty was needed .

Such a complete turn-around from when he first met her . Not that she showed any hostility whatsoever, but her sense of humor fascinated him . She prioritized sweets over nearly everything .

"It's a fair question," Tear said, "but you'll have to believe in us on blind faith . Until you've fought with us enough, bleed together with us, you won't feel at ease . So trust your sister . Trust Clyde and the humans in here . "

Clyde sighed .

"Please don't start that race-species c.r.a.p," he said, annoyance in his voice . "You will respect everyone in here or I'll kick you out . That's not optional . "

Yusuke nodded .

"Sorry . "

Clyde nodded back .

"As long as we're on the same page . Now gear up . We move out in twenty minutes . "

When no one was looking, Alice stole a kiss from Clyde . The amount of love felt as if it tripled .

Chika yanked Clyde toward her .

"You can't have our team lead to yourself," she said, hugging him, soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s feeling up the young man .

"You," Alice folded her arms and harrumphed, anime-girl style . "It doesn't matter . He's my life mate . And we carry an intimacy you'd never understand . "

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Jealously aura flared around Chika . Clyde knew it was time to stop this conversation before a bloodbath occurred .

"Well, I've shown him thi—" Chika began but the young man interrupted her .

"Enough of that, let's get ready . " Clyde slipped past the two women and into his room . He shut and locked the door . He hadn't gotten any material to do some decent crafting, but he'd at least check out his inventory and even his new skill . Not bad, not bad at all, he thought . Anything weak to water would be easy prey . The holy element was an interesting twist to it .

[Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge . Type: water, holy . Cla.s.s: very rare . Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself . ]


$ 1,351,900

-Map of Lot City, Satovia .

-Map of Libado Gra.s.slands, Satovia .

-Smartphone .

-Key .

-Reminder for practice- note .

- Zelt's printer . Level 1/25 .

- Wind blade . (item cla.s.s: very rare . )

-Melody's note .

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc .

- Honey Potion of Healing (item cla.s.s: rare . )

-Wind blade . (very rare) +16 to attack . Wind element .

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Nothing particularly useful . He couldn't wait to just get this city freed . Maybe crafting materials would appear in nightly shops .

He checked his quest log . Only so much could be done at a time .

Quest log:

Main story .

Locate the whereabouts of Kiko the vampire . (MS . )

Gather materials and craft three items .

Defeat one person in either a non-real card . (Stone-Tokken quest . )

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest . )

Call Chika in the late hours . (MS . )

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours .

Talk to Melody .

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Defeat Hades and free Lot City . (MS)

He didn't remember receiving a specific quest about Hades but it was there . Calling Chika and Kitome—he meant to do that a couple of days ago, but he had little time to think about it . These women wanted every drop of his attention, team leader, to other things . Clyde needed to fix his time management skills . The letter to the vampires still needed to be sent . He was seconds away from texting Harumi about it when he heard a soft snore .

The pink-haired girl napped in his bed, peacefully too . The young man was so taken aback that he stifled a laugh .

Harumi jerked awake, then just as quickly pulled Clyde toward her with surprising strength . Her kiss held unsaid promises . The young man pulled away, though his rock-hard erection didn't sink .

"It's time to go, sleepyhead," he said .

"You sure you don't want a taste," Harumi said then smiled slyly . "We could make it quick . "

"I doubt it," Clyde said . "I…like to take my time with you . " He grinned but turned away . "The others are waiting . "

Harumi's other side made Clyde feel things . So many things, but for now, he needed to keep his head out of his pants . He wasn't like this on earth, not that normal earthlings were open like Satovians .

"There you are," Melody said as the Clyde and Harumi left his bedroom . The redhead's mouth dropped .

"It's not what it looks like," he said . "I've only been in there for like five minutes . I'm not a minuteman you know . Anyway, what do you need?"

"Not a minuteman, you say," Melody said, her eyes of antic.i.p.ation . Harumi shot her a glare .

"Well?" she said, holding onto Clyde's arm . Melody sniffed .

Another fight and Clyde was the cause of it .

"Hey, we're on the same side," Clyde said . "Use that anger on Hade's lackeys, alright . "

"We can talk later," Melody said . "After this ordeal is over . " She stormed off, but not before giving Clyde an appraising look .

Clyde looked at Harumi . She shrugged then stole a quick kiss, catching him off guard . She was definitely being aggressive . And s.e.xy . Dammit, stop thinking with the wrong head, Clyde thought .

Minutes later, everyone gathered around Tear . It was time to make the jump . Hades was just an afterthought compared to the things he needed to do with the Ashfall estate . He wondered if he could upgrade any purchased house .

[Any building owned by you is upgradable with free points, desu . ]

Clyde smiled as Tear initiated the stomach-turning jump .

In front of Clyde's apartments…

Maki breathed heavily, smoothed her skirt, and checked the mirror to make sure she looked perfect . She even brushed her teeth twice before leaving home . There was probably no hot water left for her mother to take a shower when she got off work . Oh well .

Her long purple hair nearly glistened, smelling of perfection and roses and love .

She was a little disappointed that she didn't get to deflower Naomi . The broke college girl was definitely pretty, but reserved . Ming's stupid friends protected her like annoying bodyguards . Maki would get to that treasure some other time, whether the journalist wanted it or not .

She knocked . No answer, but she definitely heard voices .

No matter, locks were a fragile thing . She pulled out a lockpick and beat her record again . Her mouth dropped at two things . The emptiness and the luxury . Clyde didn't come off as a rich boy, but this apartment was surprisingly impressive . She closed the door behind her .

The tingling of wards pa.s.sed through her .

"Pssh, poor Clyde doesn't even know a witch set him up," Maki said . "Mei spoke a lot of mumble jumble c.r.a.p the other day then proved that magic existed . "

She inspected the clean kitchen, even his knives . "Okay, enough holding back, I know he has dirty magazines . " She hurried to his room . Maki could immediately tell that more s.e.x happened in this room than sleeping . Unfair . She opened Clyde's dresser, pulled out a pair of his boxers then sniffed deeply . She hoped the young man would walk in on her so she could jump him . No man would resist her . It's s.e.x, right? Nothing wrong with that .

She replaced his underwear and then checked under his bed, closet, and bathroom . Nothing dirty . That was literally and figuratively . She awarded him an plus in boyfriend material . Maki hated dirty men . Well, she could work magic and improve things . She could make anyone happy with the right smile and honey words .

She laid on Clyde's bed and sniffed deeply while vigorously ma.s.saging herself . Her wetness for this man was insane . She'd make sure to go five rounds when she got ahold of him . Ugh—why isn't he home? Maki wondered if she could go back to find the journalist . That would surely hold her over for now .

In the end, she decided to go home . This wasn't over yet .

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