The Anime Traveller - 8 The Pack Grows

8 The Pack Grows

(Hiruzen) "Enter."

I here these words and smile. I quietly take a step back to allow Honeto to open the door for me.

"Thank you Hiruzen, but could you please make all of the Anbu you have so subtly gathered disappear from here please."

Hiruzen waves his hand and I hear a feint sound of a body collapsing. I turn around to see that Honeto had throw a Kunai at the unsuspecting

"Hmm, a member of root. You should be careful Hiruzen."

At this point I look around the room. I can see surprise on the faces of everyone present. Everyone other than s.h.i.+kaku and Kakas.h.i.+.

"Interesting." I say to n.o.body.

(Hiruzen) "Rajen what have you called this meeting here for?" He ask in a direct tone.

"Aww no fun." Garnering me a glare from everyone present. "Alright. So, I have first come to personally thank you Hiruzen for that thing my ally mentioned yesterday."

(Hiruzen) "It's not a big deal, I'll just think of you as I did root with Danzo."

"Even though we're in no way under you?"

(Hiruzen) "Yes, I have foolishly decided to trust a myth."

I cast my gaze around the room again before returning to Hiruzen waiting for him to continue.

(Hiruzen) "Rajen you need time to grow before truly being a threat though."

After these words s.h.i.+kaku asks.

(s.h.i.+kaku) "Hokage, what do you both mean by not under you and trust a myth."

Hiruzen turns his gaze to me. I sigh before explaining the basic history of my family to everyone present.

I can see a mixture of sorrow, disbelief and awe in the eyes of the people present.

"And Hiruzen although I love just chatting like this I have a few items on my agenda. First is to ensure the safety of the Pack from the Jonin instructors present as I do have plans to recruit you students."

(Asuma) "Absolutely not." he says with an angered voice.

"Speak when spoken too." I reply looking at him coldly.

Before Asuma could answer back however Honeto has already moved a Kunai to his throat.

"Honeto back off." She promptly moved back to my side. "You seem to be upset with this. Unlike your Asuma in the Pack strength holds little value to us. The students in the current teams of the Jonin present have a high chance of rising quickly in our organisation by means other than strength. But that doesn't matter." After this I wait.

Hiruzen realising what I want speaks.

(Hiruzen) "He says the truth Asuma, like the Inuzuka they treat the other members as family before subordinates, so you will not attack them."

"Thank you, I will have them introduce themselves with the phrase 'Greeting Blood Brother' to distinguish them. Second on my agenda is to discuss a matter with Yamato here. I would like to have him come back with me to my residence after we're done."

(Hiruzen) "That would be ok."

"Great, now the last thing I would like to do is poach one of the Jonin present for my personal advisor team."

As I say this I still stare at Hiruzen to see his reaction. He looks surprised before slight anger.

(Hiruzen) You want me to give you my own I believe I'm starting to be too lenient with your 'Pack'."

"Hmph, calm down old man. I'm not trying to take your more like, co-operation where you have a member help me and that member can report our activities back to you. See fair right?"

(Hiruzen) "That would eliminate the risk of having someone spy without permission. Ok I agree, but who do you want?"

"I would prefer to have either Kurenai or Gai if possible?"

I see Hiruzen think for a second before answering.

(Hiruzen) "I don't wish to force my Jonin, I will let you five decide by yourselves."

After he says this the five Jonin hudle up discussing who would join.

(10 minutes later)

They are back to facing me.

"Have you decided?"

(Kurenai) "Why did you want it to be out of us five Jonin?"

"Well that is because although your Jonin you either have the freedom to join me or are Jonin without much authority. If you want specifics, Kurenai I want you because your a Genjutsu master and that is the area I'm lack in terms of training. Gai you because of your Physical training and Taijutsu mastery. Yamato because I'm planning on befriending the Kyuubi and well would need you to make sure he's controlled. Asuma, your a very powerful fire user and have a good amount of skill in all areas and finally Kakas.h.i.+ for basically the same reason."


"Calm down old man, do you forget who I am. We have been part of Konohagakure since its found do you really think we didn't have any high ranking subordinates, like I don't know? Fugaku Uchiha."

Hiruzen visible calms down from this. A sad expression fill his face.

(Hiruzen) "It is sad about the Uchiha." He says looking over at Luna with sorrow.

"Now old man I would like to go, i will pop in every once in a while to discuss things with you but I'll be doing things on my own apart from that."

After finis.h.i.+ng this sentence I turn to leave.

"Once you decide who is joining me send them to my shack in the Inuzuka Compound tonight at around 7pm along with Yamato."

After this finis.h.i.+ng statement I leave the room followed by Honeto, Luna and Kat.

On the walk out we are all silent but I notice Luna glaring at my back.

"What is it?" Looking over to her.

(Luna) "Is what you said about my father true?"

"Indeed it is, in fact he was quite high ranking for a member inside of Konoha."

(Luna) "I will join you as one of the last Uchiha and to defend what my father believed in."

"Good, I am heading back now." I look over to Honeto. "I need Brak, Riko, Sena, Jota, Kei and Chikafusa. Also bring these two along aswell."

(Honeto) "Yes, Lord Omega." She says kneeling to the ground.

I smile before walking off in the direction of the compound.

(30 minutes later)

After arriving home I feed Kenron and go instantly to start planning the meeting and my personal growth for the future.

'Alex Open Status.'



Name – Rajen Inab.i.+.c.hi (Raj – en)

Occupation – - Genin (Increases Strength, Agility and Dexterity by 5)

Level – 4

Next Level – 100%

Designation – The Gamer – (Gives Gamers Body and Gamers Mind), Reincarnator – (Ability to speak all common languages)

Boar Hunter - (Increases Strength by 3)

Omega - (Increase Endurance by 7)

HP – 410/410

MP – 1,125/1,125

SP – 250/250

HP Regen – 0.56/s

MP Regen – 0.39/s

SP Regen – 0.11/s

Str – 79 End – 82 Vit – 56

Dex – 99 Agi – 72 Per – 148

Int – 45 Wis – 39 Wil – 11

Luk – 10 Free Stat Points – 0

Shop Points – 15








































Fangs and Claws (Active), Improved Energy Affinity (Pa.s.sive), Battle Growth (Pa.s.sive), Tail (Pa.s.sive), Shadow Immunity (Pa.s.sive), Shadow Resistance (Pa.s.sive), Shadow Dragon Lungs (Pa.s.sive), Gamers Mind (Pa.s.sive), Gamers Body (Pa.s.sive), Tetsugan (Pa.s.sive) (Sealed (1 out of 7))}>}







'Thank you Alex'


'Yes actually, I would like you to recommend bloodlines from the Naruto World that I should buy.'

I wait for a few minutes before Alex replies.


'Indeed the Nara would synergies well with my Shadow Dragon Magic and Quirk, but why the Yamanaka?'


'That is a good choice.'

'I'll stop my thoughts on bloodlines for now, I need to gain enough points first. As for training I need to start learning Genjutsu from Honeto or Kurenai if she joins us. I also need to start practicing more forms of Taijutsu from Gai if he joins and also ask Luna if I can get access to the Uchiha Clan Library.'

I slowly start walk towards my living room and sit on the couch.

'We need to start fully consolidating our a.s.sets and figuring out out next business move inside the city.'

I carry on thinking up different plans for the future. After a few hours I hear a knock at my door.


At this command Brak, Kei, Sena, Chikafusa, Jota enter the room. They walk into the centre before kneeling.

"Stand, I would like to here detailed reports from each of you."

(Brak) "But Lord, Honeto and Riko are not here yet."

"They surely have their reasons for being late. As for their reports they can wait until they arrive."

Without saying anything else Brak stands before stepping forwards.

(Brak) "Lord Omega we have made brief contact with the Akimichi and Aburame Clans and are still only slowly affecting the Yamanaka and Nara Clans. The Saturobi Clan however had a spike in caution this afternoon for some unknown reason."

I silently look around before replying. "I expected this to happen. Earlier I met with my generations Jonin instructors along with the Hokage, s.h.i.+kaku Nara and Maito Gai. As Asuma Saturobi is one of them I expected him to put the clans guard up before he trusts us completely." I look quietly over to Sena and Jota. "Sena, Jota your reports next."

Brak walks forward to stand by my side before Sena and Jota stand and step in the same way as Brak earlier.

(Sena) "Lord, we have sent out 2 Chunin level to Tsuchigumo Clan who will arrive in 2 days if they have no inconveniences. I have also sent 1 Jonin and 2 Chunin level to search for the Iburi Clan."

"Good. Keep me up to date on any new information." I reply before turning to Jota.

(Jota) "Lord, I have sent a Jonin to the fire capital to secure businesses along along with a Chunin to be an acting guard. They will stay in the fire capital for the majority of there time before I plan having the slowly take over small businesses and buy land from the villages surrounding the capital. I'm also planning to prepare a team to start buy some businesses from Konaha's surrounding villages aswell. Finally I am planning to directly travel to Iwa as a business man to allow me to try an recruit there as well as acquire businesses and land from them."

"Good job indeed, Keep showing results like this and you both have the showings Old Blood."

I then turn to look at Kei and Chikafusa whilst Jota and Sena kneel again. But before I could speak I hear a knock at the door.


After my confirmation 7 people enter the room. Honeto and Riko take there positions in the line as soon as they enter the room. I look to the group that remains, this group consists of Luna, Kat, Yamato, Gai and a man who I've never met before.

"Welcome you five to my home. We are still in the middle of our business so could you please wait over to one side as we finish."

The 5 nod before stepping to the side. I look again over to Kei and Chikafusa. Who nod before taking the appropriate position for speaking.

(Kei) 'Lord Omega, from yesterday we have acquired 3 more small businesses today along with a medium sized business. We have also managed to acquire 3 plots of land that you had specified along with the 3 medium sized and 7 small sized plots of land of varying degrees of worth."

(Chikafusa) "We have also made headway into acquiring another 4 small and 1 medium sized businesses and we should get answer by next week but we are starting to run out of funds."

"Indeed funds are an issue for the future, but good work both of you."

I turn to look at Honeto and Riko.

"I am quite disappointed with both of you being late for this meeting and I expect it not to happen again."

(Riko/Honeto) "Yes Lord Omega."

"Now Sena, Jota, Kei and Chikafusa, I need one from each team to remain for the next bit the other can go back to there business."

After a few minutes of descution Sena and Chikafusa rise and leave the building.

"Good now we can deal with our guests."

I gesture over to Honeto, who stands walks over and brings Luna, Kei, Gai and Yamato into the centre of the room.

(Honeto) "I present the Jonin Maito Gai and Yamato, along with the Genin Luna Uchiha and Kat Nim."

"Thank you Honeto."

After my response she returns to her position. I look to Luna before asking.

"Do you Luna Uchiha swear to uphold our values and protect the Pack above all else? Swear to look down on prejudice formed by strength and fight for those weaker than ourselves?"

(Luna) "I swear."

I then turn to Kat.

"Do you Kat Nim swear to uphold our values and protect the Pack above all else? Swear to look down on prejudice formed by strength and fight for those weaker than ourselves?"

(Kat) "I swear."

"Good I hereby announce that Kat Nim and Luna Uchiha are Partial Blood of the Pack."

At this I here a slight gasp from Brak.

"Brak anything to say on the matter."

(Brak) "Lord, I was just wondering why you would raise there positions to such q high positions after they join."

"The reason for this is because they are the current heirs of two of the powerful Clans of the Pack and they are also my teammates, it would look bad if I team up with New Blood's or Young Blood's."

(Brak) "I now understand for Miss Uchiha but I still can't understand Miss Kat being of the same level."

"Kat would you care to explain?"

(Kat) "My real name is Kat Senju, I was kidnapped by the Sannin Orochimaru as a child and I am the only survivor of the Senju experiments."

(Brak) "I understand now Lord, sorry Miss."

I look between Kat and Luna.

"Take your places at the end on the line." I say in an authoritative manner.

They step back and kneel. I then turn my sights to Yamato.

"At this point you should have guessed at why your here Yamato."

(Yamato) "Yes, I believe you wish me to teach the young Senju."

"That is part of it, but Yamato she isn't the only one with Senju blood."

(Yamato) "She's not?"

"Indeed I also have the blood of a Senju running through my veins. Along with the blood of the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Hyuga, the Yuki Clan from Kirigakure. There is also the possibility of the Nara and Yamanaka and the Chinoike and Sinbakan {A Storm Release Clan I created} from k.u.mogakure. Also the Tamikame {A Crystal Release Clan I created} Clan from Uzuahiogakure."

(Yamato) "Alright I agree. I'll speak to the Hokage about it before that though."

He says this and walks over to the door and leaves whilst waving. I quickly turn my gaze to Gai.

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"Finally you Gai."

(Gai) "Yes Young Rajen."

"Do you Maito Gai swear to uphold our values and protect the Pack above all else? Swear to look down on prejudice formed by strength and fight for those weaker than ourselves?"

(Gai) "I SWEAR."

"I hereby announce that Maito Gai is a Full Blood of the Pack. Gai I would like for you to help with the Taijutsu and Physic training of me and my team as you are the best Taijutsu in the village."

(Gai) "I agree, let me show you the POWER OF YOUTH."

After this screen Gai backs away and kneels down like the rest. I look over to Riko before nodding.

Riko stands up and gestures to the man to follow before walking to the middle of the room. The man also steps into to the middle of the room.

(Riko) "Lord, this man is Jin and he is a Master level Blacksmith who owned one of the small businesses we bought."

"Hmm, interesting." I look over at Jin. "Why as a Master did you sell your shop?"

(Jin) "I would much rather focus on being a Blacksmith and forging than business management also your people give me the confidence and security to keep forging whilst looking after my daughter."

"Good, do you Jin swear to uphold our values and protect the Pack above all else? Swear to look down on prejudice formed by strength and fight for those weaker than ourselves?"

(Jin) " I swear."

"I hereby announce that Jin is a Full Blood of the Pack. You may leave for now Jin but I will probably be visiting you in the near future."

After I've finished he turns and leaves.

"Now finally we need to discuss further business plan's and stockpile the our resource together to allow us to expand in the future."

I then turn to Kei before asking.

"What are the current types of shop that we own."

(Kei) "Lord, we own 9 small businesses and one medium sized business. The small ones are 4 Groceries, 2 Tailors, 1 Herbalist, 1 Restaurant and Jin's Blacksmith. The Medium sized business is a sweet shop called Amaguriama."

"Hmm, After acquiring the other shops your currently negotiating for, start to provide more funds to Jin's Blacksmith, Amaguriama and The Herbalist. Also how many funds are remaining in total."

(Jota) "We have 2,000,000 Ryo remain from the expansion funds and 200,000 Ryo from the emergency expansion funds."

(Kei) "We have around 850,000 Ryo between the two internal funds."

"And I have 250,000 Ryo I managed to secure from one of the Clans stash's. That's 3,300,000 Ryo in total. Use 1,300,000 Ryo for internal, 1,700,000 Ryo for expansion and leave the remaining for emergency."

I stand up. Look around the room.

"As you have you tasks you are dismissed. Gai, Brak and Riko stay behind please."

(Everyone but Gai) "Yes Lord Omega."

After this everybody else leaves. I gesture to the three men to have a seat across from me. I look between my subordinates "Gai, Riko I need you two to come up with an efficient training schedule for the New and Young Blood's to increase there combat potential."

"And Brak I require you to get me into the Uchiha and Senju compounds as I'll need to make copies if them for my own training."

(Brak/Riko) "Yes Lord Omega."

(Gai) "Great Boy."

"Alright dismissed, I want to see this done in the coming weeks."

After I finish this sentence I turn and walk into my bedroom.