The All Seeing Eyes - 11 Chapter 11

11 Chapter 11

Although I only know about that since we were both walking in the same direction, basically I am just hypothesizing that.

"Hey, we in the same cla.s.s right?" He asked. "Maybe, are you in 1-A." I asked since my cla.s.s was that cla.s.s. "No, mines 1-B" He said with his eyes drooping. "Lets meet up at break time" I said to him. He smiled and said "Sure". Then we both went inside our respective

*Swish Shack* (Door opening and closing)

Eyes were staring at me, it felt uncomfortable but I ignored it and chose a random place to sit. I was quite early since there was only six to seven students with the teacher. I don't know why but I feel as if seen this teacher before. Well honestly that didn't matter to me since the main attraction came or should I say the second main attraction of this world Uchiha Sasuke. He looks quite cheery instead of the gloomy mess he was in the anime. I wonder what changed him.

Ah I forgot about that incident, it was the genocide of the uchiha. Well this is honestly the most logical solution. While I was lost in thought, the teacher started to talk. "Hi everyone my name is Iruka Umino, you may call me Iruka sensei. Why don't you all introduce yourself. How about we start with the first row." He pointed towards the first row.

"Hi everyone my name mikasa nomine, I like chocolates and playing with my siblings. I dislike sour stuff." With that everyone started introducing themselves.

*Several minutes later*

It was finally my turn. "h.e.l.lo, my name is Mukai Hizas.h.i.+, I like a lot of things and I dislike a few things." I said with boredom in my tone. Couldn't be helped after all this was honestly boring.

Then again, I tend to get bored easily.

I listened properly to all their names and stuff but it was quite hard since there were a lot of students. It will probably take sometime to remember all their names but even if it is going to be troublesome, I need to remember all my future rivals. These past few years, I noticed something odd about my self, I did not feel the same superiority complex others had towards these people from the fanficitons I read. I mean sure, they are not the same age as me mentally but I am physically 5 years old. I wonder if it is because I reincarnated. Interesting theory, one in which I will think about at some later date.