The Works of John Knox - Volume I Part 27

Volume I Part 27

392, l. 9. _deambulatour_--deambulation.--18. _falt_ in.--20.

_worthelie_--justlie.--21. _done_, (_omitted_.)

394, l. 7. _thair kyn_--your kin.--18. _contravene_--violate.--27. _mak_ first--give first.

395, l. 1. _lippin_--trust.--2. _to have_ good.--16. _taikin_ without.--18. _saidis_, (_omitted_.)--23. _our pairt._ But in case against all reason they should mean any such thing, We _have thocht_.--31. _furnissing_--surmising.

397, l. 3. _put_ fit _remedy_.--10. _could_--would.--17. _list_, so that some asked for.--19. _sche_ was not ashamed _to sett_.--22. _personis_ have of malice.--24. _stope all_ manner of reconciliations.--28.

_Estaitis_--State.--31. _ar c.u.mit_--came.--_ar myndit_--do mind.

398, l. 7. _ony_ part thereof _contravenit_.--8.

_communit_--commovit.--13. _ane_, (_omitted_.)

399, l. 2. _ever_, (_omitted_.)--10. _obedience_ of _higher_.--13.

_direct_ quite.--19. _with_ reverence.

401, l. 2. _simplicitie_, and to _work your finall_.--11. _of_ our _posteritie, and_ to be short, to our _commun-wealth_.--15.

_foirnameit._ This is so _manifestly_.--34. _is not to be_--is to be.

403, l. 1. _brocht it_ to such basenesse, and such a deale of strife _that all men_.--14. _guid and_ weighty _money_.

405, l. 9. _that_ wicked _man_.--10. _quha at_ that tyme.--27.

_rea.s.sonit_ with all _in the_.

406, l. 19. _thairin_, not only _without_.--25. _the houssis garnissit_, (_omitted_.)

407, l. 24. _yea_, even of our brethren.

408, l. 29. _covetousnes of the_ Cardinall of Guyse and the Hamiltons.


409, l. 32. _trubill any_ unjust _possession_.

410, l. 14. _over_ our _heads_.--25. _tred_--course.

411, l. 3. _personis ... be G.o.d_, move Princes to _command_.--7. _of_ misled _Princes_.--13. _thair_ misled _Princes_.--20. _crewell_ misled Princes, who authorize the _murtherar_.

412, l. 20. _murther_, and such like: _Esaias_.--32. _appelyteis of_ misled _Princeis_.

413, l. 12. _my Lord Dukis Grace_--the Duke.

414, l. 10-12. _Hienes, quham ... G.o.d_, expecting earnestly your answer.

415, l. 29. _experiment.i.t_--dear.

416, l. 3. _lawlie_ to our.--18. _of the_ same: And that ye would _rather_.

417, l. 16. _Onlie_ to shew.

418, l. 6. _to_ this _commun-wealth_.--8. _a_ plain _declaratioun_.

420, l. 20. _Pleis your Grace_--Madame.--29, 30. _sall_ treat or deal _for himself_.

421, l. 14. _ye_ knew fully, and all men else.--20, 21. The Queen's Proclamation.

425, l. 10. _thing not of lait_--thing of lait.

426, l. 1. _as in_ deed _it is_.--3. _haid_ Inche, Colme, _Dumbar_.--4.

_maid_; yet all these _could_.--9. _the trewth_, (_omitted_.)--12.

_seiking_ constantly _to possesse_ the _libertie_ of Leith, which _be donation of_ ancient _Kingis thay have long_ enjoyed.

427, l. 9. _to wit_--is.--22. _mentenance_--mantainers.

428, l. 3, 4. _to this day_, (_omitted_.)--8. _write to_ the praise of _G.o.ddis_.--13. _honour_, (_omitted_.)

429, l. 13. _our_, (_omitted_.)--20. _be of_ such _reputatioun_.

430, l. 14. _quhan_, (_omitted_.)

431, l. 7. _support_--our _support_.

432, l. 4. _presentt_ day, _that_.--_maist_, (_omitted_.)

433, l. 2. _onlie_--openlie.--10. _deceat, that_ to _lift thair weaponis against thair brethren_.--12. _glorie_, or _yet_.

434, l. 26. _thame_, so they did answer unto her, _as by_.

435, l. 2. _moist_, (_omitted_.)

436, l. 7. _self and_ those that followeth you. _And that._

437, l. 28. _It will ... remembrance_--Your Majestie may call to minde, _how at_.

438, l. 12. _we will_ (as befoir) move _and declair_.--20. _humbill_, (_omitted_.)

439, l. 3. _maid_ by these about _the Quene_.--6. _never anis_ hath made any shew of any such thing, _bott_ only _in_.--10. _poore_ commonalty.--17. _Lady_: Which accusation hath continued ever against him, as guilty of that crime; he therefore now openly _and plainlie_ protesteth.

---- (_Opposite to line 8, the first marginal note begins_,) Now the Duke seeing the Queen's partie decline, and the Protestant party grow strong, he once more changeth the profession of his religion, and joyneth with the Protestants, as strongest.--(_And at line 24,_) How true this is, the constant course of the family can tell.

440, l. 3. _your_--our.--(_Marginal note_,) _Let this bee noted, and let all men judge of the purpose of the Frenche_, and how good and wise patriots they were, who sold our Soveraign to France for their private profit, and they by name were the Hamiltons.

441, l. 21. _so_ tyranically to domineer over them.

442, l. 3. _called and_, (_omitted_.)--9. _that_ it _is_.--17. _never so_ firmly establish any, but at his pleasure, he seeing just cause, might deprive them.--22. _used_--useth second _means_.

443, l. 3. _idolatrie_, as also she openly declares the countrie to be conquest, and no more free. _And finallie_.--9. (_Marginal note_,) _in the disposition_--in the deposition.--11, 12. _and_ disorder.--14. _our_ Soveraigne.--31. _awin_, (_omitted_.)

444, l. 10. _uttermost_ ruine, _so that_.--22. _for that_--only because.--24. _lauchfull_, (_omitted_.)--30. _of Sanct Johnestoun_, (_omitted_.)

445, l. 4. _in this_ last _moneth_.--5. _in_ other _townes_.--21.