The Women Of Woden - The Women of Woden Part 4

The Women of Woden Part 4

Meera held the cup under the object with one hand while she pressed the center. Nothing. Keddi said, "Harder . . . " She did, and some liquid came out the bottom. Meera kept squeezing until nothing more came out.

There was a very small amount of liquid in the cup.

"It seems not enough."

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Keddi said, "It is." She turned to Berth, "Add same . . . amount . . . of sulfur, five drops of water." She paused for a moment. "Use needle . . . in hip."

She was fading quickly. The pain was returning, as could be told by her wincing.

Meera turned to Nill, "Will you be able to tell anything from this?"

Nill looked miserable, "No, because I know not the particular poison; unless she does," indicating toward Keddi.

Keddi shook her head slightly, No.

Meera turned to The Second, "We cannot just give this to The Highest. It could be more poison." It was a sound assumption, but The Second felt it a wrong one.

"Meera, just do it. The Highest will but die if we do not try. Even if this be an anti-poison, it may be overly late to create a reversal in the damage already done to her. Do you have but better options?"

They all looked at the liquid in the cup. The Second almost laughed, thinking that they hoped it would speak to them. She thought they must have looked quite stupid to Keddi, and expected that Keddi thought they might start chanting over it pretty soon.

Meera suddenly turned to Keddi, "Why should we trust you? Give me proof that you are here to do no harm."

Keddi looked at The Second and then at Meera. She also saw Berth and two guards. Meera wasn't taking any chances.

The Second could tell what Keddi wanted, "Meera, she wants to talk to us alone."

Meera thought about it for a moment. She looked around the room, and then nodded. She told her guards to stand just outside the doors to the room, not yet trusting the woman.

When everyone had left, she showed Meera and The Second her left ankle, "Tell Highest."

The Second thought, The coiled snake tattoo.

Meera asked, "You want me to believe that The Highest knows about this mark?"

Her answer was soft, but clear, "Yes . "

"I bet she does, Meera. I recalled something about that snake tattoo the moment I saw it, but could recall no details. I know it but means something to us. We can ask The Highest before we give her the anti-poison."

The Second looked at Keddi. Keddi smiled slightly and collapsed back down onto the bed. The Second had started to go with Nill and Meera to The Highest, but Meera made some very persuasive arguments against it.

"Everyone will be but suspicious if we all go."

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The Second argued that the women would also see her going with Nill as a problem.

"No, they will not. Nill has to check on her anyway, and I am going to give her a report on what we found at the Grasslands."

The Second felt trapped in her dwelling. "You are?" She wondered about this, as Meera only reported to her.

Meera grinned, "No. The Highest cares not about such things. It be just the story we are using."

The Second went to the sitting room to set it up for the after midturn meeting, but someone had already prepared it. She decided to get the report from Berth on Keddi and then prepare for the meeting with the advisors. She also needed to meet with Lillon, but Lillon hadn't yet returned.

The festival was approaching, and The Second wasn't ready for it. She knew that she would have to begin concentrating on the details quickly, or it wouldn't go smoothly. She walked back to the guestroom through the long open hallway to find Berth yet in the room with Keddi.

"Berth, I would like that report now, if possible." She figured that Keddi might as well hear it if she hadn't already.

"She is doing well, considering the injuries." Berth was looking at Keddi but speaking to The Second. "The knife wound on her hand was quite deep. It was cut to the bone, so we had to stitch the muscles as well.

It is healing nicely, but there is a slight infection in the cut. We will have to wait until it is healed to determine if there is loss of movement in it. Her dislocated knee has much less swelling now, but she will need to remain off that for a while. Her other knife wounds were more like slices. They were not as deep as the one on her hand, and they are all infected. And because of the infections, she has a small fever, but that be under control with the potions. And finally, her head. This be the major concern, and we will just have to see how that heals. She needs rest. She but needs to remain off her leg for a while, anyway. And we will begin giving her real food at the next meal, slowly. Most of all, she needs no more excitement."

The Second ignored the last statement, figuring it was an admonition for her to halt asking questions of Keddi. The Second could tell that Keddi's head must yet hurt quite a bit as she moved it very little.

"Thank you, Berth. How is her dog?" She hadn't seen her dog since early morn.

"Oh, Jenna talked him into remaining with her for the turn. It seems she has some very enticing food treats."

The Second sat down again in the chair next to Keddi, "I have questions to ask of you, but none that will not wait." She looked at Keddi and thought that if they did have someone in Woden trying to do harm, then Keddi was yet in danger. She looked outside and saw that her gardens were - 29 -.

already being tended to, and the patio stones were being refitted. Meera's guards, she presumed.


She looked back at Keddi, surprised that she had asked the question.

"I see we are being well-guarded," and nodded toward the new gardeners. "The festival, huh? Perhaps we can get you over there, if you are better by then."

The Second was preoccupied with all the need for increased security.

She wondered if they should move Keddi to her bedroom. The guestroom was all windows on the patio-side and was too exposed for her to remain there. The Second knew she could make-do by sleeping in the library if necessary.


"Oh, sorry. I fear my thoughts are but elsewhere."

She looked back toward Keddi. Although she looked frail lying in the bed, The Second could see that she had well defined features and muscles.

She guessed that she must do something very physical. She also noticed her hair for the first moment. It was exceptionally short, black and shiny, but with some graying toward the left front side. A good part of her head had been shaved so the healers could tend to it better. The Second guessed her to be a little older than herself, but in imminently better shape. She assumed Keddi spent most of her life outside as she was quite darkened by the sun. Her green eyes were like jewels, and The Second found her very stunning to look at. That surprised her. But she also thought that Keddi looked vaguely familiar.

"The festival. Hmmmm . . . well, we hold but five festivals a cycle with Hengist, one at the beginning of each season. And then we have one more with just ourselves, at the Falls. This upcoming festival is the new growing season festival. It lasts but one full turn from sun's rise to sun's rise, although it really will not get started until well into mid-morn. There be entertainment, overly much food, dancing, music, our rebirth ceremonies, an evening fire, a ceremony for new companions, and a ceremony to request fertile crops and wombs. It be also at each of these festivals that a woman can ask another woman to become their companion, and it is at that same moment that those who have been asked accept, or not. The fertilization ceremony then ends with some of the women going back with the men to their community for the evening in hopes of having a fertile womb. All the women must be back by sunrise, though. A barbaric law, but one yet rigidly enforced."

She paused for a moment, thinking about this practice and about things she wouldn't say. Most women, as well as the men, reviled it, but it was a necessary practice if they wanted children. They had long prior con- - 30 -.

ceded to this, as they knew no other way. The agreement was that the women's community would raise the female children and the men's community would raise the male children. The Second supposed that the practice worked well enough, but there were occasionally the men and women that wanted to be together as companions. There were other communities for this type of communion, but Woden and Hengist wished to protect their own practices. If the women didn't return by sun's rise of the festival closing, they weren't allowed back into Woden. Cycles in the past, well before The Second, the women who were late had been put to death. There was no exception to being cast out if a woman was late in returning, and sadly there were too many moments when women were late. It was a very unfortunate affair, and The Second hoped that it wouldn't occur during the next festival.

"I think you might be entertained at the festival. How about if I make some arrangements for you to be there for part of it?"

She nodded in agreement.

The Second then left as Keddi was tired, and she needed to prepare herself for the meeting with The Highest's and her own advisors. She didn't look forward to this meeting.

The Second stood in her main doorway, welcoming all the advisors into her dwelling. She liked her doorway and felt safe near it. Brett had made it for her long prior. It was a short door, just a little over The Second's head, so some women had to stoop to enter. It was made of a red-tinted heavy wood onto which Brett had carved the Spirit designs. The Second smiled and greeted the advisors pleasantly, but apart from her own advisors, she considered them mostly droll and sour. She tried to fortify herself so that she wouldn't just toss them out the door. Several of them had already arrived.

"Welcome, Treena. We are about to begin."

"Second." She bowed her head, "What are your advisors doing here?"

"As you said, they are but my advisors. As you all are, for now."

"I oppose this."

It was as The Second had expected. The Highest's advisors expected not to work with her own advisors. She hadn't anticipated that all of them would be a problem, however. She just thought Treena dealt too much with the so-called spiritual leaders, so couldn't help herself from being a bother. The Second refrained from any further comments and turned to Jandra, the next advisor approaching.

She bowed her head. "Second."

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Jandra was mentally a very strong woman, and was an exceptionally wonderful advocate for all the women in the community. The community loved her well, and enjoyed her endless determination, but also found her somewhat quiet. The Second considered Jandra excellent company, but seldom had the moment to enjoy it. And The Second considered Jandra the most beautiful woman in all of Woden. To all the women, Jandra was stunningly beautiful, but reserved.

"Hello, Jandra. It bodes a good turn for a meeting, does it not?"

It had begun to rain lightly, so The Second thought they might as well be inside.

"Thank you for inviting us to be your advisors, Second. I am most humbled and honored that you seek our counsel. I have long desired to work with you."

"And I with you, Jandra. The Highest has made much mention of the wise counsel you have provided her over the cycles."

"I have long wished to have a moment to speak with you about many issues."

She couldn't help staring at Jandra's dark eyes, thinking them the most beautiful in all of Woden. She struggled to remain distant from her feelings.

"In truth, there never seems to be enough moments in a turn. I also would like such an opportunity to meet with you. There is much business between us that we but must guess about overly much. This separation of the advisors makes it most difficult."

"Second, I was but wondering if you would be interested . . . " Jandra then saw Meera. "What are you doing here?"

She stood in the path, fully surprised to see Meera, her body posture very rigid. She seemed almost hostile toward Meera.

"All my advisors are here this after-midturn. We need to work together now."

Meera walked up and tried to be polite. She nodded toward Jandra, "Jandra."

Jandra wasn't having any of it, "Your other advisors I mind not. But this one . . . " She looked angry at Meera, "You have interfered into The Second's affairs far overly long and have done her great damage."

The Second asked, "Damage? What do you mean? This be not like you."

She turned back to The Second, "My apologies, Second. I do not think Meera provides you the counsel you need, but that is your decision to make. Her presence startled me. Please forgive my actions. I would like to speak to you privately at some point, if I may, Second, but I fear I have just stepped out of line."

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Jandra had controlled The Highest's council for the last few cycles.

The Second had never learned of why The Highest allowed her do this, but assumed The Highest had her reasons, knowing that Jandra was very wise in her council.

She had never understood Jandra's outward dislike of Meera, but knew it had been that way for many cycles. The Second liked Jandra, and often found herself thinking about her when laying alone in her bed. At many of the social events, The Second often sought out Jandra's company for someone she could relate to. Two cycles prior, Jandra had lost her companion, and The Second had a passing thought of seeing if they could build more than a momentary relationship together, but never acted on it. She later learned that Jandra was committing more to Josin, so The Second never entertained the notion again.

"Let us forget this ever occurred, Jandra. I am more than happy to meet with you whenever you would like. You know this as truth."

"Thank you, Second. I will find a moment convenient for the both of us. I am sorry if my actions offended you."

Jandra turned to Meera and simply said, "Meera", and went inside.

"It would seem you have your own issues with these advisors, as well."

"So it seems with at least one, Second. Should I but throw them out already?"

The Second looked at her. Meera was smiling, so knew she was just trying to help make light of the situation. Jandra was challenging, but worth the effort. Treena was another challenge, but one in which The Second was unsure of. For many cycles The Second had surrounded herself with people she could trust. This was different, though, and was going to be difficult. She didn't trust all these women, and she didn't want to be at this meeting.

She stood and watched the rainfall for a few moments, thinking it peaceful and quiet. She liked the sound it made on the rooftops. The pathways needed the cleaning from the rain as it helped to settle the dust.

Meera respected the silence. She knew this meeting was going to get combative, so gave The Second the moment she needed.

Eventually, The Second spoke, "Did you get to see The Highest?"

Meera nodded, "She said that she knows Keddi. She said that she trusts Keddi with her life and would tell you why later. She wants you and me to visit with her early this eve. We gave her the injection. I swore Nill to secrecy, but I do not think she be anything to worry about."

The Second looked at Meera for a moment and wondered if the community knew what a treasure it had in her.

"Well then, let us face the snakes."

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Meera and The Second walked in together, closing the front door behind them. The room was extremely crowded, which is how The Second had wanted it, and everyone had divided themselves by group. The Highest's advisors sat on one side and The Second's advisors sat on the other.

All were busy eating the food May had provided, though, so The Second silently laughed at that. Meera sat down at the far end, while The Second continued to stand.

"Thank yo"

She had started to speak when Josin, The Highest's chief advisor, interrupted her, "Why did you invite your advisors? You have assumed The Highest's responsibilities now, so we are your proper advisors. This be not right. Dismiss them, now!"

"I refuse to work with these other women, too. I have earned my position and do not consider myself equal to these women," Treena added her say.

"And since we have Keets, we really don't need Meera." Josin considered herself The Highest at many moments and often issued such orders.