The Villain's Redemption - Chapter 26 Importan

Chapter 26 Importan

Chapter 26 Importan

"Sister Lan… These meatballs truly are the best!" Li Yue beamed before she gave the empty bowl to Bai Lan. "This is really good! Your future husband would be so lucky to marry a beautiful woman who knows the way into their man's stomach."

When Bai Lan heard her words, she immediately lowered her head. She felt her neck starting to heat up as her ears were already scarlet red. She then eyed Mo Li and as she expected, he was silently eating his food, not even bothering to thank her for cooking him his favorite dish.

"Eh? What are you doing?" Bai Lan frowned when she saw Li Yue starting to eat the second bowl of braised meatballs.


"You— That's for elder brother."

"But he had already given it to me." Li Yue smiled. "Isn't that right, Li?"

Mo Li nodded silently. "I can only finish one."

"See?" Li Yue shifted her gaze back to Bai Lan. She sent Bai Lan a provoking smile. "This means… the other two bowls are mine."

"You— " Bai Lan swallowed the rage that had been bubbling inside her ever since she saw this Li Yue. "But… I made that for elder brother. If you— "

"What's the big deal, Bai Lan?" Mo Li asked. "I won't be able to finish that much anyways. Why would you want to throw it away instead of giving it to someone with a great appetite?"

Tears immediately pooled on Bai Lan's eyes. Her brother just… Mo Li just embarrassed her in front of a stranger! She quickly hid her sadness and looked at Li Yue. "Alright… feel free to eat that."

"As expected, Sister Lan is still the kindest." Li Yue said. "By the way, I don't actually remember Mo Li telling me that he actually had a pretty little sister." Mo Li clearly told him that he only wanted him to irritate his stepmother, halfbrother, and cousins. He never mentioned that he had a step-sister.

Bai Lan quickly lowered her head. She smiled inwardly. Mo Li didn't tell Li Yue about her being a part of his family. Does that mean… he actually sees her as a woman? And not a sister? Excitement laced her eyes.

"Or is it because… Mo Li had actually forgotten about you?" Li Yue's next words hammered inside Bai Lan's mind. She paled. Was it possible that Mo Li had forgotten her while she was studying abroad? Seeing Bai Lan contemplating in silence, Li Yue instantly decided to tak