The Troubadours - Part 9

Part 9

27. Eckbertus, _Serm. adv. Catharos, Migne, Patr. Lat._, tom. 193. p.


28. _Cf._ Milman, _Latin Christianity_, Book IX. chap. viii. p. 85.

29. On religious lyric poetry, see Lowinsky, _Zeitschrift fur franzosische Sprache und Litteratur_, xx. p. 163 ff., and the bibliographical note to Stimming's article in Grober's _Grundriss_, vol.

ii. part ii. -- 32.


Most histories of Italian literature deal with this subject. See Gaspary's _Italian Literature to the death of Dante_: H. Oelsner, Bohn's Libraries. See also the chapter, _La poesie francaise en Italie_ in Jeanroy's _Origines_. For Dante, see _Storia letteraria d'Italia, scritta di una societa di professori_, Milan, vol. iii., Dante, by Zingarelli. _The Troubadours of Dante_, Chaytor, Oxford, 1902. Useful are A. Thomas, _Francesco da Barberino et la litterature provencale en Italie au moyen age_, Paris, 1883. O. Schultz, _Die Lebensverhaltnisse der Italienischen Trobadors_, Berlin, 1883.

30. Schultz, _Die Briefe des Trobadors Raimbaut de Vaqueiras an Bonifaz I._, Halle, 1883.

31. Zingarelli, _Intorno a due Trovatori in Italia_, Florence, 1899.


Mila y, _Los trovadores en Espana_, Barcelona, 1861, remains the best work on the subject. On Portugal, the article in Grober's _Grundriss_, ii. 2, p. 129, by C. Michaelis de Vasconcellos and Th.

Braga is admirable: see the bibliographical references there given and the introduction to R. Lang, _Das Liederbuch des Konigs Denis von Portugal_, Halle, 1894.

32. The date of this poem is disputed, see Dr Dejeanne's edition of Marcabrun, p. 235.

33. F. Guessard, _Grammaires Provencales_, Paris, 1858; E. Stengel, _Die beiden altesten prov. Gram._, Marburg, 1878.


Troubadour influence in Germany is discussed at greater or less length in most histories of German literature. See Jeanroy, _Origines_, p. 270 ff. A. Luderitz, _Die Liebestheorien der Provenzalen bei den Minnesingern der Slauferzeit_, Literarhistorische Forschungen, Berlin, 1904.

For France. A. Jeanroy, _De nostratibus medii aevi poetis qui primum Aquitaniae carmina imitati sint_, Paris, 1889.

For England. Schofield, _English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer_, London, 1906. O. Heider, _Untersuchungen zur mittelenglischen erotischen Lyrik_, Halle, 1905. A. Brandl, _Spielmann's verhaltnisse in fruhmittelenglischer Zeit_, Sitzungs-berichte der Konigl. preuss., Akademie, 1910.

34. Bedier, _Chansons de Croisade_, Paris, 1909, p. 112.

35. See introduction to Leo Wiese, _Die Lieder des Blondel de Nesle_, Dresden, 1904, p. 19 ff.

36. _Romania_, viii. p. 370.

37. K. Boddeker, _Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl._ 2253, Berlin, 1878.

38. Modern Language Review, vol. 1. p. 285; vol. ii. p. 60, articles by Prof. Skeat.

39. P. Leinig, _Grammatik der provenzalischen Leys d'amors verglichen mit der Sprache der Troubadours_, Breslau, 1890. M. Gatien. Arnoult, _Monuments de la litterature romane_, Toulouse, 1841.

40. _Histoire critique de l'Academie des Jeux Floraux_, by F. de Gelis from the origin to the 17th century will appear shortly in the Bibliotheque meridionale, Toulouse. Useful anthologies of modern Provencal are _Flourilege prouvencau_, Toulon, 1909: _Antologia provenzale_, E Portal, Milan, Hoepli, 1911 (Manuali Hoepli).