The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Report, Contact, Discuss [Part 2]

What a beautiful sight

T-This is the appearance of a goddess and an angel

Why? I want to keep seeing it.

No, I want to watch over them

No, I want to stan them!

What is this mixed, heart-throbbing feeling of shame and thrill in me?

Rose-sama I seem to have misunderstood her all this time.

So beautiful. So precious.

To think the delicate Emma-sama is that close to Rose-sama

Rose-sama is definitely a good person. Theres no mistaking it.

Emma-sama is smiling Rose-sama must be a good person.

One hug with Emma was all it took for Roses favorability level to skyrocket, a huge difference from how it had been rock bottom until a year ago and only rose little by little recently. Rose and Emma themselves, however, remained oblivious of this fact.

Say William You know, this The evening party hasnt even started yet

Nee-sama probably has the disease of attracting everyones attention at one stroke at evening parties?

Looking very speechless like how they always did with Emma, George and William looked at the two hugging and then to the surrounding peoples reactions.

If its a disease then it cant be helped. The two sighed, feeling resigned.

Shall we go, Emma-chan? I came here to call you up!

Rose took Emmas hand happily and led her to the front of the venue.

Eh? Eh? Ro-chan?

George-kun, William-kun, and Count Stuart too, cmon.

The Stuart family, with a big question mark above their heads for being called out to the front out of nowhere, was taken by Rose to the platform which served as a stage.

Um, Rose-sama? Whats the meaning of this?

They had no choice but to follow if the royal concubine asked them to, but Leonard still hoped for an explanation from Rose.

Dont be shy. After all, House Stuart is the main character of todays evening party.


Some puzzling words came out of Roses mouth.

Hm? His Majesty said that he has finally talked the Stuart family through to accept the reward, which was why he was so delighted last week, you know?


Now that you mention it George covered his mouth with his palm and went Oh, crap as if he had just remembered something.

The memory of how the King persisted on giving a reward when he came to House Stuart and how he felt like the King was being a pain, so he only gave him a half-assed answer of Emma will respond to that later all came back to George.

Obviously, he hadnt said anything about that to Emma because he only remembered it now.


He is not a king who would quietly wait for a reply from Emma.

Now that they observed it closely again, in this evening party whose invitees were mainly nobles with a title above Count, the young nobles who got along well with the three siblings at the academy also got invited.

Isnt this an inescapable encirclement for us to accept the reward?

Ive completely forgotten about it after all those things with the ninjas, Mothers business trip to Imperial Japan, dresses, and the normies No matter how George thought about it, they couldnt get away from this tonight.

Emma sorry About the reward from His Majesty Please do something about it.

George knew that he was asking Emma for something unreasonable, but the former commoner Tanaka family didnt want a higher title no, they couldnt afford it. A larger territory also had no benefits. Money They already earned enough, so even if they were to accept it, it would only make the relationship with other nobles troublesome.

Huh? Onii-sama?

To think that the price for answering the King half-heartedly would come at the royal castles evening party filled with nobles

As expected of His Majesty. He is set on making House Stuart accept the reward. And yet the only card our Stuart family can use is Emma with her zero common sense. George lamented.

Wai? Onii-sama? Eh? Reward? Eh?

Being pulled by Rose, Emma was approaching the stairs to the stage in no time. Still, she noticed that Georges expression somehow looked off for quite a while now.

Emma realized it later on.

That reporting, communicating, and discussing[1] was important.

Authors words: Its been a while since Rose last appeared.

[T/N 1: ] Report, Communicate, Consult is the standard business attitude in Japan.