The Solomon Islands and Their Natives - Part 33

Part 33

Ochrocarpus ovalifolius, T. And v. O (Calysaccion) tinctorium, Seem.? vulgo "Kokoilo." A littoral tree about thirty feet high.

Calophyllum Inophyllum, L., vulgo "Bogoau."

Calophyllum sp... vulgo "Katari." Two tall trees apparently distinguished by the size of the fruits. (Flowers not obtained.) A dark resin oozes from the bark, which the natives burn in torches.


Hibiscus tiliaceus, L.: vulgo "Dakatako."

Thespesia populnea, Corr.: vulgo "Kai-kaia."


Kleinhovia Hospita, L.: vulgo "Lafai."

Heritiera an H. littoralis, var. angustifolia? vulgo "Pipilusu."


Triumfetta proc.u.mbens, Forst.

Elaeocarpus sp... vulgo "Toa." A tree about seventy feet high, with conspicuous blue fruits, eaten by fruit-pigeons.


Oxalis corniculata, L.


Soulamca amara, Lam.


Evodia hortensis, Forst.: vulgo "Luk-a-luk."

Rutacea (-- Toddaliae?). Detached leaves and flowers picked up from the ground at the foot of a tall forest tree. Flowers "4-meri; petala imbricata libera; stamina 4 libera, pet. alterna, ovarium liberum integrum, 4-loc?"


Canarium sp... No flowers obtained. A tall forest tree, a hundred feet and upwards in height. Vulgo "Kai." Known as the Solomon Island almond tree. The kernels afford a common article of food in August and September.

Canarium? vulgo "Nie." A tree with b.u.t.tresses, a hundred feet high.

Canarium? vulgo "Nie." A tall forest tree, with b.u.t.tresses, 100 to 150 feet high.


Gomphandra sp... vulgo "Ninilo," or "Ningilo." A tree thirty to forty feet high. Fruit eaten by wild pigs.

Lasianthera sp... nov? vulgo "Porutolo." A tree sixty to seventy feet high.

Olacinea (dub): vulgo "Poporoko." A tree sixty feet high, having a light reddish wood, and a dark red sap.


Salacia sp... nov.


Colubrina asiatica, Bngn.


Leea sambucina, L. (A Gr. U.S. Expl. Expn.)


Schmidelia aff. S. obovatae, A Gr. A littoral tree, thirty feet high.

Harpullia cupanioides, Roxb.: vulgo "Koloa." Littoral.

Sapindacea an aff. Harpulliae? vulgo "Wawau-poko." Growing 1400 feet above the sea.

Ratonia sp... vulgo "Nekale." A forest tree, a hundred feet high and over, with inconspicuous b.u.t.tresses.

Ratonia sp... vulgo "Nekale." A forest tree, a hundred feet high and over, with b.u.t.tresses.


Mangifera indica. L.? vulgo "Faise." Mango tree, growing in plantations. Fruit ripens in August. Height, thirty feet.


Crotalaria quinquefolia, L.: vulgo "Kokila."

Desmodium umbellatum, D.C., vulgo "Meki," forma stenocarpa.

Desmodium ormocarpoides, D.C.?

Desmodium polycarpum D.C.

Erythrina: flowers only. E. monosperma perhaps, or E. indica.

Mucuna gigantea, D.C.? vulgo "Faso-gasuga."

Mucuna sp... vulgo ""

Mucuna sp...