The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon - Part 29

Part 29

Maple Tree

Mater Christianorum, Ora Pro n.o.bis

Monument to Irish Emigrants

Mystical Rose, Pray for us

Old Towers of Mount Royal, or Ville Marie

On the Death of the same revered nun, the venerable Mother St.


Our Mountain Cemetery

Our Saviour's Boyhood

Our Canadian Woods in Early Autumn

Our Saviour and the Samaritan Woman at the Well

Parting Soul and her Guardian Angel

Plea for our Northern Winters

Purification, The

Recollect Church

Rich and Poor

River Saguenay

Sister M. B.'s arrival in Montreal

Stable of Bethlehem, The

Ten Lepers, The

Touching Ceremony

Tryst of the Sachem's Daughter, The

Vesper Hour, The

Virgin of Bethlehem

Welcome to our Canadian Spring

White Canoe--A Cantata

White Canoe--A Legend of Niagara Falls

White Maiden and the Indian Girl

Winter in Canada


Bound for California

Charles VII and Joan of Arc at Rheims

Cornelia's Jewels

Four Wishes

Girl Martyr

Hunter and his Dying Steed, The

Lady of Rathmore Hall

Red Rock Camp

Shepherdess of the Arno

Soldier's Death

St. Francis of Borgia by the Coffin of Queen Isabel

St. Ignatius Loyola at the Chapel of our Lady of Montserrat

Two Birth Nights

Village Girl and her High-born Suitor

Wood Fairy's Well

Wreath of Forest Flowers

Young Greek Odalisque


A Few Short Years from Now