The Pleasure Lord - Chapter 196 Eggs Hatched

Chapter 196 Eggs Hatched

Chapter 196 Eggs Hatched

Alex pulled his attention and thoughts away. He concentrated his mind towards both eggs as he continuously channeled his Qi into them. He felt his Qi getting devoured by the two small fragile lives held in his hands.

Time was ticking, Alex needed to make a contract with them as soon as possible since this was considered the best time. Alex immediately used his spiritual sense to draw the formation of the contract that would be used to bind the Demon Beast souls to his. It was quite easy to form the contract in his soul for Alex the first time because of his powerful spiritual sense.

"I've already run out of time?" Alex furrowed his brows for a moment. He thought this because cracks started appearing on the surface of both the eggs.

'No there is still time, the egg of a demon beast is generally harder and it is very difficult to break out of them.' Alex immediately enveloped both he eggs in his spiritual sense and tried to contact them first hand. He tried to be as friendly as he could because generally, animals and particularly Demon Beast are quite sensitive to it and is the best method of communication between them when they are still small.

Alex thought he would find some resistance since Norman and Anna both had explained the process to him but to his surprise the moment his spiritual sense touched the body of the baby snakes, they started shaking and moving inside the eggs as if they had seen their mother. Alex could feel their excitement.

They actively absorbed the spiritual sense inside their body, a vague connection formed between Alex and two baby snakes. Alex saw the silhouettes of the two snakes appearing inside his soul space.

Seeing this Alex was shocked but he still kept his mind calm and immediately pushed inscribed the same formation on the silhouettes of the baby snakes, that he had created in his own soul space using spiritual sense as the medium.

The silhouettes of both the baby snakes became more and more visible and apparent until Alex even thought they had somehow brought their own body inside his soul space.

As soon as that idea crossed Alex's mind, the eggshell cracked. He immediately opened his eyes, quickly held the eggs out in front, and watched as the eggshells rapidly split open, leaking ripples of energies in the surrounding.
