The Ordinance of Covenanting - Part 10

Part 10


[228] Job xli. 4

[229] Deut. xxix. 21.

[230] 1 Kings xi. 11.

[231] Ps. cv. 8-10.

[232] Ex. x.x.xiv. 28.

[233] Deut. iv. 23.

[234] Ps. cxix. 44.

[235] Eph. v. 29.

[236] Ps. xviii. 3.

[237] Lam. iii. 40.

[238] Ps. lxxvii. 12.

[239] Ps. cxix. 15, 16.

[240] Ps. lv. 16, 17.

[241] Ps. cxix. 62, 63.

[242] Ps. cxlv. 1, 2.

[243] Ps. v. 7.

[244] Ps. cx.x.xviii. 1, 2.

[245] 1 Cor. vii. 31.

[246] Rom. vi. 12, 13.

[247] Ps. xviii. 1.

[248] Jas. iv. 8.

[249] Ps. lxxviii. 37.

[250] 1 Cor. xv. 58.

[251] Luke xix. 12-27.

[252] Confess. xxii. 7.

[253] Gal. vi. 10.

[254] Ps. lxviii. 6. Ps. cvii. 41.

[255] Jer. x.x.xi. 1.

[256] Jer. x. 25.

[257] Deut. xxix. 18.

[258] Eph. v. 21, 22, 25.

[259] Deut. vi. 6, 7.

[260] Ps. lxxviii. 2-7.

[261] Col. iii. 23. See also ver. 18-21.

[262] 1 Pet. ii. 17.

[263] Eph. vi. 5-9.

[264] Ps. xlvii. 7.

[265] 2 Kings xi. 17.

[266] 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14.

[267] Josh. i. 8.

[268] Rom. xiii. 4.

[269] Exod. xviii. 21, 22.

[270] 2 Sam. xxiii. 3.

[271] Ps. xciv. 20.

[272] Hos. viii. 4.

[273] Rom. xiii. 1.

[274] 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2.

[275] Rom. xiii. 5.

[276] Such as, in the British dominions, so long as the civil const.i.tution is not scripturally reformed, the use of the "Elective Franchise," or the office of a ruler, or legislator.