The Mechanical Properties of Wood - Part 20

Part 20

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----: Results of trials with timber carried out at the Austrian forestry testing-station at Mariabrunn. Proc. Int. Test.

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----: Ueber Holzharteprufung. Centralblatt f. d. ges.

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----: Testing the hardness of wood by means of the ball test.

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JOHNSON, WALTER B.: Experiments on the adhesion of iron spikes of various forms when driven into different species of timbers.

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JULIUS, G.A.: Western Australia timber tests, 1906. The physical characteristics of the hardwoods of Western Australia. Perth, 1906, pp. 36.

----: Supplement to the Western Australia timber tests, 1906.

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KARMARSH, CARL: Handbuch der mechanischen Technologie. I. Aufl., 1837; V. Aufl., 1875; verm. von H. Fisher, 1888.

KIDDER, F.E.: Experiments on the transverse strength of southern and white pine. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XXII, 1880, pp.


----: Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. _Ibid._, Vol. XXIV, 1881, pp. 473-477.

----: Experiments on the fatigue of small spruce beams. Jour.

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LANZA, GAETANO: An account of certain tests on the transverse strength and stiffness of large spruce beams. Trans. Am. Soc.

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