The Max Level Hero Strikes Back! - Chapter 71

Chapter 71

The quarter flew by quickly, because everyone was extremely busy and working hard. Since Goulda was very skilled, he was the one assigning people to the appropriate areas. The dwarves’ main goal was to repair the territory’s facilities. After hearing about the current situation in the territory, Goulda used his unique expertise as a dwarf and placed the appropriate technicians and young men in areas the way Davey would have done too.

Of course, Davey generously provided artifacts or alchemy tools to boost the dwarves’ efficiency to the extreme, and manpower, as it would be difficult for them to do everything alone. He was able to obtain all these resources, since the territory was packed with wizard towers, schools of alchemy, temples, and merchant companies. And since the territory had more than enough money and all the organizations were handing him small bribes, there were no shortages of any resource.

“Let’s do that here…”

“I have a good idea for that.”

