The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Chapter 266

Chapter 266

What was the best thing to do in a fight? It was to win without even fighting at all.

Reina had admirably thrown a wrench in Daveys plan to fight by fleeing. Of course, she probably did not mean for this to happen as she did not know his true identity. All she had done was simply release the traces of holy power left in her sword to activate teleportation magic while keeping Davey away. After all, he was a difficult opponent for her to face right now.

Although teleportation magic wasnt something she could use as it was magic at the 7th Circle, Reina had still escaped from Davey in some unknown way. However, Davey knew where her power had come from: Goddess Freyja.

[A final helping hand to the poor child yearning for salvation despite her imminent death.]

Davey, is it okay if you dont follow them?

With what?

Perserque looked at Davey like she didnt understand.

Do you think I am an idiot who is going to buy that act? I saw you embed a tracking magic spell in that girl before she left, and now you are pretending to know nothing? You might have to suffer from not knowing what is going to happen in the future, but youre not one to not get anything out of such situations.

Idiot? Where did you learn that bad word from?

-From you. Just a little while ago.

Perserque did not back down one bit.

Davey could indeed track where Reina and her group had disappeared to. However, he undid the tracking magic that he had put on Reina without hesitation.


Now I dont have anything.

...Are you joking around with me?

Perserque pulled on Daveys ear incredulously.

Patting Perserques head with his finger, Davey simply said with a bitter smile, Just let them go.


Just Lets just let them do whatever they want.

Perserque looked confused by Daveys depressing comment. She didnt understand his sudden change of heart.

Why? To be honest, I thought youre going to go crazy from foolishly missing them in front of your eyes...

I wasnt going to let them go before checking, but

Although he was still confused as to why Reina had been here, Davey no longer had to do any checks of his own. He already knew who Reina was.

And were going to see each other again soon.

Perserque looked a little puzzled.

Davey, why are you doing this?

See for yourself.

Perserque could read Daveys most recent memories, especially those that had happened just moments ago.

Davey could now remember everything. The bright light that Reina had desperately shone at him with her last hope was quite a shocking sight.

Because I wasnt there.

Everything was different.

Oh my, this This is possible?

Perserque, who had put her forehead on Daveys to read his memories, froze in shock.

The memories that involved the others were ordinary. The beastfolk man, the little mage boy, little priest girl, and the electricity-type swordswoman who had a bright smile were all ordinary but talented people. They were just following Reina as they aspired to be warriors like her.

As for Reina, she was distinctly different from the rest of them. Aside from being a foreigner, she was the most familiar yet unfamiliar person to Davey.

Why did Davey see what he did when Reina had grabbed him? The reason was simple when he thought of it. It meant that Goddess Freya, the being who had the ability to send Reina here, had thrown something at him.

Perserque, who can your Abyss Authority read?

Everyone within the laws of this world No one can escape it, even if they are from another dimension But, if they are from another timeline

This was the reason why Reina could not be read by Perserques authority.

But isnt it weird? Is that even possible?

How can it be possible?

In a way, time itself was a physical law that could be changed and distorted by gravity. However, they were forgetting one thing: the flow of time was controlled by the divine will. The past, present, and future could not exist together, but that was the reality in front of Davey.

Davey could think of a lot of reasons how this had happened, but it would be best to hear it directly from Reina.

Reinas strong yearning did not have the current version of Davey but the Heins Territorys seigneur version of him. They would be able to meet again if he waited there.

Davey, who was left alone in the silent and ruined underground space, suddenly saw a large crowd of people rushing over to where he was. He stared at them from right where he stood.

The guards of the capital of the Boltis Kingdom had realized the disturbance from earlier on. After all, it would be impossible for the Boltis Kingdom to not notice such a huge explosion.

Dont move!! You are surrounded!

Dozens of soldiers pointed their spears at Davey with tense faces. As for the bowmen, they also loaded their bows and pointed their weapons at him as well. To them, Davey was a terrorist who had come to their kingdom and bombed it; whatever actually happened here did not really matter to them.

You bastard!! How dare you cause a disturbance here! This is the Kingdom of the Great Sword! The capital of the Boltis Kingdom! I do not know why you caused this kind of terror here, but you are done now that Im here! Make this easy and retrieve your aur

Davey interrupted the man who was shouting confidently. He said, Tell me your affiliation.

Davey wasnt in the position to say something to these soldiers as he wasnt a royal of the Boltis Kingdom. However, with the fact that people from his Heins Territory had been sold here


Davey, who took off his mask, stared at the man. I am Davey ORowane, the First Prince of the Rowane Kingdom. You are?

W What?

I happen to have something to say to the Boltis Kingdom as well. How nice. I heard that His Majesty the King of the Boltis Kingdom is in critical condition. Is Duke Allua, who is taking care of state affairs in his stead, at the capital?

Flustered by Daveys unexpected question, the man hesitated. He yelled, D-Dont try to trick me! Do you think I would fall for that lie?!


Light spread all across the devastated area as soon as Davey gently waved his hand. Those who did not know any better would think that he had performed a miracle as a Saint.

Oh Oh my

M My Lord

Upon looking at that sight, the soldiers fell to their knees. It was as if they had seen God descend from the heavens.

If you have eyes, you should know if Im the real thing or not. You guys may not know why Ive caused this situation here, but I think Duke Allua may have an idea.


Isnt that right? Captain Holson, captain of the East Door Defense.

A name can easily be revealed just by using the Abyss.

Captain Holson was silent.

* * *

Of course, the Boltis Kingdom denied the incident. However, they did not think to turn this around and use it to attack Davey. As they had eyes and ears, they knew what Davey could do with just brute force alone.

Not wanting to sour the relationship between them, Duke Allua tried hard to connect with Davey. He even declared that he could find everyone associated with the black market from this incident forward.

Even if it was just a formal declaration, Davey found that to be sufficient. Now, the moment the Boltis Kingdom turned around to do something else, Davey would have a proper reason to take action against them.

Welcome, Your Highness, greeted Attendant Bernile with a bow.

Davey glanced at Attendant Bernile and lightly nodded. He asked, How are the ones weve sent over first?

Due to the overwhelming number of people youve sent over, the process was a little delayed. We did manage to have them all shower and get checked out by a doctor without any difficulty. But

Their minds arent normal, right?

Yes, the doctor states that none of them have any physical problems. However, most of them have lost their minds

It was a weird description, but it wasnt incorrect to say so.

I apologize for sending across even more people than I planned. You probably werent expecting that.

Thats alright. I am just touched by your warm heart, Your Highness.

How embarrassing. Davey clicked his tongue in disagreement.

Bernile shook his head with a soft expression. No one would be able to save anyone in misery this quickly and realistically. But you did it, Your Highness.

And if this whole incident causes a bigger problem?

The person I know would have already prepared for all that. Bernile chuckled.

There was no way that Davey would be able to beat Bernile in this argument.

Lead the way. I have to undo their mental subjugation, said Davey.

Attendant Bernile stepped back and bowed as if he had been waiting for Daveys order. He led the way.

The seigneurs palace was bustling with people as the number of people had suddenly increased to about forty. The number included those Davey had rescued from the black market and the ones who had been kept in that underground jail.

... Yuria frowned as she glanced at the female elf who was staring into space. She said softly, Im sorry. I wasnt able to take care of them

This isnt your fault. Its my fault for not taking proper care of the territory.

And the two damn gangs that caused this situation.

Aina Helishana was heading to the capital of the Rowane Kingdom, working to find out who was behind this. She also had to figure out the whereabouts of the two criminal organizations.

It would take a while for him to get the necessary information, since the organizations had a lot of members. However, Davey was ready to take action whenever the opportunity presented itself.

ButI cant undo the subjugation orb even with my spirit magic. According to Elder Goulda, its going to take a while to break the orbs as they are made from a very durable material Yuria said.

Davey nodded in understanding. An elf wouldnt be able to undo it since it was made for elves.

What are you going to do?

Do it like this.


Davey snatched the subjugation orb that was on the female elfs neck and crushed it with his bare hands. He also suppressed all the mana that was flowing out of it to protect her.

Oh, how violent.

As the tough metal pieces of the subjugation orb crumbled to the ground, the female elf who had been staring into space finally regained light in her eyes. She moaned, Oh Oh.

Are you awake?

At his question, the female elf looked up at Davey with a blank face. PrinceDavey? This is?

Yeah, its me. Ive rescued you and brought you to the Heins Territory. Other than that, are you hurt anywhere? Davey asked as he checked the female elfs pupils by holding her eyes wide open.

He also checked the female elfs mouth by holding her mouth open. Then, he pulled up her shirt to reveal her stomach before placing two fingers on her.


Im examining you. Dont move, said Davey in a low voice as he had a habit of being all serious when he examined patients.

The woman flinched as if she was fearful of Davey. Oh Yes.

In actual fact, she was somewhat embarrassed by the situation. After all, a man was touching her bare stomach without any qualms. Davey gave her a medical examination, but it seemed like she was thinking of something else.

The woman lowered her flushed face. She was flustered by Daveys bold method of conducting a medical examination.

Strangely, Yuria Helishana was snickering at the entire situation.

I respect your taste, but know the place and time. Its not just anyone, but your people. Davey clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

But you still rescued her, right?

Perhaps Mary, the female elf, being all flustered and confused was quite to Yurias taste.

Y-Your Highness. Im fine

Exhaustion I expect a bit of a viral infection. Other than that What is this? Hey, what did you eat?

Davey used mana to look inside of Mary since they didnt have an X-Ray machine like on Earth, and he could see an unexpected drug in her stomach. It was an aphrodisiac, or a drug that typically caused hallucinations.

What did these assholes give to a weak, growing elf?

While feeling disappointed in himself, Davey patted Mary on the head before pulling her into his arms. He stroked her back and burned away all the drug remains within her by releasing his mana.

Im sorry. I should have protected you. I found you too late.

...N-No! You saved me, Your Highness, right?! I-Im fine! Mary shouted as she was flustered.

Davey walked away from Mary without hesitation.



Davey thought that the first thing he should do was comfort Mary, who had just gone through something so traumatic. Only after she tried reassuring him that he believed that she would recover without any problems.

Leaving behind the others who had dumbfounded expressions on their faces, Davey said to Attendant Bernile, Bring me the next group. Ill check every one of them.

Where am I going to use the art of medicine if Im not going to use it here?

Your Highness, what are you going to do with them?

If they want to return to their hometown, let them go. Ill pay for their trip.

And what about the ones who do not want to go back?

Give them a job at the palace.

If he played his cards right, Davey would be able to have some beastfolk citizens in the Heins Territory after this. He chuckled when he thought of that.

* * *


With a huge sound, five people fell onto the ground of a quiet warehouse.


They were none other than Reina and her group, all of whom had run away from Davey.

Ha Ha Reina tried to catch her breath as she looked around at the others, who were all unconscious and still on the ground.

Then, she picked up her sword with a tense expression.

What if he follows me here?

It was almost a miracle that Reina had escaped from Davey. There was no way a person who didnt even bat an eyelid at the light of holy power would have been subdued by the flash of light she had created.

Davey also could have held onto Reina at the end, so why did he ultimately let go? After being exposed to the flash of light, he had let go of her as if he was letting her run away. He could have killed her if he wanted, so why didnt he? More than that, how was he able to recognize her sword?

Cough! Reina coughed as these complicated thoughts filled her head.

Beneath her mask, a streak of blood was flowing down her face. She stumbled before collapsing to the ground. Idont have much time I have to gather the others

She was thinking of Grand Duchess Kathryn and Saint Davey ORowane, the seigneur of the Heins Territory. She had found out about Davey only after coming here. To her, he was the only variable here.

I have to protect them

Reina had to protect herself so that a horrendous future like that did not come again. Her small hands gripped onto her sword, not letting go.