The Male Lead's Villainess Fiancée - Chapter 169 - So Pretty That I Can’t Stop (1)

Chapter 169 - So Pretty That I Can’t Stop (1)

Chapter 169 So Pretty That I Can’t Stop (1)

Ian nodded slowly.

He had finished confirming that the graduates left safely and already gave his farewells to the staff.

Louise spoke with a bright voice, but Ian shook his head slowly.

He reached out his hand and answered softly.

She pointed with her chin to the dormitory building close by.

Ian reached out his hand again.

His voice contained a note of sadness, as if he were hanging on to one last moment of normal life. Louise offered a faint smile.

She took his hand, then tilted her head up at him.

He intertwined their fingers together, one-by-one into a perfect fit. They began to walk down the familiar path together. A few students stared at them, but the pair didn’t pay any heed.

Louise remembered how the dean’s eyebrows twisted comically when he got up on the podium.

Ian smiled and playfully tugged Louise’s hand.

Louise was the Sweeney’s only daughter. Ian pouted in regret, and she chuckled.

What? To work in the Sweeney greenhouse? But most of the students were from n.o.ble families. They weren’t going to learn how to labor over plants or dirt. Or maybe he meant…

Louise was probably not the ideal crown princess that many people wanted.

Louise was worried about their future after their marriage.

Ian stroked her chin with a hand.

Louise easily recalled the story he told between spring and summer. His own resolution.

It was interesting. His vow and the seriousness of it had not changed at all. Unlike the days when the same remark gave her anxiety, this time it was rea.s.suring.

As they spoke, they found their way to the front door of the dormitory. Ian didn’t part from her yet, so he probably intended to walk her to her room. As usual.

Louise was about two or three steps ahead when she looked back at Ian. She had once said that she liked that their eyes were about level at this position.

Louise remembered the professor’s small snowman. Ian let out a laugh as he remembered that day where they pelted each other with s...o...b..a.l.l.s.

Professor Hewitt may be scary, but he was fair.

Ian told her about the he had taken. During their non-stop conversation, the pair climbed the stairs, pa.s.sed the darkened hallway, before finally arriving in front of Louise’s room.

The two of them stood face-to-face in front of the door for a moment. Perhaps they were both thinking the same thing. They had arrived so quickly, but they knew the journey from outside to the room wasn’t that far.

Louise recalled how she usually said goodbye to Ian. It would be something simple, like “Go and get some rest, too” or “Good night.” The habits were deeply ingrained in her, and she had a strong desire to follow them through. Her mouth twitched in a smile and she looked up.

Her voice trembled. She shut her mouth. They stared at each other for a long time, until Ian lifted his hand.


It touched her the crown of her head, before sliding down her soft golden locks, then turning around her ear until his fingertips reached her chin. After a moment’s consideration, he gently lifted her chin to face him. Perhaps he thought it was better to look into each other’s eyes when saying goodbye. Besides, he said they would do it as usual.

Louise’s expression was heavy.

He gently stroked Louise’s cheek, and her expression softened.

There was still a long time before then, Louise wanted to say, but she remembered that his grandmother and Hesse were waiting for him.

She looked at their hands. Would it better to say goodbye while they were still holding them? If they gave their farewells and then let go, they might find it difficult because they wouldn’t know what to say afterwards.

Louise loosened her grip between their intertwined hands, and the winter chill crept between the gaps. He didn’t pull her back, and so their hands naturally fell away. She clasped the hand that was still holding on to her chin. In the future…would they remember this moment they were alone together?

Loneliness welled up inside of Louise, but she pushed it away. It was not the time to drag this out, not when there were people waiting outside for Ian. Louise paused when a few students pa.s.sed by, and when they were gone she looked into Ian’s eyes.

She stepped back reluctantly.

A soft smile spread on Louise’s face at his compa.s.sionate answer.

Ian nodded to her again.

Louise stored away his words and the sound of his voice in her memory. Perhaps in one lonely day, she could take it out secretly.

Once she committed it memory, she realized that their time together was about to end. He had thanked her, and she had given her answer. Now there was only one thing left for her to say.
