The Lucky Man - Part 7

Part 7

Bendish: Oh, surely that's him. I recognize the epithets. Let's hear.

Arabella: This is the only letter of the thirty or so he wrote me that I have kept. One of my women imprudently took the others from my drawer.

Happily I had this one about my person. It will suffice.

Bendish: I believe we'll have to move a little sooner than we thought.

(Laura takes the letter and reads it to herself)

Arabella: (after Laura has finished the letter) Well? What do you say to that, madam?

Laura: Alas, madam, what can I say? I can say nothing.

Arabella: You take this affair with plenty of moderation.

Laura: Rumor is helpful.

Bendish: (aside) Please G.o.d we may be rid of that rumor.

Arabella: Adieu, madam.

Laura: Madam, I bid you good day.

Arabella: Aren't you going to give me back my letter?

Laura: Please leave it here with me.

Arabella: These sorts of things are not good in the hands of interested parties.

Laura: It won't leave my hands.

Arabella: Goodbye then, madam. (Seeing Laura is going to escort her out and preventing it) Madam, where are you going?

Laura: Madam, I leave you. It's just as well, I am in no condition.

Arabella: (interrupting her) Go back in then.

(Exit Arabella)

Bendish: (aside) I can see it plainly. Our good fortune is going to cause us to flee to the country. Just heaven!

Laura: (perceiving Bendish) Ah, Bendish, where is your master?

Bendish: I believe he went to do something.

Laura: Go tell him to come to me as soon as possible. As soon as possible, do you understand? Tell him that I have something to say to him of the utmost importance, that he come at once. Bring him with you. Do you understand clearly?

Bendish: Yes, madam, I understand too well--and I haven't understood anything.

Laura: Go then, quickly. Stay! I am going to write a word. That will hurry him more. I will do it in an instant.

(Exit Laura)

Bendish: Ah, this blow will leave us lost without resources. May the plague choke coquettes, coquettery and those who invented it. We are taken in a snare.

(Enter Cadwell)

Bendish: Ah, sir.

Cadwell: What's the matter with him?

Bendish: You are lost.

Cadwell: Really?

Bendish: Sir, Arabella, that cursed Arabella with arguments I don't understand --(hesitating to continue)

Cadwell: Well?

Bendish: She has given the letter you wrote her to Laura.

Cadwell: Well?

Bendish: Well? What more do you want? Don't you understand what followed?

Cadwell: Well?

Bendish: You're dreaming, I swear, with your "Well?"

Cadwell: Well?

Bendish: Well! Well! Well! Oh! And bad for you by all the devils in h.e.l.l. Say something. At once.

Cadwell: Wait here. I am going--

Bendish: (interrupting him) She told me to look for you--

Cadwell: Never mind, I'm going--I wish Arabella was dead.

Bendish: Ha--how ugly she is now, right sir?

Cadwell: We must--

Bendish: (interrupting him) Here's Laura.

(Enter Laura)

Laura: (to Bendish without seeing Cadwell) Wait, Bendish, carry this to Cadwell. (seeing Cadwell) Ah, you here, sir. I am delighted to find you so apropos.