The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted - The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 45

The Keatyn: Keatyn Unscripted Part 45

"only for parties lol"

"Naw you have that um like you think outside the box, you think anything is possible, you have like this cool version on the world. Its refreshing."

"Well we can do whatever we dream. Can't we?"

He looks at me with those eyes. Says a bit shyly, "I sure hope so."

"Aiden. What have you been dreaming about me?"

He blushes. Seriously, he actually blushed. And I was just teasing.

I mean I've had dreams about him. But he BLUSHED! That means his dreams were sexual. (He blushed!) "Aiden!?"


"You've had dreams about me. Tell me about them."


"Come on. I'll tell you one I had about you. It was naughty."

Then I get the smile, the mega watt, can't look directly into it like the sun cuz it hurts your eyes bright. "Do tell," he says.

"No you first." I tell him. "Did we have sex? Like in your dream?"

"Uh, yeah,"

"Tell me."

"He doesn't answer, instead he says, "Did we have sex in yours?"

"Yeah. Well, I mean sorta. We did but I didn't know it was you."

"How didn't you know it was me?"

"If I tell you that I have to tell you the whole dream."

"If I'm going to tell you, I need alcohol. Meet me at the cave tonight."

Tonight we are having a girls night. Me, Katie, Annie, Maggie, Mallory and we invited Angie too. We order chinese food, do pedis and manis, watch secret life of the American teen and Gossip Girl and drink some really nasty wine with screw top lid.

We had a big discussion of how the Gossip Girl books and show are so much different. We like Chuck and Blair together, but we really don't see enough of Nate. He seriously needs to have a hot affair with Serena.

We also discussed possible homecoming dates. Annie is hoping that Ace will ask her. They have been doing some serious making out, but everything so far has stayed above the clothes, well, I think maybe he felt her up some. Katie and Carson are still kissing, but he is kinda not acting like he wants it to be anything more than that. She is thinking maybe Parker would be a better option. Maggie sorta hooked up a bit with a cute junior boy this past weekend, but doesn't expect a date out of it. She really isn't interested in him. Bryce and Mallory have been flirting when they see each other, but they aren't talking yet. (This absolute mess of a few paragraphs got cut-with good reason. Although, I do love when the girls hang out in their dorm and gossip.) Tuesday, September 20th He thinks he's a sex god.

History Drank too much wine. Not enough to be tipsy even, but enough to like make me tired. I was already tired, so it relaxed me and I crashed. I didn't go meet Aiden. He called and texted me, but I didn't wake up.

"So you're taking my brother to meet the parents...sounds serious." (Riley says.) "Well, it is kinda serious, I guess. But I met your parents like two weeks ago."

"So how are things going between you two?"

"Good, great I think. He got mad at me the other night though and was acting kinda stupid jealous."

"Would you rather have a guy that doesn't care?"

"Uh, no. That would be like Brooklyn and no, I don't want one like him."

"He told me you were with Aiden last night."

"And Annie and a bunch of people studying for our french test."

"In a hot tub?"

"Well, that was the plan. Regardless, it was fun. And I didn't do anything wrong."

"So you're not in love with the hottie god anymore?"

"That wasn't love. I just, I thought he was cute, and he has a certain charm about him, but he tells me he likes me one minute, and that I deserve detention the next." (Oops.) Oh shit. Please do not ask me about this. Please. Let it slide.

"He told you he likes you? Was this recently?"

Thank you!!

"Um, no. It was a while ago. So what about you? You and are Ariela are cute together. She seems a little to sweet for you though."

He flicks my hair.


"What do you mean to sweet for me?"

"Well, she's not like the whoredom girls I'm thinking. Is she still a virgin?"

"Actually, she is." He grins big.

"Why are you grinning so much?"

"Cuz I kinda like that about her. I'll get to be her first. Like I hope. But that won't be for a while. She wants to be in love before she does that, like real love." (This also changed. Ariela was not a virgin, but she did make Riley wait for what felt like forever to him.) "And you want her to fall in love with you? Usually you're good with just lust."

"Yeah, well, I really like her, I'm not just a sex god, you know," he laughs. "Plus, like hooking up is fun, but I think it'd be cool to do it with like the same person. Truthfully, my brother has been so happy, I kinda wanna be that way too."

"Your brother is happy because all of a sudden he thinks he's a sex god." (LOL) Riley laughs out loud.

The teacher says, "Riley, you have something to share with the class?"

Riley clears his voice, trying to stop his laughing. "No, sir."

As we're leaving class, I can't help but give him a big hug.

"What's that for?"

"My whittle Wiley is growing up and falling in luuuvvvrreeee."

"Do not tell anyone I said that. Ruin my reputation."

Then I'm the one that starts giggling.

He grabs my sides and starts tickling me. "Hey, that is not something to be laughing about."

He can go it alone.

French I walk into class and Aiden is already sitting in his desk, book open, doing some last minute studying.

"Hey, sorry about last night. Did you not get my text this morning?"

"Yeah I got it. Just didn't have anything to say back."

He's pissed at me.

"Oh. Um, you're gonna do good on this test. Good luck."

"Doubt it."

"Why do you doubt it? We've studied hard."

"I was up late, sitting outside, waiting for this girl to show up, when I should've been asleep."

The teacher starts handing out tests, and I'm not supposed to say anything, but I turn around and say, "Maybe if you replied to my text, I could explain."

"Sure you were busy with your boyfriend."

Miss Praline says, "Keatyn, turn around, and no talking during the test."

"I feel asleep. I'm sorry."

Now I can't concentrate. He's mad at me. Mad I didn't go to the cave. Mad I have a boyfriend. And that's his fault really. I could have been his girlfriend ages ago if he would just stop all this, when you're going to be together forever, time doesn't matter shit. Because clearly it matters to him.

And after class, he won't say a word to me. Just leaves. And I'll be damned if I'm going to tutor him tonight. He can go it alone.

Kiss the babies for me!

3:22 pm Woke up this morning to discover that my period is pretty much gone. I never had them for that long to begin with, usually four or five days, but this has only been barely three days. Oh my gosh! I LOVE the pill. And it has NOTHING to do with sex!

I call my mom right after school, before I go to dance.

"Mom! I LOVE being on the pill! Why didn't you put me on it before?"

Mom lets out a sigh. "Keatyn! Tell me you didn't sleep with someone else, and you know that the pill will not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases! You should still be using a condom!"

"OH, gosh, Mom. Chill. That's not what I'm talking about. I just had my period. It lasted only three days, and I never even got cramps! It's so amazing! It also means I won't have my periods on game days. So I'll never have to dance and worry about it. I just called to tell you thanks. And maybe yell at you for not telling me about this sooner."

She calms down a little. I hear her make a little yoga breath.

"Oh, good. Well I'm glad that's working out. Cramps suck. My whole concern with putting you on it though was that I was worried that you would think it mean that you could just have sex without regard." (That would be my concern, as well.) "I get it, Mom. You were afraid I'd turn into a slut or something."

"Well, yeah, pretty much."

"Don't worry. I've only done like six or seven guys so far, so I've been good." I suppress a laugh.

"Kiki, that is NOT funny!" Mom yells, her panties definitely in a wad.

"Actually, it kinda is. Bye, Mom! Kiss the babies for me."

Longest week of my life.

6:30pm Dallas, Riley and I decide to start a tradition of going for mexican food on Tuesdays, Taco Tuesday. It's a fun thing to do. Riley thought it should be just the guys tonight.

I can't decide if I'm flattered or insulted that I am counted as one of the guys.

Only down side it that's the night of the Freshman football games, so any of the guys on the Freshman team don't get to go.

But Dallas got moved up to JV linebacker last week during practice, and Parker and Riley are both playing just JV and Varsity.

On the way there, Dawson is complaining, "How much longer are you gonna have your period do you think?"

"It's pretty much over today."

"Really, already? That seems fast. Is that normal?"

"Actually, no. It's not normal for me. Uh, so I have something I need to tell you." I'm really excited to tell him about the pill, I think he will be glad about it, yet I'm sorta nervous to bring it up.

But his eyes get huge. He veers off the road into a parking lot, then turns and looks at me.

"Are you pregnant? How could that even be? We've used a condom every single time!"

"What?" I reach out and touch his arm, slide my hand down it, calming him. "I'm not pregnant. I just had my period, silly."

He blows out a huge breath of air. "Oh. Yeah. Oh. my. gosh. You about gave me a heart attack. The way you said, I have something I need to tell you."

And part of my feels slightly offended at this. Obviously, I would freak out too if I was, but there's a tiny part of me that wants him to say, I don't know, something more reassuring. (Yes, that would be nice.) "That's probably something we should discuss beings we're having sex." (And yes, it probably is something you should have discussed and considered BEFORE you had sex.) "You mean like what we'd do if that happened?"


"Oh." He runs his hand through his hair, sighs big. "I don't know what we'd do. Don't you kind of have to be in that situation to decide?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well like how old we were at the time, if you wanted to keep it, if you didn't, if you wanted to have it, if you didn't, all that. I think it's easy to say, oh I'd have it, or oh, I'd get rid of it, but then if you were actually in the situation, I would think even if you planned one thing, you might decide to do another."