The Illustrated London Reading Book - Part 76

Part 76

UNINHA'BITABLE, _a._ unfit to be inhabited

UNINI'TIATED, _part._ ignorant of; not conversant with

UNIVE'RSAL, _s._ the whole

U'NIVERSE, _s._ the general system of things

UNJU'STIFIABLE, _a._ not to be defended

UNMO'ULTED, _part._ unchanged in feather

UNPA'LATEABLE, _a._ nauseous, disgusting

UNRETA'LIATED, _part._ unreturned, applied to injuries

UNSA'Y, _v.a._ retract; deny what has been said

UNSUCCE'SSFUL, _a._ not having the wished event

UNSWA'THE, _v.a._ unbandage

UNVI'TIATED, _part._ pure; not defiled

UNWIE'LDY, _a._ unmanageable; not easily moving, or moved

URGE, _v.a._ press; incite; provoke; solicit

U'SHER, _s._ an under-teacher; one whose business it is to introduce strangers, or walk before a person of high rank

UTE'NSIL, _s._ an instrument for any use, such as the vessels of the kitchen, or tools of a trade

VALE'RIAN, _s._ a plant

VA'LLEY, _s._ low ground; a hollow between two hills

VA'LUABLE, _a._ precious; worthy

VA'LUE, _s._ price; worth; rate

VAN, _s._ the front of an army; the first line

VANI'LLA, _s._ a plant, the fruit of which is used to scent chocolate

VA'NISH, _v.n._ lose perceptible existence; disappear; be lost; pa.s.s away

VA'RIANCE, _s._ discord; disagreement

VA'RIEGATE, _v.a._ diversify; stain with different colours

VA'RIOUS, _a._ different; several; diversified

VA'RY, _v.a._ change; change to something else

VA'TICAN, _s._ the palace of the Pope at Rome

VEGETA'TION, _s._ the power of producing the growth of plants

VEGETA'TIVE, _a._ having the power to produce growth in plants

VE'HICLE, _s._ a conveyance

VE'NERABLE, _a._ old; to be treated with reverence

VE'NISON, _s._ game; the flesh of deer

VENTILA'TION, _s._ the act of fanning

VENTILA'TOR, _s._ an instrument contrived to supply close places with fresh air

VE'NTURE, _v.n._ dare; run hazard; engage in

VE'RIFY, _v.n._ justify against the charge of falsehood; confirm; to prove true

VE'RILY, _ad._ in truth; certainly

VE'SSEL, _s._ any capacity; anything containing; the containing parts of an animal body

VESU'VIUS, _s._ a burning mountain near Naples

VICI'NITY, _s._ nearness; state of being near

VICI'SSITUDE, _s._ regular change; revolution

VI'CTIM, _s._ sacrifice; something destroyed

VI'CTORY, _s._ conquest; triumph

VI'GIL, _s._ watch; a fast kept before a holiday

VI'GOROUS, _a._ full of strength and life

VI'GOROUSLY, _ad._ energetically; forcibly; with force; without weakness

VI'LLAGE, _s._ a small collection of houses

VI'NDICATE, _v.a._ justify; clear; a.s.sert; revenge