The Illustrated London Reading Book - Part 65

Part 65

PA'STORAL, _a._ rural; rustic; imitating shepherds

PATHE'TIC, _a._ affecting the pa.s.sions; moving

PA'THOS, _s._ pa.s.sion; warmth; affection of the mind

PA'THWAY, _s._ a road; a narrow way to be pa.s.sed on foot.

PA'TIENCE, _s._ the power of suffering; perseverance

PA'TIENTLY, _ad._ with steadfast resignation; with hopeful confidence

PA'TRIARCH, _a._ one who governs by paternal right; the father and ruler of a family

PA'THIMONY, _s._ an estate possessed by inheritance

PA'TRIOT, _s._ one who loves his country

PA'TRON, _s._ one who countenances, supports, or protects; defender

PEA'CEABLE, _a._ not quarrelsome; not turbulent

PE'CTORAL, _a._ belonging to the breast

PECU'LIAR, _a._ appropriate; not common to other things; particular

PECULIARITY, _s._ particularity; something found only in one

PE'DESTAL, _a._ the lower member of a pillar; the basis of a statue

PE'DIMENT, _s._ an ornament that finishes the fronts of buildings, and serves as a decoration over gates

PE'NANCE, _s._ infliction, either public or private, suffered as an expression of repentance for sin

PE'NDULOUS, _a._ hanging

PE'NETRATE, _v.a._ enter beyond the surface; make way into a body; affect the mind

PENINSULA, _s._ laud almost surrounded by water

PE'NURY, _s._ poverty; indigence

PE'OPLE, _s._ a nation; the vulgar

PERCEI'VE, _v.a._ discover by some sensible effects; know; observe

PERCE'PTIBLE, _a._ such as may be known or observed

PERFECTION, _s._ the state of being perfect

PERFO'RM, _v.a._ execute; do; accomplish

PE'RFORATE, _v.a._ pierce with a tool; bore

PERHA'PS, _ad._ peradventure; may be

PE'RIL, _s._ danger; hazard; jeopardy

PE'RIOD, _s._ length of duration; a complete sentence from one full stop to another; the end or conclusion

PE'RISIH, _v.n._ die; be destroyed; be lost; come to nothing

PE'RMANENT, _a._ durable; unchanged; of long continuance

PERNI'CIOUS, _a._ destructive; baneful

PERPENDICULAR, _a._ a straight line up and down

PERPE'TUAL, _a._ never-ceasing; continual

PERPLE'X, _v.a._ disturb; distract; tease; plague

PERPLE'XITY, _s._ anxiety; entanglement

PE'RSECUTE, _v.a._ to hara.s.s or pursue with malignity

PERSEVE'RANCE, _s._ persistence in any design or attempt; constancy in progress

PERTINA'CITY, _s._ obstinacy; stubbornness; constancy

PERTURBA'TION, _s._ restlessness; disturbance

PERU'SAL, _s._ the act of reading

PETI'TION, _s._ request; entreaty; single branch or article of prayer

PHA'LANX, _s._ a troop of men closely embodied

PHENO'MENON, _s._ appearance

PHILOSOPHER, _s._ a man deep in knowledge

PHILOSOPHICAL, _a._ belonging to philosophy

PHILO'SOPHY, _s._ moral or natural knowledge

PHY'SICAL, _a._ relating to nature or to natural philosophy; medicinal; relating to health

PICTO'RIAL, _a._ produced by a painter