The Illustrated London Reading Book - Part 45

Part 45

CONCE'NTRIC, _a._ having one common centre

CONCE'PTION, _s._ the act of conceiving; state of being conceived; notion; sentiment

CONCE'SSION, _s._ the act of granting or yielding

CONCI'LIATE, _v.a._ to gain; to win; to reconcile

CONCI'SE, _a._ short; brief; not longer than is really needful

CONCO'CT, _v.a._ to devise

CO'NCORD, _s._ agreement between persons or things; peace; union; a compact

CONCU'SSION, _s._ the state of being shaken

CONDE'NSE, _v.n._ to grow close and weighty

CONDI'TION, _s._ rank; property; state

CO'NDOR, _s._ a monstrous bird in America

CONDU'CT, _v.a._ lend; accompany; manage

CONE, _s._ a solid body, of which the base is circular, but which ends in a point

CONFE'R, _v.a._ compare; give; bestow; contribute; conduce

CO'NFERENCE, _s._ formal discourse; an appointed meeting for discussing some point by personal debate

CONFE'SS, _v.a._ acknowledge a crime; own; avow; grant

CONFI'NEMENT, _s._ imprisonment; restraint of liberty

CO'NFLUENCE, _s._ the joining together of rivers; a concourse; the act of joining together

CONFORMA'TION, _s._ the form of things as relating to each other; the act of producing suitableness or conformity to anything

CONFO'RMITY, _s._ similitude; consistency

CONGE'NER, _s._ a thing of the same kind or nature

CONGE'NIAL, _a._ partaking of the same genius

CONGLO'MERATE, _v.a._ to gather into a ball, like a ball of thread

CO'NICAL, _a._ in the shape of a cone

CONJE'CTURE, _s._ guess; imperfect knowledge; idea

CONNEC'TION, _s._ union

CO'NQUER, _v.a._ gain by conquest; win; subdue

CO'NQUEROR, _s._ a victor; one that conquers

CO'NQUEST, _s._ a victory

CO'NSCIENCE, _s._ the faculty by which we judge of the goodness or wickedness of ourselves

CO'NSCIOUS, _a._ endowed with the power of knowing one's own thoughts and actions; bearing witness by the dictates of conscience to anything

CONSCRI'PTION, _s._ an enrolling or registering

CO'NSECRATE, _v.a._ to make sacred; to canonize

CO'NSEQUENCE, _s._ that which follows from any cause or principle; effect of a cause

CO'NSEQUENT, _a._ following by rational deduction; following as the effect of a cause

CONSI'DERABLE, _a._ worthy of consideration; important; valuable

CONSI'ST, _v.n._ subsist; be composed; be comprised

CONSI'STENCE, _s._ state with respect to material existence; degree of denseness or rarity

CONSI'STENCY, _s._ adhesion; agreement with itself or with any other thing

CONSPI'CUOUS, _a._ obvious to the sight

CO'NSTANT, _a._ firm; fixed; certain; unvaried

CONSTELLA'TION, _s._ a cl.u.s.ter of fixed stars; an a.s.semblage of splendours

CONSTERNA'TION, _s._ astonishment; amazement; wonder

CO'NSt.i.tUTE, _v.a._ give formal existence; produce; erect; appoint another in an office

CONSTRU'CT, _v.a._ build; form; compile

CONSTRU'CTION, _s._ the act of building; structure; form of building

CONSTR'UCTIVE, _a._ by construction

CONSU'MPTION, _s._ the act of consuming; waste; a disease; a waste of muscular flesh

CO'NTACT, _s._ touch; close union

CONTA'GIOUS, _a._ infectious; caught by approach