The History Of The Fabian Society - The History of the Fabian Society Part 19

The History of the Fabian Society Part 19

Clarke, William, 1888-91.

Cole, G.D.H., 1914-15.

Davies, Emil, 1911 to date.

Dearmer, Rev. Percy, 1895-8.

Dell, Robert E., 1890-3; 1898-9.

De Mattos, W.S., 1890-4.

Dodd, F. Lawson, 1900 to date. Honorary Treasurer 1911 to date.

Ensor, R.C.K., 1907-11; 1912 to date.

Ervine, St. John G., 1913 to date.

Fairfield, Dr. Letitia, 1915 to date.

Galton, F.W., 1901-7.

Garnett, Mrs. Constance, 1894-5.

Gillespie, H.J., 1914.

Green, J.F. 1899-1900.

Griffith, N.L., 1892-3.

Grover, Miss Mary, 1890-2.

Guest, L. Haden, 1907-11

Hammill, Fred, 1892-5.

Harben, Henry D., 1911 to date Harris, Mrs. O'Brien (Miss Mary O'Brien), 1898-1901.

Headlam, Rev. Stewart D., 1890-1; 1901-11.

Hoatson, Miss Alice, 1890-2. Assistant Hon. Secretary 1885-6.

Hobson, Samuel G., 1900-9.

Holding, H. Bond, 1894-6.

Hutchins, Miss B.L., 1907-12.

Keddell, Frederick, 1884-5. Honorary Secretary 1884-5.

Lawrence F.W. Pethick, 1907-8.

Lawrence, Miss Susan (L.C.C.), 1912 to date.

Lloyd, C.M., 1912-15.

Lowerison, Harry (Bellerby), 1891-2.

Macdonald, J. Ramsay (M.P.), 1894-1900.

Macpherson, Mrs. Fenton, 1900-1.

Macrosty, Henry W., 1895-1907.

Mallet, Mrs. L.T., 1890-2.

Mann, Tom, 1896.

Martin, John W., 1894-9.

Massingham, H.W., 1891-3.

Matthews, John E. (L.C.C.), 1901-2.

Maude, Aylmer, 1907-12.

Money, (Sir) Leo Chiozza (M.P.), 1908-11.

Morley, Professor Edith, 1914 to date.

Morris, Miss May, 1896-8.

Morten, Miss Honor, 1895-8.

Muggeridge, H.T., 1903-5.

Murby, Miss M.B., 1907-13.

Oakeshott, Joseph F., 1890-1902.

Olivier (Sir), Sydney (K.C.M.G.), 1887-1899. Honorary Secretary 1886-9.

Pease, Edward R., 1885-6; 1890 to date. Honorary Secretary 1886, and 1914 to date. Secretary 1890-1913.

Phillips, Dr. Marion, 1913-14.

Phillips, W.L., 1887-8.

Podmore, Frank, 1884; 1886-8.

Priestley, Miss (Mrs. Bart Kennedy), 1896-8. Assistant Secretary, 1892-5.

Reeves, Mrs. Pember, 1907 to date.

Sanders, W. Stephen, 1904 to date. Organising Secretary 1907-13. General Secretary 1914 to date.

Sandham, Mrs., 1891-3.

Sharp, Clifford D., 1909-14.

Shaw, G. Bernard, 1885-1911.

Shaw, Mrs. Bernard (Miss Payne Townshend), 1898-1915.

Slesser, Henry H., 1910-14.

Smith, Miss Ellen, 1915 to date.

Snell, Harry, 1912 to date.

Snowden, Mrs. Philip, 1908-9.

Sparling, H. Halliday, 1892-4.

Squire, J.C., 1914 to date.

Standring, George, 1893-1908; 1909-11.

Taylor, G.R.S., 1905-8.

Townshend, Mrs. Emily C., 1915.

Utley, W.H., 1892-4.

Wallas, Graham, 1888-1895.

Webb, Sidney, 1886 to date.

Webb, Mrs. Sidney, 1912 to date.

Wells, H.G., 1907-8.

Wells, Mrs. H.G., 1908-10.

West, Julius, 1915 to date. Secretary of Research Department, etc., 1908-12.

Whelen, Frederick, 1896-1901; 1902-4.

Williams, Ernest E., 1893-4.

Wilson, Mrs. C.M., 1885-7; 1911-15.

Wood, Mrs. Esther, 1902-3.

Appendix IV

Complete List of Fabian Publications, 1884-1915, with names of authors