The Full-Leveled Healer Transmigrates To A Real And Fake Rich Daughter Story - Chapter 562: Incomplete (4)

Chapter 562: Incomplete (4)

Chapter 562: Incomplete (4)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Not only was the Commandant of the Capital in charge of the capitals patrolling police, but they were also in charge of guarding the city gates inside and outside the capital. Their status was naturally very important, which was why there was an ancient saying that one should take on a high-ranking position and fulfill important responsibilities, like being a Commandant of the Capital.

In comparison, his previous duties as an imperial guard mostly involved staying in the palace, which could be considered relatively idle. On the other hand, the responsibilities of the Commandant of the Capital were much more demanding, and the burden was greater. However, Gu Yuan seemed spirited and energetic.

Til take office the day after tomorrow. Gu Yuan nodded, his eyes burning like an arrogant sun.

Gu Yanfei actually knew that her brother couldnt stay idle, and was just saying it to make him laugh.

Seeing Gu Yuans energetic appearance, Gu Yanfei was happier than anything else and smiled brightly.

Wheres Qing Guang? Gu Yuan asked as he subconsciously searched his surroundings. His eyes became even brighter. 1 dont think I saw it today. Strange, doesnt Qing Guang usually follow my sister around?

It feels like something is missing when Qing Guang isnt here

Gu Yuan looked at the peach trees outside the window again.

This time, Gu Yanfei froze. Her eyes moved guiltily.

Ah, Ive completely forgotten about this cat after asking it to play with Xia Houqing that day

Where did it go? Gu Yanfei was vague and changed the topic as if nothing had happened. Big Brother, its rare for you to rest. Why dont you invite your friends to the residence for a gathering tomorrow?

We havent invited anyone to a banquet since we split up.

After splitting up, it meant that Gu Yuan represented the eldest branch alone. Logically speaking, he should hold a banquet and spread it among his relatives and friends. However, for various reasons and because Gu Yuan was busy with work, he spent most of his time in the palace, so he didnt hold a banquet.

Gu Yanfei had sour and sweet candied plums in her mouth. Her eyes curled up happily. Big Sister couldnt find you and has mentioned it to me a few times. Since youre taking a break this time, hurry up and settle this matter.

In my opinion, theres no need to treat many people. Just treat it as a small banquet. Lets eat and drink casually.

Gu Yuan never had any objections to his sisters suggestion. Without hesitation, he decided. Tomorrow then.

Since were all on the same side, theres no need to post anything. Ill send Wu Tong to tell them.

Gu Yuan had always been very casual with his friends. He had never paid attention to that red tape. Anyway, it was fine as long as the person came.

Just cook a few dishes in the kitchen. Theyre not picky eaters, so theres no need to go overboard.

Both Gu Yuan and Gu Yanfei said the same thing. However, Gu Yunzhen acted as if she was facing a great enemy. She pulled Gu Yanfei along and carefully selected a table of dishes.

This was the first time she had officially treated a guest after splitting up.

Although it was only a small banquet for a dozen people, Gu Yunzhen hoped that everything would be perfect and not embarra.s.s her brother.

In the end, this small banquet was arranged in the small garden. Time was too tight, and there was no time to invite the opera troupe, so she simply invited a musician who could play the pipa to warm up the venue.

The sound of the pipa was like large beads falling onto a jade plate. It was lively and pleasant to the ears, full of charm.

Before Gu Yanfei reached the small garden, she heard the rhythmic sound of the pipa. However, soon, there was the sound of people playing the pitch-pot. It instantly destroyed the originally quiet mood.


Gu Yanfei couldnt help but laugh. She felt a sense of familiarity.

The closer she got, the livelier it became.

More than ten young masters in their prime were gathered inside and outside the Water Pavilion in the small garden. Some were pitching pots in the open s.p.a.ce outside the water pavilion, some were drinking, some were boxing, some were playing archery, and some were performing swordsmans.h.i.+p by the lake

The young masters were all energetic. They laughed heartily, persuaded people to drink, and played around.

As the saying goes, three women make a drama.

However, Juan Bi felt that these nine young masters had nine scenes together.

Sister! Fan Beiran waved at Gu Yanfei enthusiastically.

He was wearing an orange s.h.i.+rt today. He was still as dazzling as a lantern, allowing people to see him in the crowd at a glance.

The other young masters also looked at Gu Yanfei in unison. Gu Yanfei remembered every face.

These people were all mischievous friends that Gu Yuan had played with since he was young.

In her previous life, even if her brother had broken his leg and ruined his future, the few of them would come to visit him from time to time to comfort him so that the siblings wouldnt fall into an isolated and helpless situation.

As the saying went, it was easy to add icing to the cake but difficult to provide charcoal in the snow. Gu Yanfei had always remembered their friends.h.i.+p..