The Foolish Dictionary - Part 4

Part 4

=CAJOLE= v. t., From Grk. _kalos_, beautiful, and Eng. _jolly_, to jolly beautifully.

=CALCIUM= An earthly light that brightens even the stars.

=CANNIBAL= A heathen hobo who never works, but lives on other people.

=CAPTIVATE= From Lat. _caput_, head, and Eng. _vacate_, or empty,--to empty the head. Note, Women who have captivated men.

=CAPE= A neck in the sea.

=CAPER= A foot in the air.



A mania for burning money. Contracted in a Pennsylvania blast furnace, developed in a Scotch castle and now epidemic in American public libraries.

=CART= v. t., To take off.

=CARTOON= The take-off.

=CAULIFLOWER= A Cabbage with a college education.

=CAVALRY= That arm of the military service that engages in the real hoss-tilities.

=CEMETERY= The one place where princes and paupers, porters and presidents are finally on the dead level.

=CHAMPAGNE= The stuff that makes the world go round.

=CHAIR= Four-legged aid to the injured.

=CHARITY= Forehanded aid to the indigent.

=CHAUFFEUR= A man who is smart enough to operate an automobile, but clever enough not to own one.

=CHRISTIAN= A member of any orthodox church.

=CHRISTMAS= A widely observed holiday on which the past nor the future is of so much interest as the present.

=CHUMP= Any one whose opinion differs radically from ours.

=CIGARETTE= A weed whose smoke, some say, should never be inhaled, and still more insist should never be exhaled.

=CINDER= One of the first things to catch your eye in travelling.

=CIVILIZATION= An upward growth or tendency that has enabled mankind to develop the college yell from what was once only a feeble war-whoop.

=COLLECTOR= A man whom few care to see but many ask to call again.

=COLLEGE= From Fr. _colle_, pasted or stuck, and _etude_, study. A place where everyone is stuck on study. (?)



A male resident of Kentucky.