The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

42. 3.1

The happiness was ephemeral. Deep down they knew, but instead, they chose to repeatedly erase and turn away from the truth. No one would say it out loud first.

So, they chose to live in a precarious peace that could be shattered at any moment. The memories that were engraved with happiness disappeared, and the beautiful memories became faded illusions.

An illusion of a peaceful life, false happiness, pointless serenity. Everything that had been keeping them together began to crumble.

A small wave breaks a sandcastle, a stone breaks a glass castle, and in the end, all that remains is the shabby truth.

Have a thin voice scattered across the silence. Have you ever tried to understand me? a question shed never asked before. At one point, Ercella had considered herself his property and could not ask Harsen for anything, let alone his understanding.

Because he was a knight of the country, the king who reigned the family, an absolute. It was a luxury to ask for such a mans understanding.

You never did.

He wouldnt know why she was like that then. He wouldnt even know why he had to understand her. Of course he wouldnt, because he had never been in a position to be understood, or to understand others.

When you faced me, all you did was freeze up and try to appease me. My reason for doing those things have you ever tried to truly understand me?

Ercella burst into tears at his usual silence.

What am I to you?

What do I mean to Harsen? Am I just a woman hes cohabitating with, a possession, or a product of the guilt he created?

Did it just seem like nothing but grumbling from a woman who had never suffered before? Because I was always happy, always smiling, always understanding?

The resentment that had built up within her was rushing out in a raging wave. The hatred that she had buried poured out like a heavy shower. Tears were flowing endlessly. The streams of water flowing down her cheeks were burning hot. Ercella stared at Harsen, who was still silent.

For me


you were the only one I could lean on.

Father, mother, Eshahilde, Caron, none of them. Father was bedridden, Mother was looking after Father, Eshahilde was with His Majesty, and Caron had his family.

They were a family, but they all had their own personal boundaries, which Ercella could not intervene in. She really only had Harsen at the time.

Please hold me.

I was afraid that hed never hold me, so I asked desperately.

Think of your body.

He had gently refused. Only now did Ercella understand why he hadnt held her. He had heard from the doctor about how weak and frail her body had become after giving birth. Did he think that he should not hold me carelessly? But that didnt matter to me then

She had always chosen the best.

I only had you, she uttered, word by word.

A confession she had never made but he had always understood. He was a knight, so it was his duty to go out to war. He was busy because he had to succeed to the title. With all of that, he had to take care of the fief and watch the other knights, so he was responsible for many people.

Yet he would find her, look after her, and spend time with her. So, he had never neglected her. But he just couldnt focus on her alone.

Ercella had understood, so she hadnt complained. It was a political marriage anyway, and he fulfilled his duties towards Ercella. He had crowned Eshahilde, became the backbone of Caron, and all the while had maintained the prestige of Visaride.

All of Ercellas wishes had come true by marrying Harsen. So wishing for more would just be greedy. At some point, however, the continued understanding became a wound, and the wound burned, festered, and finally burst.

I know that you and I are of different genders, have different roles, different living environments, different positions, and different perspectives. And I also know one person can never fully understand another.

He still isnt speaking to me.

I know you dont fully understand me, just as I do not fully understand you. I know. I know you were busy back then, and that you did enough for me


But what should I do if Im still hurt? What should I do if I still resent you?

Because understanding doesnt make the sadness go away.

I shouldnt have wished for more, but I kept wanting something from him. Is it because I was alone for long?

I wish you love me.

I want to be loved. I want to fall in love. Down the line, I desired his heart. Even though I knew he would never give it away. Even though I knew all I had to do was ask, I couldnt bring myself to make such a request because of his refusal the other day. If I was rejected any more, I would feel so ashamed that I would crumble.

Ercella had suppressed the desire that had sprung up day after day and had stifled her greed.

It will fade away with time. Time will take care of it. I believed so.

But the more I suppressed my desire, stifled my greed, the more something started leaking out, as if there was a hole in the corner of my heart. In the end, nothing but an empty void remained.

She looked at the man in front of her. What are you thinking? I still cant tell. For a moment, she thought that all of this had been in vain. Its no use yelling and blaming him now for not understanding me.

Too much time has passed to go back to those days and pour out my suppressed emotions. Even now, she could tell that much by looking at Harsens motionless eyes.

He would never understand her. She calmed down from her intense emotions. Her emotions, which had previously dominated her, died out, bringing autumn to her heart. This emotional begging wont work in front of him. Sadly, thats just how this man is.

What makes Vicentes marriage to the Gartens daughter any different from ours?

Its already history. Ercella realized that it was no use blaming Harsen now. Harsen was her choice, and since the choice was her own, it was a wound she now had to endure. However, their wounds had lasted for too long. It was hard to turn back now.

But Vicente still has a chance. The same mistakes shall not be repeated.

Im not saying I did an excellent job. And I know its pathetic to say that now. But I dont wish that for him, as the boys mother. I just dont want Vicente to live like us. I just hope they dont need to tear each other apart because they are bound together by a sense of obligation. I want him to be with someone he loves

What is it like to live like us? interrogated the man, who had been quietly watching like an observer. The strangely calm voice froze the surrounding air. The atmosphere changed in an instant, and Ercella paused. As if mocking, the mans lips curled slightly, To be the best choice for each other?


The best.



Harsen ruminated on the words she had used for a while, then smiled despondently, Every time I hear that I feel like Im being slammed into the mud.


How easy for you to say. His voice sounded unfamiliar, different from usual. No anger, no criticism, no sarcasm, just resignation. Just plain resignation.

You, do you know how I feel


The best, those words, how many times have I heard he chose his usual silence instead of completing his words. He closed his eyes, trying to suppress his anger. Beside him, his hand formed a fist, shaking heavily.

Ercella couldnt say anything seeing his disheveled state. She couldnt fathom the situation.


Hes angry, definitely.

He seems angry at the words Best choice.

I dont understand what hes angry about. I think I missed the context of the conversation somewhere, but I cant figure out where it came from. Confused, she reached out to Harsen. Opening his closed eyes, Harsen blocked Ercellas hand.


The disorganized figure from before was gone, and now there was a man looking at her with cool eyes, as if he had put back his mask. He studied Ercella for a moment, and slowly opened his lips,

Yes. Just like you said. Like us


without love.

Why does it sound so painful, even though its his usual emotionless voice?

Isnt that how everyone lives?

Do they? Do other people also live like Harsen and me? Right now, just looking at Harsen made her heart ache. He pretended not to, but he looked exhausted too.

Being in a relationship that hurts each other.

I used to believe that other people lived like that too, but now I dont know. How can they live in such a stifling relationship?

I dont understand why Vicente should be an exception. Even though the monotonous voice had no power, she somehow felt crushed by it.

Ercella replied a little slowly,

Hes your child too.

So, did Vicente refuse it?


Ercella was at a loss for words. Of course Vicente had complied with it. He was the product of his heartless parents.

He should put love first, you said? Suddenly, his gaze without a hint of warmth looked familiar and sad. Likewise, a voice lacking warmth continued, Just like you chose me as the best choice for your family, his choice is best for our family, which is why he isnt saying anything, is he? If he isnt saying anything, then its not your concern. If hes dissatisfied, tell him to come himself.

That child doesnt know anything because thats how you raised him.

Fifteen is not the age to know nothing. Hes not too young to make a judgment by himself. If he hated it so much, he shouldve defied my will. If hes a pathetic man who doesnt have the courage to do even that, Id be rather disappointed.


If you didnt like my ways, why didnt you raise him using your own methods? You were the one who didnt want to, but now you come and say this Harsen paused for a moment, then ended by saying, I think were done talking, so lets call it a day.

Ercella pulled her lower lip at his attitude of cutting the conversation with her. She obviously had more to say, but he clearly wanted to hear no more. After finding the reason by himself, he returned to Vicentes issue and cut her off.

Hes always like that. Hes like a solid wall I cant break through. Even though hes angry, he wont tell me the reason for his anger. Tears welled up from her trembling heart.

Why arent you giving me a single word of truth?

Why are you still so difficult?

If it werent for this I couldve loved you.

Those hard times of the past, when Harsen had sent Ercella down to Villene and resigned from the Knights Order, going back and forth between the distant capital and Villene.

He would take care of Ercella in Villene, and Vicente in the capital. When the First Prince, whom he supported, ascended to the throne, Harsen decided to resign in a state where he was expected to receive endless glory. But when he had conveyed his intention, all the vassals objected.

Yet, he held on and continued. Only for me. Therefore, Ercella couldnt blame Harsen completely. His occasional kindness amidst the cruelty of all this lessened her hatred.

The man who made me like this held me in his arms, comforted and solaced me. Thats how I could live on. He felt guilty towards her, she resented him.

Ercella finally realized that she had been foolish. I shouldve stood up on my own. By leaning on Harsen and relying on him, I couldnt learn how to survive on my own. I closed my eyes, covered my ears, and pretended to be oblivious of everything. I never questioned his actions. It was highly ignorant of me.

Why did I realize this just now? What possessed me to hold back myself to this extent? What came over me to live a life covered with false happiness within his fence? The final stream flowed down Ercellas cheek.

I was foolish.

White flowers fluttered in front of her eyes like butterflies.

That time I should have ended things.

The sound of the wind under the night sky lingered in her ears.


Hi, Im back with the updates. My lovely pseudo-editor leafwateralien13 has retired due to her busy schedule. Ill really miss our time together. I enjoyed trashing the FL with her, gasping and commenting on every little thing. Badmouthing the author for jumping perspectives. I got so used to her help and now feel lonely knowing nobody will read my frustrated comments or be annoyed with me. I missed you and will miss you in the future too T_T

Luckily, another kind soul offered to edit 5 chapters urgently. Bless the pluperfect angel XD

TL;DR: My editor retired hence, there were no updates.

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FootnotesI wonder if this is Act 3. Its 3 all of a sudden and I dont know what its about. If Anybody in the comments has an idea, let me know