The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

31. Volume 2 A Fairytale in the Mirror, A Romance Reflected in the Water

Ercella tilted her head as she looked at the worried Countess Zardea. At the Countesss invitation, Ercella came to the Counts, but the Countess only sighed and didnt even drink her favorite Sansche Mountain tea.

Whats wrong, Countess?

The Countess sighed again and brought a piece of paper in front of Ercella. At first glance, it looked like a letter.

Ercella took it from the Countesss hand without hesitation. As she opened the paper, Ercella noticed the neat handwriting. She glanced at the Countess and began to read.

[Dear Countess Zardea,

Have you been well, Mother? Your daughter, Adora, greets you. There is only one reason why Im personally writing to Mother.

Do you remember the other day when you told me that the second son of Marquis Dartner and I would get married?

I hereby inform you that I have no intention of marrying him. No, I dont wish to marry at all.

How could you do that to me, Mother? Did you think I enrolled in Laferne Theological School as a joke?

I intend to defect to Ludelsia and become a theologian, just so I can avoid that horrible marriage!

So please, dont get involved in my life anymore.

Sadly, Im going to cut ties with Count Zardea. Then, please be healthy.]

Ercella was agape at the shocking content of the letter. Cutting ties with your family? The Countess took a deeper breath as she waited for Ercellas reaction.

Ercella asked carefully, Countess Adora is the eldest daughter of Count Zardea, right?

Yes and our only child.

If shes the only daughter Isnt Adora the only heir to the family? As a woman, she has to bring in a husband and inherit the family name. Sometimes women are given titles directly, but even that was often handed over to their husbands or sons when they got married.

But why? Ercella was speechless. She couldnt imagine it at all. I dont understand why Adora would leave when the Count adores his daughter. Just because she doesnt want to get married? But isnt she the only heir?

Ercella looked at the letter again, stunned by this bold girl. Later on, the Countess began to explain everything, As you know Even though our family lives in the capital, we arent influential.

Dont say that, Countess. Ercella waved her hand, but the Countess was not wrong. Since Count Zardea moved relatively recently to the capital, it wasnt easy for them to mingle with the nobility of the capital.

The Count was able to move to the capital thanks to his marriage to the Countess, the daughter of Viscount Easton whos a nobleman from the capital. Although the Viscount was not influential, he was able to settle in the capital because of his maritime trade and accumulated a vast amount of wealth.

Thats the truth. Which is why Adora cant assimilate with her peers.


I cant tell you who but It seems that shes being ostracized by some young ladies.

Heavens! As always, those vile kids! Those kids are already outcasting and ganging up on one person. Ercella frowned, finding it terrible.

The Countess lowered her eyes, rubbing her forehead. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. And some young lords T-thats my guess, but-

Please speak.

I think they harassed her.

Oh, my God! Ercellas mouth opened. Harassment?! No matter how powerless her family was, Adora was still a noblewoman. No, before that, shes a human being. How could they do such a shameful thing?

Personally, I think those types of people are trash. As a woman, I can see how ashamed and miserable Adora must have been for not being able to fight for herself.

She was completely isolated from society. Young Lady Zardea must be daunted after going through all that. Suddenly, she felt sympathy for Counts young lady.

Unfortunately, our family had to remain silent. First of all, we dont have conclusive evidence, and those basta- I mean theyre all children from powerful families. Yes, Im mortified and angry, but theres nothing I can do. Damn it! Oh, sorry

Please be comfortable with me, Countess.

Then Ill do so. How dare those fucking bastards do that to my daughter! My daughter! Even flinging sewage on these knaves wouldnt be enough! Id like to tear their limbs apart and kill them. Once we find evidence, Id throw away my1 familys money at the court just to bring them to justice! No, Id rather hire an assassin to kill them secretly! The only good thing about those bastards who are worse than the beggars on the street is their fucking status!

Ercella felt truly sorry for the Countess who had to abandon her dignity out of anger.

The Countess was five years older than Ercella, but the wrinkles around her eyes looked thicker these days. How angry she must be to find out that her daughter went through such a thing.

After that day, Adora She said she would enter Laferne Theological School, and that she wants to find peace and calm among those who serve God. Of course, we gave permission. There will be no one there who can treat a noble lady like Adora with contempt. She insisted on not having a coming-of-age ceremony, so my husband and I allowed it. Perhaps she hated seeing the faces of those capital nobles on her coming-of-age day. I understand that, but Adora is seventeen now. Shes not very old, but its about time for her to start thinking about getting engaged or married. She should start seeing some young lords, but she never leaves the school I pushed for marriage out of fear that she would never come back, but I never expected this Unable to continue, the Countess began weeping.

Ercella patted her shoulder and comforted her. She could now understand the Countesss intentions. Thats why you fixed Adoras marriage with Marquis Dartners second son.

Marquis Dartner was a great nobleman of the capital and had quite a presence. If the Young Lady Zardea marries the Marquiss son, she would never face such humiliation in the future.

Of course, it isnt a bad deal for the Dartners Young Lord either as he would gain the title of Count Zardeas successor and exercise his influence as the family head. Anyone could tell its a good deal.

Yes, I thought shell never have to go through that again but Adora refused.

Is the Young Lord too old?

No, hell turn twenty this year.

Then, is he ugly?

I think hes okay.

Perhaps he has a bad personality?

He seems fine on the outside I dont know.

Pardon me, but can you tell me why the Young Lady refused to marry him?

By now Ercella became curious about the situation of Young Lady Zardea. Its a good marriage, but what makes Adora want to live as a theologian for the rest of her life without ever getting married?

Perhaps she was disillusioned by society after suffering from their malicious gaze. I think I can understand that.

Ercella wasnt spared of that derision either, but no one dared to publicly mock her.

Caron harshly punished anyone who gave her a dirty look. No one could slight Ercella when she had the Marquis and the Queen backing her.

That moment Ercella realized how comfortable she had been. Suddenly, she resented this hierarchical system. Human rights come before status. How could those stupid people act so ignorantly? As Ercellas expression darkened, the Countess opened her mouth: and said, I think Adora is afraid.

Of what?

That shell live a life being disrespected by even her husband.


There are a lot of husbands out there who dont respect their wives. Its impossible to notice at first glance. I guess that Adora is afraid shell be reduced to a plaything for her husband.

Ercella said nothing. It was a concern for any married woman in this country. A lot of women, even those from good families, are devastated, being stuck in a loveless marriage or by their husbands bringing in a mistress.

As revenge, some women also take lovers.

But in the case of an unfair political marriage, the wife cant do anything about it no matter what the husband does.

The Counts Young Lady wasnt sure how this marriage would determine her future despite the Dartners Young Lord marrying her in exchange for a title.

I think Adoras going to give up her position as the successor and become a theologian. But as you know, we have only one child I want to honor Adoras opinion as much as I can, but its too late for us to have more children or adopt one

It must be hard.

The conditions for adoption are quite tricky. The child must be of noble blood and within the eighth cousin of the family to be adopted.

Even if they adopt a child, they will need the Royal Courts approval since they adopted when they have a child and whether its an illegitimate child.

The barriers to enter into aristocracy in this society were so strict that Royal officials directly oversee the adoption process. Even if they managed to adopt a child, it would be difficult for the child to adapt to society because of the underlying stigma of being an illegitimate child.

I fully understand your feelings. You must be very worried, Ercella said sincerely with furrowed eyebrows. How the helpless Countess must have suffered so far

This must be why she didnt look so bright at Mrs. Lydias tea party recently.

So, thats why I invited the Duchess today. With my lack of knowledge, I just dont know what to do. Can I please have Your Graces opinion? The Countess looked eagerly at Ercella. It was not polite to meddle in other peoples families, but she couldnt pretend to not know when the Countess asked her so directly.

Moreover, the circumstances of the Counts Young Lady were too pitiful. However, the issue was too tricky for Ercella to handle carelessly. If anything goes wrong, the Young Lady could be hurt.

Then, an idea flashed in her mind. Ercella held the Countesss hand. Dont worry, Countess. Ive got an idea.

Ercellas words brightened the Countesss complexion. Oh! Really?

Yes, dont worry too much and call the Young Lady home for now.

Oh Y-yes. Im really, truly thankful to you. The Countess looked relaxed, perhaps because her worries had been relieved. The Countess followed in an innocent voice that carried no hidden meanings, By the way, I see that Your Grace still has a good relationship with His Excellency.

Ercella swallowed dryly. Being questioned about wearing a scarf on this hot day was not unexpected, but she didnt expect to be asked as soon as the conversation was over.

Reluctantly, Ercella gave a prepared answer, I have a cold. I never imagined that a summer cold could be so terrible.

At Ercellas words, the Countess realized she made a slip of tongue. She doesnt seem like it but I know Ercella is a private person.

Some wives proudly showcase their husbands love marks but not Ercella. Although she looked gentle and young, Ercella cared about peoples opinions. Perhaps it was because shes from a big family.

Surprisingly, she has a loveable side that secretly makes others guards drop. That was why the Countess liked Ercella.

But there was one matter on which Ercella failed to save face: her son.

How much does she disregard him that she wont talk about him even in his absence? This is why no one can be rude and talk about their children in front of Ercella. Nobody dared to provoke her because she was a difficult woman to have as an enemy.

Perhaps its no coincidence that she didnt know of her son attending Gracyvan. Its probably because the people around her were silent about it.

Be careful not to catch a cold, Countess. Ercella was now adding something to her regret. Ercella wanted to end the topic, but the Countess couldnt overlook what she just saw. She advised, Its better to call it an allergy than a cold. Or a fever caused by illness.

Ercella touched her neck. She could feel the sweat on her bare skin. She glanced down and found the scarf loosened around her neck.

Oh God!

She stuttered looking stunned. That I guess

It was cute seeing her so nervous. The Countess smiled softly.

* * *

When Ercella returned home after her meeting with the Countess, Clifton greeted her and reported, The Lord has sent a message saying he will not be able to attend todays schedule.

At Cliftons words, Ercellas face brightened for a moment, but she returned it to its original state.

Is that so?

He said you two can go ahead with the schedule comfortably. Im sorry.

Its nothing to be sorry about. It cant be helped.

Somehow, Ercella was relieved she could avoid facing Harsen. Then she suddenly wondered why he couldnt join them.

But why?

He didnt elaborate.

I see.

Still, it was the first time the three of them were going to see a play; she felt sad that they couldnt go together.

Is he that busy? But he proposed the plan himself.

Ercellas eyes trembled at the sudden thought that he was mad about yesterdays events.

Is it because of me?

It must be because she was drunk and seduced Harsen, stopping him from finishing his work. I got in the way of public affairs. It was too serious a matter to take lightly.

Ercella became even more embarrassed to see Harsen. Come to think of it, it had been a long time since I embraced him like that. When I was sick, I couldnt even touch alcohol and avoided any physical contact, even kissing. Anyway, constantly fearing a death that might never come is too exhausting.

Its been so long.

But for some reason, the events of that day didnt disappear from her head.

* * *

I was late on the update because I was lazy. Suddenly, I dont feel like translating.

Support bored turtle on kofi

FootnotesHer family meaning Viscount Easton. Since English doesnt have a word for a married girls family, I replaced it with my.