The Ego and His Own - Part 47

Part 47

[106] Rom. 6. 18.

[107] 1 Pet. 2. 16.

[108] James 2. 12.

[109] [See note, p. 112.]

[110] [Meaning "German." Written in this form because of the censorship.]

[111] [_Einzige_].

[112] [I take _Entbehrung_, "dest.i.tution," to be a misprint for _Entehrung_.]

[113] [_Eigennutz_, literally "own-use."]

[114] [_Einzigen_]

[115] Rom. 8. 14.

[116] Cf. 1 John 3. 10 with Rom. 8. 16.

[117] [_Eigenschaften_]

[118] [_Eigentum_]

[119] _E. g._ Marx in the "_Deutsch-franzoesische Jahrbuecher_," p. 197.

[120] Br. Bauer, "_Judenfrage_," p. 61.

[121] Hess, "_Triarchie_," p. 76.

[122] [_Vorrecht_, literally "precedent right."]

[123] [_Eigenschaft_]

[124] [_Eigentum_]

[125] "Essence of Christianity," 2d ed., p. 401.

[126] [_bestimmt_]

[127] [_Bestimmung_]

[128] Mark 3. 29.

[129] [This word has also, in German, the meaning of "common law," and will sometimes be translated "law" in the following paragraphs.]

[130] Cf. "_Die Kommunisten in der Schweiz_," committee report, p. 3.

[131] [_Rechtsstreit_, a word which usually means "lawsuit."]

[132] [A common German phrase for "it suits me."]

[133] A. Becker, "_Volksphilosophie_," p. 22 f.

[134] [Mephistopheles in "Faust."]

[135] "I beg you, spare my lungs! He who insists on proving himself right, if he but has one of these things called tongues, can hold his own in all the world's despite!"

[Faust's words to Mephistopheles, slightly misquoted.--For _Rechthaberei_ see note on p. 185.]

[136] [_Gesetz_, statute; no longer the same German word as "right."]

[137] [_Verbrechen_]

[138] [_brechen_]

[139] "This Book Belongs to the King," p. 376.

[140] P. 376.

[141] P. 374.

[142] [An unnatural mother]

[143] P. 381.

[144] P. 385.

[145] [_Gerechte_]

[146] [_macht Alles huebsch gerecht_]

[147] [_Einzige_]

[148] See "Political Speeches," 10, p. 153.

[149] [Literally, "precedent right."]

[150] [_Spannung_]

[151] [_gespannt_]

[152] [_spannen_]

[153] [_einzig_]

[154] [_Einzigkeit_]

[155] [_Volk_; but the etymological remark following applies equally to the English word "people." See Liddell & Scott's Greek lexicon, under _pimplemi_.]