The Druid Master Of Hogwarts - Chapter 539

Chapter 539

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In fact, Dumbledore wanted Fish to try to learn Animagus a long time ago.

It's just that this spell is too dangerous after all, and he is not sure that the little guy who is unable to determine what the body is, will it go wrong after practice, so it is delayed until now.

After so many years of observation, Fish did not have any problems when learning other spells. Instead, he mastered it faster than ordinary little wizards. He even learned the extremely difficult Patronus, Dumbledore. Only then dared Fish to try it.

Of course, if there is no Voldemort resurrection, he will probably observe it for another two years, but now, Dumbledore hopes that Fish can become stronger, and Animagus, a spell that is very suitable for his characteristics, naturally is the first choice.

Not to mention that Fish's Patronus is so huge... but Dumbledore had always thought that Fish's Patronus would be something like a giant squid.

As for whether Fish will become a tree or something after learning Animagus...

What a joke, the relationship between the form of Animagus and the Patronus is not inevitable, otherwise he can become a phoenix himself?

Dumbledore laughed in his heart, feeling that his mind was really unclear, and such a nonsense thought would come up.


Fishe blinked, intrigued by the proposal.

"Albus, Albus, will Feixu become a big tree meow?"

Obviously, the cat also thought of this possibility, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this idea.

Without waiting for Dumbledore to answer, Professor McGonagall, who was beside him, tapped Fisher's little head, and smiled angrily: "How is that possible! Animagus is an animal transfiguration, and it can only be transformed into an animal. !"

"However, you said before that the patron saint will only appear with animals, meow..."


Phish retorted in disbelief.

"How can it be the same?" Professor McGonagall explained to Fish with tears and laughter: "The Animagus spell itself is composed of the words 'animal' and 'wizard', so it can only be changed. into an animal."

Professor McGonagall's explanation made Fish very disappointed...

"And what about Fish changing the spell to Prandtmagus?"

The cat asked reluctantly.

Then it was categorically rejected by Professor McGonagall...

"Don't even think about it!" she snarled: "It's a very dangerous thing to modify spells at will! Especially spells like Animagus that target wizards themselves!"


Although Fei Xu agreed, he still muttered unconvincingly, "You obviously modified a lot of spells yourself, Minerva..."

What he said was that last summer, Professor McGonagall modified and created a series of spells based on Muggle cartoons.

Professor McGonagall just pretended not to hear.


Fish suddenly remembered one more thing, "Practicing Animagus, isn't there a lot of things you can't eat for a long time?!"

"Uh, that's not the case," Dumbledore quickly explained when he saw that the cat seemed to be regretting: "Normal food is actually edible, but many wizards avoid accidentally swallowing the leaves in their mouths. Go down, so I try to choose to eat some simple food."

Seeing that Fish was still a little hesitant, Dumbledore said again: "Besides, don't you wonder what your Animagus form is? Also, Minerva and Hermione have both learned Animagus. s."

Originally, I heard that Animagus can only transform into animals, and Fish's enthusiasm for this spell is not so high. After all, if you want to transform into animals, cats don't need so much trouble, especially when you think of this spell. After the trouble, he was even less interested.

But the reason behind Dumbledore made it difficult for Fish to have the idea of refusing...

"Okay, then, Fish, let's practice."

Mao Mao sighed and said not very interestedly, after all, for a long time to come, he had to be careful when eating, which really made him unhappy.

"In addition to Animagus, Fish, you can also learn some powerful spells from me."

Just as Fish sighed, Dumbledore spoke again.

"So, you want to teach Feixu to Apparition Meow?!"

The cat suddenly became interested again.

Dumbledore continued to shake his head and said, "It's too dangerous to practice Apparition, you need someone to be watching you all the time, but we don't have that much time to take care of you right now. Also, little wizards under the age of 17 learn to Apparate in advance, yes We will be punished by the Ministry of Magic, and we should not be in conflict with the Ministry of Magic now."

"But besides Apparition, Fish doesn't want to learn other spells, meow."

Dumbledore said so much, but Mao Mao didn't take it to heart. Anyway, it's just not allowed. What's the use of saying more... Mao Mao thought very unhappily.

He raised his left hand and said plausibly, "Fish's claws are even stronger, meow."

Aside from Apparition, Cat Mao really doesn't have much interest in other spells, especially after he awakens Moonfire and Starfire.

In this regard, Dumbledore did not force it.

He did think about taking the time to teach Fish well, but after careful consideration, he gave up.

With Mao Mao's rambunctious character, forcibly pressing him to study would be counterproductive, so it's better to let it go.

Of course, Professor McGonagall's previous story education method can be He only came here today, and the main purpose is to bring Fish to the ancestral house of the Black family, so whether it is practice Nimagus, or let Professor McGonagall tell him stories would be much more convenient.

So Dumbledore said, "Now, put away your Patronus, Fish, it's time for us to leave."

"Leave? Where are you going, meow?"

Fish looked at him suspiciously.

"The Command of the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore said, blinking, "Thanks to Sirius' generous help, it would not be so easy to find a place that others couldn't find."

"Order of the Phoenix? What's that? It's about Fox?"

Fish continued to ask curiously, and Hermione pricked up her ears just as curiouslya name she hadn't seen in a book before.

"Well, it was a secret society that I established to fight Voldemort, but after he lost his power, I disbanded it." Dumbledore replied: "But now, given that Voldemort has recovered His power, I had to build it back up... Minerva and I have been working on it lately."

"Okay, any more questions, let's ask when we get there." Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Fish, "Take the address on it, keep it firmly in mind, and , don't tell anyone else."

Fish looked down at the parchment, and Hermione, who was next to him, also held out his head. It was in Dumbledore's handwriting, which was familiar to Fish, and he wrote on it in that slender, circle-and-circle font:

The Order of the Phoenix headquarters is located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

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