The Druid Master Of Hogwarts - Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Latest URL: "Meow?"

Feish raised his head and looked at the empty ceiling.

"It's Riddle Meow? Where are you?"

"I have a memory myself, and it can't appear in the memory again," Voldemort continued with that weak voice that seemed to be let go at any time: "You just have to go back to the principal's office and you will be able to see it in a while. It's me."

Although Voldemort wanted to take this opportunity to tell from Fei Xu how he suddenly lost a lot of power a while ago, he still forcibly held it back in order not to miss the flaws, and planned to use a safer way to ask Fei Xu in the future. Clich.

He had been leading the topic in the direction of the secret room before, and he hadn't had time to ask Feishu about this. After all, as long as he recovered some of his strength, it would be much easier to ask anything.


Feish shook his ears, but still obeyed Voldemort's instructions, turned around and ran back.

By the time he returned to the principal's office, there was already a boy about Percy's age in it. He was sitting opposite Professor Dippet, his hands clasped tightly together.

Feish walked to the desk, put his head in front of the boy, and looked up and down.

Feish doesn't have any idea about looks or the like, but...the hair quality is good.

The boy has shiny black hair and looks very beautiful.

"This is your cat?"

Fisch poked the figure in front of him curiously, and his hand penetrated the past of course.


Voldemort replied helplessly, he already regretted pulling Feish into his memory...

If I knew it, I would describe it directly in words!

At this time, the memory of Tom Riddle and Professor Dipeter started their conversation. Fisch probably listened to it, probably because someone died, so Riddle could not stay in school and had to go back to the orphanage. Over the summer vacation.

"So you will catch the person who opened the secret room because he made you have to go back to the orphanage in the summer vacation?"

Fisch is very keenly aware of the key information.

"There is this part of the reason," Voldemort did not conceal his selfishness. He replied, "I am a hybrid and a Slytherin student. I am not within the scope of the monster attack. If it is not necessary, I don't intend to. Blend this matter."

"That place called the orphanage is terrible?"

At this time Riddle had finished the conversation with Professor Dippet, and his face looked very ugly after knowing that he had to go back.

"Yes... that's a very boring and ordinary place."

In fact, Riddle's life in the orphanage is not bad. Although Mrs. Cole at the orphanage thinks that Riddle has a strange personality and doesn't like him very much, she is still a qualified dean.

And because of his magical powers, other children couldn't bully him. Riddle was the bully in the orphanage to be exact.

Before entering Hogwarts, he used his own ability to hang a rabbit raised by a boy named Billy Stubbs from the beam of the house.

On another occasion, he took Dennis Bishop and Amy Benson into a cave, and then used magic to do a terrible thing to the two of them, so that the two orphans were scared to nothing. Ken said.

The young Tom Riddle would steal things from other orphans and put them in his closet like trophies.

But for Voldemort, returning to the orphanage means that he has returned to the ordinary world belonging to Muggles. This is something that Voldemort, who has been exposed to the magical world and is full of ambitions, cannot bear. He wants to be unique. , Maverick.

Fisch didn't know the real reason why Voldemort hated the orphanage. He thought it was a very boring place, as Voldemort said.

So he nodded in sympathy, and agreed: "Fish doesn't like boring places."

While talking with Voldemort, the kitten followed Riddle out of the principal's office, and then they ran into a young Dumbledore in the hall.

"It's the brunette Albus!"

In his youth, Fisch had seen Dumbledore in the Pendant, and he had even seen Dumbledore, who was even younger and had no beard. Not to mention that, apart from the fact that Dumbledore's beard and hair did not turn white, it was also less wrinkled, so Fisch recognized it at a glance.

Although he knew that Dumbledore could not see himself in his memory, Fisch waved to him and reached out to fish for his long beard...Of course, this approach still had no effect.

After talking to young Dumbledore for a few words, Riddle came to the classroom of the potions class. After he entered the classroom, he immediately closed the door, leaving only a gap, while standing straight behind the door. , Peering outside through this gap.

Fisch also curiously squatted under the door and went outside to look outside for a while, but there was no one left outside.


The kitty became bored.

He no longer stayed next to Riddle, but went through the door of the Potions class and started running outside again.

"Wait! Don't you wonder who opened the secret room?"

Voldemort shouted to Feish.

"But it's boring to stay there all the time, Feish wants to go out to play."

Fisch flicked his tail, confirming once again that Riddle was deceiving himself, and the entrance to the secret room was clearly on the third floor.

"When the person who opened the secret room shows up, you can tell Feixu again."

After the kitten dropped this sentence, he ignored Voldemort's cry, and ran outside again, scurrying around in the empty castle.

Voldemort: "..."

Facing the wayward kitty, Voldemort had nothing to do.

Originally absorbed Ginny's vitality before, Voldemort was barely able to perform some operations on this memory, such as slightly speeding up the flow of time in the memory, or limiting the range of activities of the visitor.

But it's a pity that the diary was hit by a unicorn by mistake. Voldemort's hard-earned power was almost lost all at once. Now he is too weak to deal with memory too much. More interference.

Therefore, Lord Dark Lord could only hold back his stomach and let Fisch run around in Hogwarts Castle fifty years ago, while he himself had been paying attention to the situation near the potions classroom.

Hogwarts 50 years ago and Hogwarts familiar to Fisch were basically the same except for some changes in the furnishings in a few places.

Other secret passages and chambers that Voldemort didn't know were either directly turned into solid walls or chaos. This Hogwarts was constructed based on the memory of Voldemort in the fifth grade, so he didn't know. The place cannot be revealed.

After walking around, Fei Xu found that it was not interesting, so he simply ran to the prize showroom on the fourth floor, planning to find a trophy to get in and sleep.

When I arrived at the prizes showroom, UU Reading Fei Xu found that many of the trophies here were not as good as he remembered. Because Voldemort hadn't paid attention to the detailed information of these trophies, the fallacy of the trophies appeared here was natural. That's a lot.

Fortunately, Feish just wanted to find a place to sleep, and didn't pick trophies very much. He directly found a trophy that looked pretty good, jumped into it in the form of a cat, and soon fell asleep.

As for why he can transform in his memory and fall asleep, it doesn't matter to Fisch at all. He doesn't have the spirit to delve into it. For Mao Mao, what he always pursues is eating, drinking, and having fun.

And there is a risk of being possessed or controlled by Voldemort after falling asleep...

It's a pity that the boring kitty has forgotten this, and because of Voldemort's current strength, Feish's heartless attitude has not caused any irreversible things.

Fisch: "Zzzzz..."

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