The Divine Martial Stars - Chapter 348 - Ultimate Yin and Yang Cultivation Method

Chapter 348 - Ultimate Yin and Yang Cultivation Method

Chapter 348 Ultimate Yin and Yang Cultivation Method

Wobbling like an old man, Li Mu finally picked up the book with both hands and turned a page. After he flipped through it, he felt a chill down his spine.

This is truly the cultivation method of Somersault Cloud!

Although he had not practiced it yet, given Li Mus quick wit in martial arts, he could basically ascertain that it was indeed a book on the technique of speeding across the sky after he skimmed through the pages. The method could enable him to travel at an incredible speed. He was unsure if it could really allow him to cover more than 108,000 miles with one somersault, but it would absolutely be a faster way to travel than using the Broadsword-commanding Skill that he invented It was a cultivation method that outstripped the most advanced martial arts on that planet!

Indeed, it was an extremely powerful secret method.

When Li Mu finished reading, he was more appalled than ever.

What on earth is going on?

When I saw the stone plate that said Spiritual Fangcun Mountain, Crescent and Three Stars Cave, then the abandoned Taoist field and the halls named Arts Gate and Action Gate, I was repeatedly reminded of the lecture field of Master Puti in The Journey to the West. If that was merely my wild guess before, now it has been verified by the presence of the book on the secret technique called Somersault Cloud!

Everything here is truly associated with that world depicted in the Journey to the West!

Are Master Puti and Sun Wukong real characters?

Is everything from the Journey to the West real?

Li Mu felt his brain went dull.

Anyway, at least the secret method called Somersault Cloud was something that he could practice.

Covering 108,000 with just one somersault!

How fast that was!

Although it could be quite funny for a human being to do somersaults every time he traveled through the sky, it did not matter as long as he could move really fast. It was certainly the best method to make an escape. In that case, he would be able to travel between galaxies by dint of just a score of somersaults, wouldnt he?

Li Mu quickly put that book into his storage space before diving into