The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 442: Joining Qin Corporation Again

Chapter 442: Joining Qin Corporation Again

Chapter 442: Joining Qin Corporation Again

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Because both of them had to go to work at Qin Corporation the next day, Mo Qingqin brought Xiaokai and Xiaoxin back to the family residence to take care of them.

As for Chu Liyuan? He only left Jian Dans house reluctantly when it was dark.

The next day, Jian Dan changed into a red slim-fit dress.

After Jian Dan gave birth, she acquired a hot body with curves in all the right places.

Coupled with this eye-catching red slim-fit skirt, she was a head-turner.

Since she was going to war, she naturally had to look good.

Wearing such clothes, it was impossible for her to take the bus. Hence, Jian Dan was extravagant today and took a cab to Qin Corporation.

h.e.l.lo, Miss. How can I help you? The receptionist asked when she saw Jian Dan.

Im here to report for work.

Please wait a moment. Oh! Yes, the HR manager has already given the word. You can take the elevator directly to the HR department on the 12th floor.

Thank you.

After Jian Dan left, she heard the staff at the reception whispering to each other

I heard that she was parachuted in.

Really? There has never been such special cases in Qin Corporations headquarters.

Looks like she must have a powerful background. Perhaps shes Mr. Chus

Dont spout nonsense. If Miss Wei hears you, youll be in for it.

Alright, alright, zip it!

Their words brought a smile to Jian Dan.

This was the effect she wanted

Otherwise, Jian Dan wouldnt have chosen an eye-catching red dress for her first day at work.

Now, she was already looking forward to Wei Qianyis expression when she saw her.

Jian Dan took the elevator to the 12th floor


Please take a seat. The HR manager wore a pair of gold-rimmed eyes, a well-ironed suit, and and a stylish hairstyle. He looked like someone who had a fine taste in life.

Mr. Li has already given me the word. Youll be the planning director.

Planning director? Jian Dan had thought that she would be just a mere planning a.s.sistant.

She did not expect Chu Liyuan to make her the planning director.

Hes really not worried at all that I would cause trouble for him, huh? Ive never done anything related to planning before.

However, since the boss isnt worried, whats a small fry like me worried about?

Anyway, it would probably be fine. Even if there are any unexpected mishaps, it would be Chu Liyuans responsibility. Its got nothing to do with me!

Okay, thank you.

Whats your name? Ill get someone to process the staff pa.s.s for you.

Jian Dan.

Alright, give me some time.

Not long after, Jian Dans staff pa.s.s was done.

It pays to know people in high places? This level of efficiency is astounding.

You can make your way to the Planning Department now.

By myself?

Its okay. Youre the boss of the Planning Department now. Go on then.

Although Li Jing told the HR manager to take good care of the new hire, he did not have a good impression of her.

After all, there had never been such a precedent in Qin Corporation.

Parachuted staff?

In Qin Corporations headquarters, all the employees were outstanding in their chosen fields. Even an ordinary employee here would be able to get a post of manager and above in other companies.

He looked down on people like Jian Dan who relied on connections to join the company by pulling strings.

The HR manager deliberately did not bring her over. This parachuted staff is definitely in for a huge surprise from those enfants terribles in the Planning Department.

The HR manager gave a disdainful smile