The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 400: What a Vivid Dream

Chapter 400: What a Vivid Dream

Chapter 400: What a Vivid Dream

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just as he was yearning for this back view, it turned around suddenly

The moment she turned around, he saw her face clearly.

The face that had haunted his dreams for five years. The face kept appearing in his heart in his mind and in his thoughts. She was like a mountain that stood there, unshakable.

He was so mesmerized by her face that he did not even notice that she had spilled wine all over him.

What the h *11? This is different from the script Ive written.

We just b.u.mped into each other like this? What should I do now?


No. If I miss the chance today, I dont know how long Id have to wait for the next opportunity. Time is running out forXiaoxin!

Pretend not to know him and greet him politely, then leave and look for an opportunity later?

Yes! Thats it!

Sir Just as she was about to greet him politely and leave

He actually leaned over and kissed her

The moment he kissed her, she felt as if an electric current had pa.s.sed through her entire body and her entire body went numb.

In his dreams, he rarely saw Jian Dan so up close. Every time, she was either very far away and he could only see a blurry silhouette or it was just her back view.

Today, he was actually allowed to see Jian Dans face so up close. His deadened heart seemed to have hope of living.

His brain could no longer function; he could only rely on his instincts and leaned over to kiss Jian Dan on the lips

It felt so real

He slowly raised his arms, wanting to hug the person in front of him. However, after he raised his arms, he did not dare to lower them. He was afraid that the moment they landed, he would hug a void again.

He had experienced this countless times in his dreams. Every time he woke up, there was only loneliness.

His arms slowly fell

He actually

He finally had Jian Dan in his arms again. It had been five years. He had missed this embrace for five whole years. Today, he finally had her in his arms again.

He could not help but tighten his arms, wanting to mesh the person in front of him into him.

G.o.d! Please let my dream last longer or dont let me wake up for the rest of my life!

Jian Dan was shocked by this sudden kiss.

What the h *11? Not only is he not afraid when he sees me, he doesnt even have a trace of doubt. Moreover, hes so forward?

When she got over her shock and was about to break free, she suddenly thought

Isnt this the whole purpose why Im here?!

Since hes so cooperative, wouldnt that save me a lot of trouble?

At the thought of this she did not struggle.

Chu Liyuan felt certain desires that he had been suppressing in his heart gradually waking up.

He picked Jian Dan up in a bridal carry

Not giving two hoots about where they were, he kicked open the door in front of him violently and carried Jian Dan inside

In the pitch-black room, a sliver of moonlight shone in

A short night pa.s.sed

Jian Dan fled that room before dawn, before Chu Liyuan woke up.

Feeling the sunlight on his face, the weak light stung his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in an unfamiliar room.

The images in his mind were very vivid.

Last night

It felt so real. Whenever he closed his eyes, everything that happened last night would play back like a movie in his mind.

It felt so real that he couldnt believe that it was just a dream