The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 396: A Bolt From the Blue

Chapter 396: A Bolt From the Blue

Chapter 396: A Bolt From the Blue

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After about half an hour, the door of the emergency room finally opened again and a doctor came out.

Doctor, hows my daughter?

Is my sister alright? Although Jian Xiaokai was very worried, he did not show it in order not to worry his mother.

Her condition is rather worrying. Lets talk in my office.

The doctors words almost made Jian Dan stumble and fall to the ground. Fortunately, Xiaoyang was quick to catch her.

Doctors always give good news while sweeping bad news under the rug. Since he said that, it really means that Xiaoxins condition is very serious.

Now that Xiaoxin is in such a condition, I must not fall apart.

She braced herself and followed the doctor to his office

Xiaoyang, please take care of Xiaoxin for now.

Dont worry. Although he really wanted to go with her, he stayed behind to take care of Xiaoxin in order to ease Jian Dans mind.

With Uncle Xiaoyang taking care of Xiaoxin, it should be okay for the time being. Hence, Xiaokai secretly followed her to the doctors office.

Doctor, whats wrong with my daughter?

I did a very thorough examination. Its leukemia.


Leukemia? Hows that possible? How could such a cute girl like Xiaoxin have such an illness? Thats impossible!

Jian Dan did not want to believe what she heard.

That word was like a death sentence.

Thats impossible. My daughter has always been healthy. How could she suddenly have such a disease? It cant be!

Ive confirmed it repeatedly. Its indeed leukemia.

Her heart sank.

Doctor, is there any way to treat it?

The best treatment now is for her to get a bone marrow transplant.

My My bone marrow can be transplanted to my daughter. Use mine! Upon hearing that there was a treatment method, Jian Dan said as she grabbed the doctor excitedly.

Although theres a high chance of a match, we still need to do a detailed examination to confirm if you are a donor match for your daughter. Then lets check it quickly! Lets go now! Jian Dan was already losing control.

Count me in!

Jian Xiaokaiwho had been listening outside the doorsaid as he opened the door.

Xiaokai? Why are you here? Seeing her son appear at the door, Jian Dan hurriedly wiped the tears off her face.

I heard it outside the door just now. Xiaoxin and I are twins. My bone marrow will definitely be a match!

Jian Dan had always known that Xiaokai was a very responsible little guy even though he was very young. In facteven though it was said that she took care of themit had been Xiaokai who took care of her and Xiaoxins emotions and daily life most of the time all these years.

Under such circ.u.mstances, he could actually step up without any fear.

Xiaokai, youre still a child. You cant

Mom, say no more. I must save Xiaoxin!

Doctor, please conduct the tests for me and my mother!

Seeing a child who was not even five years old looking at him with a determined expression and saying those words, the doctors face revealed an expression of admiration.

He did not expect such a young child to be able to do this.

Sweetheart, the process of bone marrow extraction for the examination is very painful. Even many adults cant stand it. Are you sure you want to get tested?

Doctor, Im not afraid of pain. As long as I can save my sister, I dont mind.

Looking at her son, Jian Dans felt very comforted. What good karma did learn in my previous life to have such a son?!

rm willing to do anything for my daughter to be out of the woods.


Jian Dan and Xiaokai both got tested, but neither of them was a match. Xiaoyang had also gotten testedtogether with many of his comradesbut none of them was a match to Xiaoxin.

Looking at Xiaoxin lying on the bed, it broke Jian Dans heart. If she could, she really hoped that she was the one lying there now. Tm willing to bear this pain on behalf of Xiaoxin.

How could G.o.d bear to take such adorable child away?