The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 317: Looks Like You Really Think Your Life Is Too Comfortable!

Chapter 317: Looks Like You Really Think Your Life Is Too Comfortable!

Chapter 317: Looks Like You Really Think Your Life Is Too Comfortable!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian, why are you wasting your breath on her? Lets go! Mengjiao obviously did not want to have anything to do with her.

Okay! She helped Mengjiao and turned to leave.

However, some people just liked to court death and find trouble for no reason.

Shen Jiaqi was adamant in getting in their way. As they pushed each other out of the way, Mengjiao accidentally crashed into the wall. Ow! My tummy Mengjiao, how are you?

Jian, my tummy hurts! Mengjiao clutched her belly. Beads of sweat covered her forehead. It was obvious how much pain Mengjiao was in.

Oh my G.o.d! This is There was a lot of water flowing out from Mengjiaos lower body. Jian Dan was at a loss for what to do.

Jian, my water broke.

Your water broke? Is the baby coming? She had checked online previouslyit seemed that when the water broke, it meant that the baby was coming.

Mengjiao was in so much pain that she could not speak.

But its not the due date yet. Why did it suddenly break? She did not know what to do in this sudden situation. In her moment of desperation, she could only think of one thing and that was to call Chu Liyuan.

h.e.l.lo, Uncle!

When Chu Liyuan heard Jian Dans slightly crying voice from the other end of the call, he frowned.

Whats the matter?

Uncle, something happened to Mengjiao. Her water broke. I dont know what to do. What should I do? What should I do to help Mengjiao? She was completely fl.u.s.tered.

Jian Jian, dont be anxious. Ill take care of it!

Uncle! Boohoo

After hanging up, Chu Liyuan called Zi Yan and told her to pick up a doctor from the nearest hospital from J University. He had already made the arrangements.

Jian Dan said that Mengjiaos amniotic fluid had already broken; she might not be able to wait until they get to the hospital, so he asked the doctor to rush over.

After everything was arranged, he put aside his work and called Li Jing. The two of them rushed to J University together.

When Li Jing heard the news of Mengjiaos accident, he was very anxious. Along the way, his palms were sweating non-stop, and his heart was in his mouth

Mengjiao, you must hang in there. Everything will be fine! Tears flowed uncontrollably from Jian Dans eyes

Shen Jiaqi was also taken aback. She did not expect things to turn out like this.

Shen Jiaqi, it seems like you really feel that your life is too comfortable!

Resentment flashed in Jian Dans eyes.

Jian She heard Mengjiaos weak voice.

Jian Dan held Mengjiaos hand tightly. Mengjiao, Im here! Hang in there. The doctor will be here soon.

My baby!

Jian! Zi Yan walked in with a few doctors in white coats.

Zi Yan! Zi Yan was like an angel. Jian Dan finally saw her savior. Doctors, hurry up and take a look at her. Please save her. You cant let anything happen to her, okay? She was really terrified. Her whole body was trembling.

Dont worry, well do our best!

Not only did Chu Liyuan got the doctors, but he also arranged an infirmary on campus to be a temporary delivery room. They carried Mengjiao to that infirmary Then, Zi Yan and herself were invited out. The doctors stayed inside to deliver Mengjiaos baby

Waiting outside was definitely a very torturous thing. She did not know how Mengjiao or the baby was doing. She was worried sick.

It broke her heart to hear Mengjiaos heart-wrenching screams from the room but she could not help at all. She could only stay here and worry!

Just then, Chu Liyuan and Li Jing finally rushed over

Wheres Mengjiao? Is she alright? Li Jing rushed up to Jian Dan and asked anxiously.

Shes still in there!

Li Jing rushed to the door and looked around, trying to find a way to see what was going on inside.

Jian Jian, its okay! Chu Liyuan hugged her tightly.

Uncle! Boohoo She burst into tears in Chu Liyuans arms..