The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 110 - Chapter 11o: Reality Show Invitation

Chapter 110 - Chapter 11o: Reality Show Invitation

Chapter 110 - Chapter 11o: Reality Show Invitation

Chapter 11o: Reality Show Invitation

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next morning, Jian Dan was woken up by the ringing of her cell phone

Wfto was calling her so early in the morning?

Jian Dan fumbled for her cell phone on the bedside table with her eyes closed. After reaching it, she answered the call without looking at who it was h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo, are you Shang Yujins manager?

Jian Dan bolted up immediately I am!

h.e.l.lo, Im calling from Xingyu TV Station. Were developing a reality show and would like to invite Miss Shang Yujin to partic.i.p.ate.

Reality show??

Nowadays, reality shows were extremely popular! If possible, she could use this opportunity to increase Yujins popularity. Anyway, Yujins next movie would not start filming for another three months. This way, she could get some publicity in advance. It was a good move.

What kind of reality show is it?

Its compet.i.tive!


Although compet.i.tive reality shows were very popular, there was also a certain risk. This made Jian Dan hesitate.

If you have any questions, you can come to our office today. Ill explain it to you in person.

Thats right. There were some things that could not be explained clearly over the phone!

Alright then! Send me the address.

After ending the call, Jian Dan called Yujin and told her about it

Yujin was a dancer herself, and she often exercised. Her stamina was also very good, so ordinary compet.i.tions should not be a problem for her.

However, Jian Dan told Yujin that she would have to wait until the discussion today before making a decision.

Whats up?

The person-in-charge of a reality show wants Yujin to partic.i.p.ate!

Reality show?

Yes! 1 think its possible. Reality shows are very popular now. It should be able to increase Yujins popularity.

You decide then!

Chu Liyuan would definitely support Jian Dans decision, no matter what it was!

Okay! Im going to meet with that person-in-charge later.

Ill send you there!

Thankyou, Uncle!

When she arrived downstairs, Grandpa was already having breakfast Youre up?

Did Grandpa feel that she woke up too late?

Come over quickly! Ive prepared a lot of delicious food for you. You worked too hard last night.

Grandpa, your words are so shocking

Huh?? Why did Grandpa keep saying things she didnt understand recently? What did she do yesterday? Why was it hard?

Ahem, ahem!

Uncle, whats wrong? Is there something wrong with your throat?

(This is so embarra.s.sing; Jian Dans EQis really worrying.)

Its a little dry! Chu Liyuan took a sip from the gla.s.s of water on the table.

The two of them must be hiding something from her. Every time they were together, they acted really strange and always said something behind her back! Are you two hiding something from me?

It was rare that Jian Dan caught a whiff of the fishy business!



The tacit understanding between the two of them was really good! Their replies were so complementary.

So, they did not want to tell her? Never mind! Shell find out one day.

Of course, one day in the future, Jian Dan finally knew and understood why the two of them were so secretive.

Initially, Grandpa wanted the two of them to stay for another two days, but Jian Dan had something on So he could only agree to the two of them leaving

After leaving the family residence, Chu Liyuan sent Jian Dan to the address she told him

Go ahead! Ill wait for you here.

Uncle, dont you have to go to the office today?

Go on! Chu Liyuan did not answer Jian Dan and unbuckled her seatbelt..