The Aristocracy of London: Part I: Kensington - Part 27

Part 27

6. ALLEN, Alderman, Wm. Ferneley,

Member of the firm of W. H. Allen and Co. publishers, &c., of 7, Leadenhall-street; sheriff for London, 1857; alderman of Cheap Ward, 1858.

8. WINNINGTON, Henry Jeffries, Capt.

5th and youngest s. of Sir Edward Winnington, Bart., by dau. of Thomas, 1st Lord Foley; brother of late and uncle of present Sir Thomas Edward Winnington, Bart.; b. 1794; app. capt. 39th Foot, 1813; placed on half-pay, 1814; J.P. for Worcestershire; M.P. for West Worcestershire, 183341.

9. HOLMS, John, Esq., F.R.G.S.

Of the firm of Wm. Holms and Brothers, manufacturers of Glasgow, London, and Manchester.

10. POTTER, Thomas Bayley, Esq.

S. of the late Sir Thomas Potter, knt.; brother of late Sir John Potter, knt., M.P. for Manchester; b. at Manchester, 1817; m. 1846, Mary, dau. of late Samuel Ashton, Esq., of Gee Cross, Cheshire. Educ. at Rugby and London University. J.P. and dep.-lieut. for co. Palatine of Lancaster, and for City of Manchester. Merchant (_Reform Club_; _Buile Hill_, _Manchester_).

11. READ, Thomas Laurence, Esq.

Surgeon. Formerly student at St. George's Hospital. M.R.C.S. England, 1856.

12. c.o.c.kERTON, Richard, Esq.

Surgeon. Formerly student of King's College, London; M.R.C.S. England, 1851. Lately med. superintendent, Hospital, San Fernando, Trinidad.

Surgeon, Kensington Dispensary; member Pathological Society.


1. LONGRIDGE, James Atkinson, Esq.

A civil-engineer; member of the Inst.i.tute; engineer to the Calcutta and South Eastern Railway Company (18, _Abingdon-street_, S.W.)

2. THISTLEWOOD, George Henry, Esq.

A solicitor (10, _Symond's Inn_, _Chancery-lane_, W.C.)

7. CULLINGFORD, William Henry, Esq.

A builder; member of the Society of Arts; obtained the 1st cla.s.s prize of 50 for his plan of subways to 2nd cla.s.s streets, offered by the Metropolitan Board of Works in 1857.

9. SPOTTISWOODE, Major-General, A. Cole.

Late of the Bengal Infantry.

13. TOMS, George Bailey, Esq.

A merchant (iron) of the firm of Toms and Co. (_The Gresham Club_; 7_a_, _Laurence_ _Pountney Hill_, E.C.; _Westfield_, _Reigate Hill_, _Surrey_).

21. RAPHAEL, Thomas Athanasio, Esq.

A merchant (commission) (9_a_, _New Broad-street_, E.C.)

47. CLODE, Charles Matthew, Esq.

Solicitor to the War Office (_Pall Mall_, S.W.)

48. HALL, Captain William Hutcheson, R.N.

M. 1845, the honorable Hilare Byng, sister of the present Viscount Torrington; has issue, one dau. Ent. the navy, 1811; prom. to his present rank, 1844; commanded the first iron steamer (the "Nemesis") that doubled the Cape; distinguished himself greatly in the China war of 18412, and in the Baltic during the late Russian war; has endeared his name to every sailor by his devotion to the cause of their homes. A director of the Peninsula and Oriental Company, of the Marine life Insurance Company, and of the Telegraph to India Company; a Fellow of the Royal and the Royal Geographical Societies, &c. (_United Service Club_).


8. PAIN, Thomas, Esq.

S. of Thomas Pain, Esq., Registrar of the Cinque Ports; b. 2 Nov. 1820, at Dover; m. 1858, Emma, dau. of William Pain Beecham, Esq. of Hawkhurst, Kent; has issue, two children (Alfred and Helen); a member of Lincoln's Inn; c. to the bar, 1844; a conveyancer (_Chapel Stairs_, _Lincoln's Inn_, W.C.)