The Anatomy of Melancholy - Part 10

Part 10

Of head Melancholy are _Subs. 3._

Inward Innate humour, or from temperature adjust.

A hot brain, corrupted blood in the brain Excess of venery, or defect Agues, or some precedent disease Fumes arising from the stomach, &c.

Or Outward Heat of the sun, immoderate A blow on the head Overmuch use of hot wines, spices, garlic, onions, hot baths, overmuch waking, &c.

Idleness, solitariness, or overmuch study, vehement labour, &c.

Pa.s.sions, perturbations, &c.

Of hypochondriacal or windy melancholy are, [_Subs. 4._]

Inward Default of spleen, belly, bowels, stomach, mesentery, miseraic veins, liver, &c.

Months or hemorrhoids stopped, or any other ordinary evacuation

or Outward Those six non-natural things abused.

Over all the body are, _Subs. 5._

Inward Liver distempered, stopped, over-hot, apt to engender melancholy, temperature innate.

or Outward Bad diet, suppression of hemorrhoids &c. and such evacuations, pa.s.sions, cares, &c. those six non-natural things abused.

[Symbol: Taurus] Necessary causes, as those six non-natural things, which are, _Sect. 2 Memb. 2._

Diet offending in _Subs. 1._

Substance Bread; course and black, &c.

Drink; thick, thin, sour, &c.

Water unclean, milk, oil, vinegar, wine, spices &c.

Flesh Parts: heads, feet, entrails, fat, bacon, blood, &c.

Kinds: Beef, pork, venison, hares, goats, pigeons, peac.o.c.ks, fen-fowl, &c.

Herbs, Fish, &c.

Of fish; all sh.e.l.lfish, hard and slimy fish, &c.

Of herbs; pulse, cabbage, melons, garlic, onions, &c.

All roots, raw fruits, hard and windy meats

Quality, as in Preparing, dressing, sharp sauces, salt meats, indurate, soused, fried, broiled or made-dishes, &c.

Quant.i.ty Disorder in eating, immoderate eating, or at unseasonable times, &c. _Subs. 2_ Custom; delight, appet.i.te, altered, &c. _Subs. 3._

Retention and evacuation, _Subs. 4._ Costiveness, hot baths, sweating, issues stopped, Venus in excess, or in defect, phlebotomy, purging, &c.

Air; hot, cold, tempestuous, dark, thick, foggy, moorish, &c. _Subs. 5._

Exercise, _Subs. 6._ Unseasonable, excessive, or defective, of body or mind, solitariness, idleness, a life out of action, &c.

Sleep and waking, unseasonable, inordinate, overmuch, overlittle, &c.

_Subs. 7._

_Memb. 3. Sect. 2._

Pa.s.sions and perturbations of the mind, _Subs. 1._ With a digression of the force of imagination. _Subs. 2._ and division of pa.s.sions into _Subs. 3._

Irascible, Sorrow, cause and symptom, _Subs. 4._ Fear, cause and symptom, _Subs. 5._ Shame, repulse, disgrace, &c. _Subs. 6._ Envy and malice, _Subs. 7._ Emulation, hatred, faction, desire of revenge, _Subs. 8._ Anger a cause, _Subs. 9._ Discontents, cares, miseries, &c. _Subs. 10._

or concupiscible.

Vehement desires, ambition, _Subs. 11._ Covetousness, [Greek: philargurian], _Subs. 12._ Love of pleasures, gaming in excess, &c. _Subs. 13._ Desire of praise, pride, vainglory, &c. _Subs. 14._ Love of learning, study in excess, with a digression, of the misery of scholars, and why the Muses are melancholy, _Subs.


B. Symptoms of melancholy are either _Sect. 3._

General, as of _Memb. 1._

Body, as ill digestion, crudity, wind, dry brains, hard belly, thick blood, much waking, heaviness, and palpitation of heart, leaping in many places, &c., _Subs. 1._

or Mind

Common to all or most.

Fear and sorrow without a just cause, suspicion, jealousy, discontent, solitariness, irksomeness, continual cogitations, restless thoughts, vain imaginations, &c. _Subs. 2._

Or Particular to private persons, according to _Subs. 3. 4._ Celestial influences, as [Symbol: Saturn] [Symbol: Jupiter]

[Symbol: Mars], &c. parts of the body, heart, brain, liver, spleen, stomach, &c.

Humours Sanguine are merry still, laughing, pleasant, meditating on plays, women, music, &c.

Phlegmatic, slothful, dull, heavy, &c.

Choleric, furious, impatient, subject to hear and see strange apparitions, &c.

Black, solitary, sad; they think they are bewitched, dead, &c.

Or mixed of these four humours adust, or not adust, infinitely varied.

Their several customs, conditions, inclinations, discipline, &c.

Ambitious, thinks himself a king, a lord; covetous, runs on his money; lascivious on his mistress; religious, hath revelations, visions, is a prophet, or troubled in mind; a scholar on his book, &c.

Continuance of time as the humour is intended or remitted, &c.

Pleasant at first, hardly discerned; afterwards harsh and intolerable, if inveterate. Hence some make three degrees, 1. _Falsa cogitatio._ 2. _Cogitata loqui._ 3. _Exequi loquutum._

By fits, or continuate, as the object varies, pleasing, or displeasing.

Simple, or as it is mixed with other diseases, apoplexies, gout, _caninus appet.i.tus_, &c. so the symptoms are various.

[Symbol: Cancer] Particular symptoms to the three distinct species. _Sect.

3. Memb. 2._

Head melancholy. _Subs. 1._

In body Headache, binding and heaviness, vertigo, lightness, singing of the ears, much waking, fixed eyes, high colour, red eyes, hard belly, dry body; no great sign of melancholy in the other parts.

Or In mind.