The Age of the Reformation - Part 86

Part 86

John Mackinnon Robertson: _A Short History of Freethought_. 1899.

([3] 1915).

Robertson: _A Short History of Christianity_. 1901. ([2] 1913).

S. N. Patten: _The Development of English Thought_. A Study in the Economic Interpretation of History. 1899. (Fanciful).

Ferdinand Brunetiere: "L'oeuvre litteraire de Calvin." _Revue des Deux Mondes_, Oct. 15, 1900.

Brunetiere: "L'oeuvre de Calvin." (1901). _Discours de Combat_, ii, 1908, pp. 121 ff.

Williston Walker: _The Reformation_. 1900.

Walker: _A History of the Christian Church_. 1918.

A. Loisy: L'evangile et l'eglise. 1901. (Answer to Harnack's Wesen des Christentums).

A. Lang: _History of Scotland_, i, 1901, p. 382.

A. F. Pollard: _Henry VIII_. 1902.

A. F. Pollard: _Thomas Cranmer_. 1904.

Pollard: _Political History of England 1547-1603_. 1910.

James Gairdner: _The English Church in the Sixteenth Century_ (1509-58). 1902.

J. Gairdner: Chapters in the _Cambridge Modern History_, ii, 1902.

Gairdner: _Lollardy and the Reformation_. 4 vols. 1908 ff.

Mandell Creighton: _A History of the Papacy_, vol. 5, 1902.

E. Armstrong: _The Emperor Charles V_. 1902.

H. Lemonnier: _Histoire de France_ (ed. par E. Lavisse), v, 1903-4.

James Harvey Robinson: "The Study of the Lutheran Revolt," _American Historical Review_, viii, 205. 1903.

J. H. Robinson: "The Reformation," _Encyclopaedia Britannica_, 1911.

Auguste Sabatier: _Les religions d'autorite et la religion de l'esprit_. 1903. ([4] 1910. English translation 1904).

(H. M.) Alfred Baudrillart: _L'eglise catholique, la Renaissance, le Protestantisme_. 1904. (English translation by Mrs. Philip Gibbs.


W. H. Frere: _The English Church in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I_, 1904.

H. A. L. Fisher: _A Political History of England 1486-1547_. 1904.

Fisher: _The Republican Tradition in Europe_, 1911, pp. 34 ff.

J. H. Mariejol: _Histoire de France_ (ed. par E. Lavisse), Tome vi, 1904.

E. P. Cheyney: _The European Background of American History_, 1904, p.


O. Hegemann: _Luther in katholischem Urteil_. 1904.

Friedrich Heinrich Suso Denifle: _Luther and Luthertum in der ersten Entwicklung_, i, 1904; ii, hg. von A. M. Weiss, 1909.

Max Weber: "Die protestantische Ethik und der 'Geist' des Kapitalismus," _Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik_, xx and xxi, 1905.

George Santayana: _Reason in Religion_, 1905, pp. 114-124.

Santayana: _Winds of Doctrine_, 1913, pp. 39-46.

Santayana: _Egotism in German Philosophy_, 1917, pp. 1 ff., 23.

P. Imbart de la Tour: _Les Origines de la Reforme_, 3 vols. 1905-13.

P. Imbart de la Tour: "Luther et l'Allemagne," in _Revue de metaphysique et morale_, 1918, p. 611.

David J. Hill: _A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe_, vol. 2, 1906, pp. 422 f, 460.

A. W. Benn: _A History of English Rationalism in the Eighteenth Century_, 1906, pp. 76 f.

J. Mackinnon: _A History of Modern Liberty_, Vol. iii, The Age of the Reformation, 1906.

T. M. Lindsay: _A History of the Reformation_. 2 vols. 1906-7.

H. Bohmer: _Luther im Lichte der neueren Forschung_. 1906. (2d. ed.

1909, 3d. 1913, 5th 1918, each much changed).

Ernst Troeltsch: _Bedeutung des Protestantismus fur die Entstehung der modernen Welt_. 1906. (2d ed. 1911; English translation, "Protestantism and Progress." 1912).

Troeltsch: _Protestantisches Christentum und Kirche in der Neuzeit_, 1906. (Kultur der Gegenwart, I, Teil iv, 1). 2d ed. 1909.

Troeltsch: "Protestantismus und Kultur," in _Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart_, 1912.

Troeltsch: _Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen_, 1912.

Troeltsch: "Renaissance und Reformation," _Historische Zeitschrift_, cx. 519 ff., 1913.

Troeltsch: "Die Kulturbedeutung des Kalvinimus," _Internationale Wochenschrift_, iv, 1910.

Troeltsch: "Luther und der Protestantismus," _Neue Rundschau_, Oct.
