The Age of the Reformation - Part 79

Part 79

iii, 392 ff.

G. L. Kittredge: "A Case of Witchcraft," _American Historical Review_, xxiii, pp. 1 ff, 1917.

C. Mirbt: _Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des romischen Katholizismus_.[3] 1911. p. 182. (Bull, Summis desiderantes).

G. Roskoff: _Geschichte des Teufels_. 1869.

A. Graf: _Il diavolo_. 1889.

H. C. Lea: _The Inquisition in Spain_, 1907, vol. iv, chaps. 8 and 9.

_Statutes of the Realm_, 5 Eliz. 16: An Act agaynst Inchantmentes and Witchcraftes. (1562-3).

T. de Cauzons: _La Magie et la Sorcellerie en France_. 4 vols. (1911).

E. Klinger: _Luther und der deutsche Volksaberglaube_. 1912.

(Palaestra, vol. 56).

SECTION 3. _Education_

_Alb.u.m Academiae Vitebergensis 1502-1602_, Band I, ed. K. E.

Forstemann, 1841. Band ii, 1895. Band iii Indices, 1905. (Reprint of vol. i, 1906).

J. C. H. Weissenborn: _Akten der Erfurter Universitat_. 3 vols. 1884.

G. Buchanan: "Anent the Reformation of the University of St. Andros,"

in _Buchanan's Vernacular Writings_, ed. P. Hume Brown, 1892.

_The Statutes of the Faculty of Arts and of the Faculty of Theology at the Period of the Reformation, of St. Andrews' University_, ed. R. K.

Hannay, 1910.

K. Hartfelder: _Melancthoniana paedogogica_. 1895.

F. V. N. Painter: _Luther on Education_, including a historical introduction and a translation of the Reformer's two most important educational treatises. 1889.

_Mandament der Keyserlijcker Maiesteit, vuytghegeven int Jaer xlvi_.

Louvain. 1546. (100 facsimiles printed for A. M. Huntington at the De Vinne Press, N. Y., 1896. Contains lists of books allowed in schools in the Netherlands).

C. Borgeaud: _Histoire de l' Universite de Geneve_. 2 vols. 1900, 1909.

J. M. Hofer: _Die Stellung des Des. Erasmus und J. L. Vives zur Padagogik des Quintilian_. (Erlangen Dissertation). 1910.

F. Watson: _Vives and the Renascence education of Women_. 1912.

P. Monroe: _Cyclopedia of education_. 5 vols. 1912-3.

K. A. Schmid: _Geschichte der Erziehung vom Anfang bis auf unserer Zeit_. 5 vols. in 7. 1884-1902. (Standard).

A. Zimmermann: _Die Universitaten Englands im 16. Jahrhundert_. 1889.

A. Zimmermann: _England's "offentliche Schulen" von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart_, 1892 (Stimmen aus Maria-Lach. vol. 56).

F. P. Graves: _A History of Education during the Middle Ages and the Transition to Modern Times_. 1910.

"Die Frequenz der deutschen Universitaten in fruherer Zeit," _Deutsches Wochenblatt_, 1897, pp. 391 ff.

P. Monroe: A Text-Book of the History of Education. 1905. (Standard text-book).

W. S. Monroe: _A Bibliography of Education_. 1897.

G. Mertz: _Das Schulwesen der deutschen Reformation_. 1902.

F. Paulsen: _Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts in Deutschland_.[2]

2 vols. 1896-7.

W. Sohm: _Die Schule Johann Sturms_. 1912.

J. Ficker: _Die Anfange der akademischen Studien in Stra.s.sburg_. 1912.

_Shakespeare's England_, 1916. 2 vols. ch. 8 "Education" by Sir J. E.


A. Roersch: _L' Humanisme belge a l' epoque de la Renaissance_. 1910.

Sir T. Elyot: _The boke named the governour_. 1531. (New edition by H. H. S. Croft. 2 vols. 1880).

_Melanchthonis opera omnia_, xi, 12 ff. "Declamatio de corrigendis adolescentiae studies." (1518).

E. Ascham: _The Schole Master_. 1571. (I use the reprint in the English Works of R. Ascham, ed. J. Bennet, 1761).

M. Fournier: _Les Statuts et Privileges des Universites francaises depuis leur fondation jusqu'en 1789_. 4 vols. 1890-4.

F. Bacon: _The Advancement of Learning_, Book ii.

Elizabethan Oxford: reprints of rare tracts ed. by C. Plumer. 1887.

_Grace book [Greek delta] containing records of the University of Cambridge 1542-89_, ed. by J. Venn. 1910.

_Registres des proces-verbaux de la Faculte de theologie de Paris, pub.

par A. Clerval_. Tome I. 1917. (1505-23).

J. H. Lupton: _A Life of John Colet_. new ed. 1909. (First printed 1887. On St. Paul's School, pp. 169, 271 ff.)

W. H. Woodward: _Des. Erasmus concerning the Aim and Method of Education_. 1904. (Fine work).

F. P. Graves: _Peter Ramus and the Educational Reformation of the 16th Century_. 1912.

_Encyclopaedia Britannica_, articles "Universities" and "Schools."