The Absence Of Guilt - The Absence of Guilt Part 23

The Absence of Guilt Part 23


"Did you answer the call?"




"So the tipster told his tip to another person?"



"That's confidential."

"I won't tell anyone."

"You're a lawyer. Of course you will."

"Was that person a hotline operator?"


"And did that person tell you?"

"No. He told our hotline chief."

"And the chief told you?"

"No. He told another agent."

"Who told you?"


"So, an anonymous tipster told an operator who told the chief who told an agent who told you?"

"That's correct."

"Kind of like a fishing story where the fish gets bigger each time the story is told."

Frank's voice had risen. He seemed to be forgetting that he wanted to lose. Scott and Frank were different men and very different lawyers, but they had one thing in common: neither could stand to lose in a courtroom. The zealous advocate that resided within Frank Turner had awakened. He didn't want to win, but he couldn't help himself. He had to win. He was Michael Jordan in a pickup game.

"Agent, are you convinced of the veracity of the source?"

"I am."


Beckeman shrugged. "Why would he lie?"

"Let's see ... perhaps he wants attention. Perhaps he's jealous. Perhaps he's the real terrorist who wants to lead you astray. Perhaps he's a rival imam."

"A rival imam?"

"Agent Beckeman, did you conduct a search of Mr. Mustafa's house and mosque?"


"Did you recover any bomb-making material?"


"Any weapons of mass destruction?"


"Any weapons of minor destruction?"


"Any weapons of any kind?"


"Perhaps a sharp kitchen knife?"


"So you recovered no incriminating evidence of any kind whatsoever?"

"That's not correct. We did recover evidence."

"What evidence?"

"His writings and his DVDs, and ISIS material, including A Call to Global Islamic Resistance, a treatise that urges lone wolf attacks in the West."

"Incriminating means evidence directly connecting Mr. Mustafa to the bombing plot."

"Under that definition, we did not."

"Is there anything Mr. Mustafa has written or said that is not within the free speech protections of the First Amendment?"

"No. He is very careful not to advocate violence or to incite violence."

"So his writings and speeches may be offensive, but they are not illegal?"

"They are not."

"Did you tap his phones?"


"Did you record any conversations in which he discussed the stadium plot?"


"In which he discussed the use of weapons of mass destruction?"


"In which he discussed committing any act of terrorism?"


"Agent Beckeman, what evidence do you possess that Omar al Mustafa conspired to bomb Cowboys Stadium?"

"We have his writings."

"His writings? He wrote about bombing Cowboys Stadium?"

"Not exactly."

"Well, Agent, what exactly did he write about?"

"His desire for America to fail."

"Fail? In what way?"

"He wants America to fail in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel."

"In the Middle East?"


"And where is Cowboys Stadium?"

"In Arlington."

"Which is to say, not in the Middle East."


"Did he mention Cowboys Stadium in any of his writings?"


"Did he mention bombing any public structure in America in any of his writings?"


"Did he mention the use of weapons of mass destruction in America in any of his writings?"


"Again, Agent Beckeman, what evidence do you possess that Omar al Mustafa conspired to bomb Cowboys Stadium?"

"He is affiliated with ISIS."

"And by 'affiliated,' you mean what?"

"He has aligned himself with ISIS."

"And by 'aligned,' you mean what?"

"He believes in their cause."

"Which is?"

"The Islamic State. What they call a caliphate."


"In Iraq and Syria."

"Which are where?"

"In the Middle East."

"And where is Cowboys Stadium?"

"In Arlington."

"Again, not in the Middle East?"


"Do you have any direct evidence that he conspired with ISIS to commit any crime in the U.S.?"


"Do you have any evidence that he financed or provided material support to ISIS?"


"Do you have any evidence that ISIS conspired to bomb Cowboys Stadium?"