Sylva - Part 4

Part 4


Printed for _Robert Scott_ in _Little-Britain_; _Richard Chiswell_ in St. _Paul's_ Churchyard; _George Sawbridge_ in _Little-Britain_; and _Benj. Tooke_ in _Fleetstreet_. MDCCVI.


For to whom, _Sir_, with so Just and Equal Right should I present the Fruits of my Labours, as to the _Patron_ of that _SOCIETY_, under whose _Influence_, as it was produced; so to whose _Auspices_ alone it owes the Favourable _Acceptance_ which it has receiv'd in the World? To You then (_Royal Sir_) does this _Third Edition_ continue its Humble Addresses, _Tanquam MEMORUM VINDICI_; as of old, they paid their Devotions,{lxxv:1} _HERCULI & SILVANO_; since You are our Te?? ?????? _Nemorensis Rex_; as having once Your _Temple_, and _Court_ too, under that _Sacred Oak_ which You _Consecrated_ with Your _Presence_, and we _Celebrate_, with Just Acknowledgment to G.o.d for Your _Preservation_.

I need not Aquaint Your _Majesty_, how many _Millions_ of _Timber-Trees_ (beside infinite _others_) have been _Propagated_ and _Planted_ throughout Your vast _Dominions_, at the _Instigation_, and by the sole _Direction_ of this _Work_; because Your _Gracious Majesty_, has been pleas'd to _own_ it _Publickly_, for my _Encouragement_, who, in all that I here pretend to say, deliver only those _Precepts_ which Your _Majesty_ has put into _Practice_; as having (like another _Cyrus_) by Your own _Royal Example_, exceeded all your _Predecessors_ in the _Plantations_ You have made, beyond (I dare a.s.sert it) all the _Monarchs_ of this _Nation_, since the _Conquest_ of it. And, indeed what more _August_, what more _Worthy_ Your _Majesty_, or more becoming our _Imitation?_ than whilst You are thus solicitous for the _Publick Good_, we pursue Your _Majesty's_ Great _Example_; and by cultivating our decaying _Woods_, contribute to Your _Power_, as to Your greatest _Wealth_ and _Safety_; since whilst Your _Majesty_ is furnish'd to send forth those _Argo's_ and _Trojan Horses_,{lxxvi:1} about this Happy _Island_, we are to fear nothing from _without it_; and whilst we remain _Obedient_ to Your just _Commands_, nothing from _within_ it.

'Tis now some _Years_ past that Your _Majesty_ was pleas'd to declare Your Favourable Acceptance of a _Treatise_ of _Architecture_ which I then presented to _You_, with many _Gracious Expressions_, and that it was a most _useful_ Piece. _Sir_, that _Encouragement_ (together with the _Success_ of the _Book_ it self, and of the former _Editions_ of _this_) has animated me still to continue my _Oblation_ to Your _Majesty_ of these _Improvements_: Nor was it certainly without some _Provident_ Conduct, that we have been thus solicitous to begin, as it were, with _Materials_ for Building, and _Directions_ to _Builders_; if due Reflection be made on that Deplorable _Calamity_, the _Conflagration_ of Your _Imperial City_; which nevertheless, by the Blessing of _G.o.d_, and Your _Majesty's_ Gracious _Influence_, we have seen _Rise_ again, a _New_, and much more _Glorious_ PHOENIX.

This TRIBUTE I now once more lay at the _Feet_ of our ROYAL FOUNDER.

May Your _Majesty_ be pleas'd to be Invok'd by that no _Inglorious_ t.i.tLE, in the profoundest _Submission_ of

Gracious Sir, Your _Majesty's_ Ever _Loyal_, most _Obedient_ and _Faithful Subject_ and _Servant_, J. EVELYN.

_Sayes-Court, 5 Decemb.



{lxxv:1} Cato _de R. R. cap. 73._ Aurel. Vict. Cla.s.s. Phil. apud.

Tranquill. _And so_ Nemestinus Deus Nemorum. _Arn.o.b. l. 4._

{lxxvi:1} Argon, _lib._ 1. That Famous Ship built of the _Dodonaean_ Oak.


After what the _Frontispiece_ and _Porch_ this _Wooden Edifice_ presents you, I shall need no farther to repeat the _Occasion_ of this following _Discourse_; I am only to acquaint you, That as it was delivered to the _Royal Society_ by an unworthy _Member_ thereof, in Obedience to their _Commands_; by the _same_ it is now _Re-publish'd_ without any farther Prospect: And the _Reader_ is to know, That if these dry _sticks_ afford him any _Sap_, it is one of the _least_ and _meanest_ of those _Pieces_ which are every day produc'd by that _Ill.u.s.trious a.s.sembly_, and which enrich their _Collections_, as so many _Monuments_ of their accurate _Experiments_, and publick Endeavours, in order to the production of _real_ and _useful Theories_, the Propagation and Improvement of _Natural Science_, and the honour of their _Inst.i.tution_. If to _this_ there be any thing subjoyned _here_, which may a while bespeak the Patience of the _Reader_, it is only for the encouragement of an _Industry_, and worthy _Labour_, much in our days _neglected_, as haply reputed a _Consideration_ of too sordid and vulgar a nature for _n.o.ble Persons_, and _Gentlemen_ to busie themselves withal, and who oftner find out occasions to _Fell-down_, and Destroy their Woods and _Plantations_, than either to _repair_ or _improve_ them.

But we are not without hopes of taking off these _Prejudices_, and of reconciling them to a _Subject_ and an _Industry_ which has been _consecrated_ (as I may say) by as _good_, and as _great_ Persons, as any the World has produced; and whose Names we find mingl'd amongst _Kings_ and _Philosophers_, grave _Senators_, and _Patriots_ of their Country: For such of old were _Solomon_, _Cyrus_, and _Numa_, _Licinius_ surnamed _Stolo_, _Cato_, and _Cincinnatus_; the _Piso's_, _Fabii_, _Cicero_, the _Plinies_, and thousands more whom I might enumerate, that disdained not to cultivate these _Rusticities_ even with their own hands, and to esteem it no small _Accession_, to dignifie their _t.i.tles_, and adorn their _purple_ with these _Rural Characters_ of their affections to _Planting_, and love of this part of _Agriculture_, which has transmitted to us their venerable _Names_ through so many _Ages_ and _Vicissitudes_ of the World.

That famous _Answer_ alone which the _Persian Monarch_ gave to _Lysander_, will sufficiently justifie that which I have said; besides what we might add, out of the _Writings_ and _Examples_ of the rest: But since _these_ may suffice after due reproofs of the late impolitique _Wast_, and universal _sloth_ amongst us; we should now turn our _Indignation_ into _Prayers_, and address our selves to our better-natur'd _Countrymen_;{lxxviii:1} that such _Woods_ as do yet remain intire, might be carefully _preserved_, and such as are _destroy'd_, sedulously _repaired_: It is what all Persons who are _Owners_ of _Land_ may contribute to, and with infinite _delight_, as well as _profit_, who are touch'd with that laudable _Ambition_ of imitating their Ill.u.s.trious _Ancestors_, and of worthily serving their _Generation_. To these my earnest and humble _Advice_ should be, That at their very first coming to their _Estates_, and as soon as they get _Children_, they would seriously think of _this Work_ of _Propagation_ also: For I observe there is no part of _Husbandry_, which Men commonly more _fail_ in, _neglect_, and have cause to _repent_ of, than that they did not begin _Planting betimes_, without which, they can expect neither _Fruit_, _Ornament_, or _Delight_ from their _Labours_: Men seldom plant _Trees_ till they begin to be _Wise_, that is, till they grow _Old_, and find by _Experience_ the _Prudence_ and _Necessity_ of it. When _Ulysses_, after a ten-years Absence, was return'd from _Troy_, and coming home, found his aged _Father_ in the Field planting of _Trees_, He asked him, why (being now so far advanc'd in Years) he would put himself to the Fatigue and Labour of Planting, _that_ which he was never likely to enjoy the Fruits of? The good old Man (taking him for a Stranger) gently reply'd; _I plant_ (says he) _against my Son_ Ulysses _comes home_. The _Application_ is Obvious and Instructive for both _Old_ and _Young_. And we have a more modern Instance, almost alike that of the good old _Laertes_. Here then upon the Complaint of learned Persons and great Travellers, deploring the loss of many rare and precious Things, _Trees_ and _Plants_, especially instancing the _Balsam_-Tree of _Gilead_ (now almost, if not altogether failing, and no more to be found where it grew in great plenty.) He applys himself to young _Eperous_, to consider it seriously, and to fall a planting while time is before them, with this incouraging Exclamation, _Agite, o Adolescentes, & antequam canities vobis obrepat, stirpes jam alueritis, quae vobis c.u.m insigni utilitate, delectationem etiam adferent: Nam quemadmodum canities temporis successu, vobis insciis, sensim obrepit: Sic natura vobis inserviens educabit quod telluri vestrae concredetis, modo prima initia illi dederitis_, &c. Pet. Bellonius _De neglecta stirpium Cultura_. Problema ix.

My next _Advice_ is, that they do not easily commit themselves to the _Dictates_ of their ignorant _Hinds_ and _Servants_,{lxxix:1} who are (generally speaking) more fit to Learn than to Instruct. _Male agitur c.u.m Domino quem Villicus docet_, was an Observation of old _Cato_'s; and 'twas _Ischomachus_ who told _Socrates_ (discoursing one day upon a like subject) _That it was far easier to _Make_, than to _Find_ a good Husband-man_: I have often prov'd it so in _Gardeners_; and I believe it will hold in most of our _Country_ Employments: Country People universally know that all Trees consist of _Roots_, _Stems_, _Boughs_, _Leaves_, &c. but can give no account of the _Species_, _Virtues_, or farther Culture, besides the making of a Pit or Hole; casting, and treading in the Earth, &c. which require a deeper search, than they are capable of: We are then to exact _Labour_, not _Conduct_ and _Reason_, from the greatest part of them; and the business of _Planting_ is an _Art_ or _Science_ (for so _Varro_ has solemnly defined it;{lx.x.x:1}) and that exceedingly wide of Truth, which (it seems) many in his time accounted of it; _facillimam esse, nec ullius ac.u.minis Rusticationem_,{lx.x.x:2} namely that it was an easie and insipid Study. It was the simple _Culture_ only, with so much difficulty retrieved from the late confusion of an intestine and b.l.o.o.d.y _War_, like that of _Ours_, and now put in _Reputation_ again, which made the n.o.ble _Poet_ write,

........How hard it was Low Subjects with ill.u.s.trious words to grace.

........_Verbis ea vincere magnum Quam sit, & angustis hunc addere rebus honorem._

Georg. 3.

Seeing, as the _Orator_ does himself express it, _Nihil est homine libero dignius_; there is nothing more becoming and worthy of a _Gentleman_, no, not the Majesty of a{lx.x.x:3} _Consul_. In ancient and best Times, Men were not honour'd and esteem'd for the only Learned, who were great _Linguists_, profound _Criticks_, Reader and Devourers of Books: But such whose Studies consisted of the Discourses, Doc.u.ments and Observations of their _Fore-Fathers_, ancient and venerable Persons; who, (as the excellent Author of the _Rites_ of the _Israelites_, _cap._ xv, &c. acquaints us,) were oblig'd to Instruct, and Inform their Children of the wonderful Things G.o.d had done for their Ancestors; together with the Precepts of the _Moral Law_, _Feasts_, and Religious Ceremonies: But taught them likewise all that concern'd _Agriculture_; joyn'd with Lessons of perpetual practice; in which they were, doubtless, exceedingly knowing; whilst during so many Ages, they employ'd themselves almost continually in it: And tho' now adays this _n.o.ble Art_ be for the most part, left to be exercis'd amongst us, by People of grosser and unthinking Souls; yet there is no _Science_ whatever, which contains a vaster Compa.s.s of Knowledge, infinitely more useful and beneficial to Mankind, than the fruitless and empty Notions of the greatest part of _Speculatists_; counted to be the only _Eruditi_ and learned Men. An _Israelite_, who from _Tradition_ of his Fore-fathers, his own _Experience_, and some modern Reading, had inform'd himself of the _Religion_ and _Laws_ which were to regulate his Life; and knew how to procure Things necessary: Who perfectly understood the several qualities of the _Earth_, _Plants_, and _Places_ agreeable to each sort, and to cultivate, propagate, defend them from Accidents, and bring them to Maturity: That also was skill'd in the nature of _Cattel_, their Food, Diseases, Remedies, &c. which those who amongst us pa.s.s for the most learned and accomplish'd _Gentlemen_, and _Scholars_, are, for the most part, grosly ignorant of, look upon as _base_, _rustick_, and things below them: is (in this learned Author's Opinion) infinitely more to be valued, than a Man brought up either in wrangling at the _Bar_; or the noisie, and ridiculous Disputes of our _Schools_, &c. To this Sense the learn'd _Modena_. And 'tis remarkable, that after all that wise _Solomon_ had said, that _All_ was _vanity and vexation of Spirit_ (among so many _particulars_ he reckons up,) he should be altogether _silent_, and say nothing concerning _Husbandry_; as, doubtless, considering it the most useful, innocent and laudable Employment of our Life, requiring those who cultivate the Ground to live in the Country, remote from _City_-Luxury, and the temptation to the Vices he condemns. It was indeed a plain Man{lx.x.xii:1} (a _Potter_ by _Trade_) but let no body despise him because a _Potter_ (_Agathocles_, and a _King_ was of that _Craft_) who in my Opinion has given us the true reason why _Husbandry_, and particularly _Planting_, is no more improved in this Age of ours; especially, where Persons are _Lords_ and Owners of much _Land_. The truth is, says he, when Men have acquired any considerable _Fortune_ by their _good Husbandry_, and _experience_ (forgetting that the greatest _Patriarchs_, _Princes_, their _Sons_ and _Daughters_, belonged to the _Plough_, and the _Flock_) they account it a _shame_ to breed up their _Children_ in the same Calling which they themselves were educated in, but presently design them _Gentlemen_: They must forsooth, have a _Coat_ of _Arms_, and live upon their _Estates_; So as by the time his _Sons_ Beard is grown, he begins to be asham'd of his _Father_, and would be ready to defie him, that should upon any occasion mind him of his _honest Extraction_: And if it chance that the good Man have other _Children_ to provide for; _This_ must be the Darling, be bred at _School_, and the _University_, whilst the rest must to _Cart_ and _Plow_ with the _Father_, &c. This is the _Cause_, says my _Author_, that our _Lands_ are so ill _Cultivated_ and neglected. Every body will subsist upon their own _Revenue_, and take their _Pleasure_, whilst they resign their _Estates_ to be manag'd by the most _Ignorant_, which are the _Children_ whom they leave at home, or the _Hinds_ to whom they commit them. When as in _truth_, and in _reason_, the more _Learning_, the better _Philosophers_, and the greater _Abilities_ they possess, the _more_, and the _better_ are they _qualified_, to _Cultivate_, and improve their _Estates_: Methinks this is well and rationally argued.

And now you have in part what I had to produce in extenuation of this _Adventure_; that _Animated_ with a _Command_, and a.s.sisted by divers _Worthy Persons_ (whose _Names_ I am to _celebrate_ with all just _Respects_) I have presumed to cast in my _Symbol_; which, with the rest that are to follow, may (I hope) be in some degree serviceable to _him_ (who ere the happy _Person_ be) that shall oblige the _World_ with that compleat _Systeme_ of _Agriculture_, which as yet seems a _desideratum_, and wanting to its full perfection. It is (I a.s.sure you) what is one of the designs of the _ROYAL SOCIETY_, not in this _Particular_ only, but through all the _Liberal_ and more useful _Arts_; and for which (in the estimation of all equal _Judges_) it will merit the greatest of _Encouragements_; that so, at last, what the Learned _Columella_ has wittily reproached, and complained of, as a defect in that _Age_ of _his_, concerning _Agriculture_ in general, and is applicable _here_, may attain its desired _Remedy_ and _Consummation_ in _This_ of _Ours_.

_Sola enim Res Rustica, quae sine dubitatione proxima, & quasi consanguinea Sapientiae est, tam discentibus eget, quam magistris: Adhuc enim Scholas Rhetorum, & Geometrarum, Musicorumque, vel quod magis mirandum est, contemptissimorum vitiorum officinas, gulosius condiendi cibos, & luxuriosius fercula struendi, capitumque & capillorum concinnatores, non solum esse audivi, sed & ipse vidi; Agricolationis neque Doctores qui se profiterentur, neque Discipulos cognovi._{lx.x.xiii:1} But this I leave for our _Peruk'd Gallants_ to interpret, and should now apply my self to the _Directive_ Part, which I am all this while bespeaking, if after what I have said in the several _Paragraphs_ of the ensuing _Discourse_ upon the _Argument_ of _Wood_, (and which in this _Fourth_ Edition coming _Abroad_ with innumerable _Improvements_, and _Advantages_ (so furnished, as I hope shall neither reproach the _Author_, or repent the _Reader_) it might not seem superfluous to have _premised_ any thing _here_ for the Encouragement of so becoming an _Industry_. There are divers _Learned_, and judicious _Men_ who have _preceded_ Me in this _Argument_; as many, at least, as have undertaken to Write and Compile vast _Herbals_, and _Theaters_ of _Plants_; of which we have some of our own _Country-men_, (especially, the most Industrious and Learned Mr.

_Ray_) who have (boldly I dare affirm it) surpa.s.s'd _any_, if not all the _Foreigners_ that are extant: In _those_ it is you meet with the _Description_ of the several _Plants_, by _Discourses_, _Figures_, _Names_, _Places_ of _Growth_; time of _Flourishing_, and their _Medicinal Virtues_; which may supply any _deficiency_ of mine as to those _Particulars_; if forbearing the _Repet.i.tion_, it should by any be imputed for a _defect_, though it were indeed none of my _design_: I say, these things are long since performed to our hands: But there is none of these (that I at least know of, and are come to my perusal) who have taken any considerable pains how to _Direct_, and _Encourage_ us in the _Culture_ of _Forest-Trees_ (the grand _defect_ of this _Nation_) besides some small sprinklings to be met withal in _Gervas Markham_, old _Tusser_, and of _Foreigners_, the _Country-Farm_ long since translated out of French, and by no means suitable to our Clime and _Country_: Neither have any of these proceeded after my _Method_, and particularly, in _Raising_, _Planting_, _Dressing_, and _Governing_, &c. or so sedulously made it their business, to _specifie_ the _Mechanical Uses_ of the _several kinds_, as I have done, which was. .h.i.therto a great _desideratum_, and in which the _Reader_ will likewise find some things altogether _New_ and _Instructive_; and both _Directions_ and _Encouragements_ for the Propagation of some _Foreign_ Curiosities of _Ornament_ and _Use_, which were hitherto neglected. If I have upon occasion presumed to say any thing concerning their _Medicinal_ properties, it has been _Modestly_ and Frugally, and with chief, if not only respect to the poor _Wood-man_, whom none I presume will envy, that living far from the _Physician_, he should in case of _Necessity_, consult the reverend _Druid_, his{lx.x.xv:1} _Oaks_ and his _Elm_, _Birch_, or _Elder_, for a short _Breath_, a Green _Wound_, or a sore _Leg_; Casualties incident to this hard _Labour_. These are the chief _Particulars_ of this ensuing _Work_, and what it pretends. .h.i.therto of _Singular_, in which let me be permitted to say, There is sufficient for _Instruction_, and more than is extant in any _Collection_ whatsoever (_absit verbo invidia_) in this way and upon this _Subject_; abstracting things _Practicable_, of solid _use_ and _material_, from the _Ostentation_ and Impertinences of divers _Writers_; who receiving all that came to hand on trust, to swell their monstrous _Volumes_, have hitherto impos'd upon the credulous _World_, without _conscience_ or _honesty_. I will not exasperate the _Adorers_ of our ancient and late _Naturalists_, by repeating of what our _Verulam_ has justly p.r.o.nounced concerning their _Rhapsodies_ (because I likewise honour their painful _Endeavours_, and am obliged to them for much of that I know,) nor will I (with some) reproach _Pliny_, _Porta_, _Cardan_, _Mizaldus_, _Cursius_, and many others of great _Names_ (whose _Writings_ I have diligently consulted) for the _Knowledge_ they have imparted to me on this Occasion; but I must deplore the time which is (for the most part) so miserably lost in pursuit of their _Speculations_, where they treat upon this _Argument_: But the _World_ is now advis'd, and (blessed be _G.o.d_) infinitely redeem'd from that base and servile submission of our n.o.blest _Faculties_ to their blind _Traditions_. This you will be apt to say, is a haughty _Period_; but whilst I affirm it of the _Past_, it _justifies_, and does _honour_ to the _Present_ Industry of our _Age_, and of which there cannot be a _greater_ and more emulous _Instance_, than the _Pa.s.sion_ of His _Majesty_ to encourage his _Subjects_, and of the _Royal Society_, (His _Majesty's Foundation_) who receive and promote His _Dictates_, in all that is laudable and truly _emolumental_ of this Nature.

It is not therefore that I here presume to instruct _Him_ in the management of that great and august _Enterprise_ of resolving to _Plant_ and repair His ample _Forests_, and other _Magazines_ of _Timber_, for the benefit of His _Royal Navy_, and the glory of His _Kingdoms_; but to present to His _Sacred Majesty_, and to the _World_, what _Advices_ I have received from _others_, observed my self, and most industriously _collected_ from a studious Propensity to serve as one of the least _Intelligences_ in the ampler _Orb_ of our _Ill.u.s.trious Society_, and in a _Work_ so necessary and important.

And now since I mention'd the _Society_, give me leave (Worthy Reader) as a _Member_ of that _Body_, which has been the chief _Promoter_ of this ensuing _Work_, (and, as I stand oblig'd) to _vindicate_ that _a.s.sembly_, and consequently, the _Honour_ of his _Majesty_ and the _Nation_, in a _Particular_ which concerns it, though (in appearance) a little forreign to the present _Subject_.

I will not say that _all_ which I have written in the several _Paragraphs_ of this _Treatise_, is _New_; but that there are very many _New_, and _useful_ things, and _Observations_ (without insisting on the _Methods_ only) not hitherto deliver'd by any _Author_, and so freely communicated, I hope will sufficiently appear: It is not therefore in behalf of any Particular which concerns _my self_, that I have been induced to enlarge this _Preface_; but, by taking this _Occasion_, to encounter the unsufferable _Boldness_, or _Ambition_ of some _Persons_ (as well _Strangers_, as others) _arrogating_ to themselves the being _Inventors_ of divers _New_ and useful _Experiments_, justly attributable to several _Members_ of the _Royal Society_.{lx.x.xvii:1}

So far has that _a.s.sembly_ been from affecting _Glory_, that they seem rather to have declin'd their due; not as asham'd of so numerous and fair an _Off-spring_; but as abundantly satisfied, that after all the hard measure, and virulent _Reproaches_ they had sustain'd, for endeavouring by _united Attempts_, and at their own _Charges_, to improve _Real Philosophy_; they had from time to time, cultivated that _Province_ in so many _useful_ and profitable _Instances_, as are already _published_ to the _World_, and will be easily _a.s.serted_ to their _Authors_ before all _equitable_ Judges.

This being the sole inducement of publishing this _Apology_; it may not perhaps seem unseasonable to _disabuse_ some (otherwise) _well-meaning_ People, who _led away_ and _perverted_ by the _Noise_ of a few _Ignorant_ and _Comical Buffoons_, (whose _Malevolence_, or _Impertinencies_ int.i.tle them to nothing that is truly _Great_ and _Venerable_) are with an _Insolence_ suitable to their _Understanding_, still crying out, and asking, _What have the Society done?_

Now, as nothing less than _Miracles_ (and unless _G.o.d_ should every day _repeat_ them at the _Call_ of these _Extravagants_) will _convince_ some Persons, of the most _Rational_ and _Divine Truths_, (already so often and extraordinarily establish'd;) so, nor will any thing _satisfie_ these _unreasonable_ Men, but the production of the _Philosophers-stone_, and _Great-Elixir_; which yet were they _Possessors_ of, they would _consume_ upon their _Lux_ and _Vanity_.

It is not therefore to gratifie these _magnificent Fops_, whose _Talents_ reach but to the adjusting of their _Peruques_, courting a _Miss_, or at the farthest writing a s.m.u.tty, or scurrilous _Libel_, (which they would have to pa.s.s for _genuine_ Wit) that I _concern_ my self in these _papers_; but, as well in _Honour_ of our _Royal Founder_, as the _Nation_, to _a.s.sert_ what of other _Countries_ has been surrept.i.tiously _Arrogated_, and by which, they not only value themselves _abroad_; but (prevailing on the Modesty of that Industrious _a.s.sembly_) seek the _deference_ of _those_, who whilst it remains still _silent_, do not so clearly discern this glorious _Plumage_ to be purely _ascit.i.tious_, and not a _Feather_ of their own. --But still, _What have they done?_

Those who perfectly comprehend the _Scope_, and _End_ of that n.o.ble _Inst.i.tution_; which is to _improve Natural Knowledge_, and inlarge the _Empire_ of _Operative Philosophy_; not by an _Abolition_ of the _Old_, but by the _Real Effects_ of the _Experimental_; _Collecting_, _Examining_, and _Improving_ their scatter'd _Phaenomena_, to establish even the _Received Methods_ and _Principles_ of the _Schools_ (as far as were consistent with _Truth_, and _matter_ of _Fact_) thought it long enough, that the World had been _impos'd_ upon by that _Notional_, and _Formal_ way of delivering divers _Systems_ and _Bodies_ of _Philosophie_ (falsely so call'd) beyond which there was no more _Country_ to discover; which being brought to the _Test_ and _Tryal_, vapours all away in _Fume_, and empty _Sound_.

This _Structure_ then being thus _Ruinous_ and _Crazy_; 'tis obvious what they were to do; even the same which skilful _Architects_ do every day before us; by _pulling down_ the decay'd and sinking Wall to erect a _better_, and more _substantial_ in its place: They not only take down the _old_, reject the useless and decay'd; but sever such _Materials_ as are _solid_, and will serve again; bring _new-ones_ in, prepare and frame a _Model_ suitable to so _magnificent_ a _Design_: This _Solomon_ did in order to the _Building_ of the _Material Temple_; and _this_ is here to be pursued in the _Intellectual_: Nay, here was abundance of _Rubbish_ to be clear'd, that the _Area_ might be free; and then was the _Foundation_ to be deeply searched, the _Materials_ accurately _examined_, _squared_, and _adjusted_, before it could be laid: Nor was this the _Labour_ of a _Few_; less than a much longer time, more Cost and Encouragement than any which the _Society_ has yet met withal, could in reason be sufficient effectually to go through so chargeable a Work, and highly necessary.

A long time it was they had been surveying the _Decays_, of what was ready now to drop in pieces, whatever shew the out-side made with a noise of _Elements_ and _Qualities_, _Occult_ and _Evident_; abhorrence of _Vacuum_, _Sympathies_, _Antipathies_; _Substantial Forms_, and _Prime matter_ courting _Form_; _Epicycles_, _Ptolemaean Hypotheses_, magisterial _Definitions_, peremptory _Maximes_, _Speculative_, and _Positive Doctrines_, and _alti-sonant Phrases_, with a thousand other _precarious_ and unintelligible _Notions_, &c. all which they have been turning over, to see if they could find any thing of _sincere_ and _useful_ among this _Pedantick Rubbish_, but all in _vain_; here was nothing _material_, nothing of moment _Mathematical_, or _Mechanical_, and which had not been miserably _sophisticated_, on which to lay the stress; nothing in a manner whereby any farther _Progress_ could be made, for the _raising_ and _enn.o.bling_ the _Dignity_ of _Mankind_ in the _Sublimest Operations_ of the _Rational Faculty_, by _clearing_ the _Obscurities_, and _healing_ the _Defects_ of most of the _Phisiological Hypotheses_, repugnant, as they hitherto seemed to be, to the _Principles_ of real _Knowledge_ and _Experience_.

Now although it neither were their _Hopes_, or in their prospect to _consummate_ a _Design_ requiring so _mighty Aids_, (inviron'd as they have been with these Prejudices) yet have they not at all _desisted_ from the _Enterprize_; but rather than so n.o.ble and Ill.u.s.trious an _Undertaking_ should not proceed for want of some generous and industrious _Spirits_ to promote the _Work_; they have _themselves_ submitted to those mean _Imployments_, of _digging_ in the very _Quarry_; yea even and of making _Brick_ where there was no _Straw_, but what they gleaned, and lay dispersed up and down: Nor did they think their Pains yet _ill bestow'd_, if through the a.s.siduous _Labour_, and a _Train_ of continual _Experiments_, they might at last furnish, and leave solid and uncorrupt _Materials_ to a _succeeding_, and more _grateful Age_, for the _building up_ a _Body_ of _real_ and _substantial Philosophy_, which should never _succ.u.mb_ to _Time_, but with the _Ruines_ of _Nature_, and the _World_ it self.

In order to _this_, how many, and almost _innumerable_ have been their _Tryals_ and _Experiments_, through the large and ample Field both of _Art_ and _Nature_? We call our _Journals_, _Registers_, _Correspondence_, and _Transactions_, to witness; and may with modesty provoke all our _Systematical Methodists_, _Natural Histories_, and _Pretenders_ hitherto extant from the _beginning_ of _Letters_, to this _period_, to shew us so _ample_, so _worthy_ and so _useful_ a Collection. 'Tis a _Fatality_ and an _Injury_ to be deplored, that those who give us _hard words_, will not first vouchsafe _impartially_ to _examine_ these _particulars_; since all _Ingenuous Spirits_ could not but be abundantly _satisfied_, that this _Ill.u.s.trious a.s.sembly_ has not met so many _Years_ purely for _Speculation_ only; though I take even _that_ to be no ign.o.ble _Culture_ of the _Mind_, or time mispent for Persons who have so few _Friends_, and slender _Obligations_, to those who should _Patronize_ and _Encourage_ them: But they have aimed at _greater things_, and _greater things_ produc'd, namely, by _Emanc.i.p.ating_, and freeing themselves from the _Tyranny_ of _Opinion_, _delusory_ and fallacious shews, to receive nothing upon _Trust_, but bring it to the _Lydian Touch_, make it pa.s.s the _Fire_, the _Anvil_ and the _File_, till it come forth perfectly _repurged_, and of consistence.

They are not hasty in _concluding_ from a _single_, or _incompetent_ number of _Experiments_, to p.r.o.nounce the _Ecstatic Heureca_, and offer _Hecatombs_; but, after the most diligent _Scrutiny_, and by degrees, and wary _Inductions_ _honestly_ and _faithfully_ made, to _record_ the _Truth_, and event of _Tryals_, and transmit them to _Posterity_. They resort not immediately to _general Propositions_, upon every _specious appearance_; but stay for _Light_, and Information from _Particulars_, and make Report _de Facto_, and as _Sense_ informs them. They reject no _Sect_ of _Philosophers_, no _Mechanic_ Helps, _except_ no _Persons_ of Men; but chearfully embracing _all_, cull out of _all_, and alone _retain_ what abides the _Test_; that from a plentiful and well furnish'd _Magazine_ of true _Experiments_, they may in time advance to solemn and established _Axiomes_, _General Rules_ and _Maximes_; and a _Structure_ may indeed lift up its head, such as may stand the shock of _Time_, and render a solid accompt of the _Phaenomena_, and _Effects_ of _Nature_, the _Aspectable Works of G.o.d_, and their _Combinations_; so as by _Causes_ and _Effects_, _certain_ and _useful_ Consequences may be deduced. Therefore they do not fill their _Papers_ with _Transcripts_ out of _Rhapsodists_, _Mountebancs_, and Compilers of _Receipts_ and _Secrets_, to the loss of Oil and Labour; but as it were, _eviscerating_ Nature, disclosing the _Ressorts_, and Springs of _Motion_, have _collected_ innumerable _Experiments_, _Histories_ and _Discourses_; and brought in _Specimens_ for the Improvement of _Astronomy_, _Geography_, _Navigation_, _Optics_; all the Parts of _Agriculture_, the _Garden_ and the _Forest_; _Anatomy_ of _Plants_, and _Animals_; _Mines_ and _Ores_; _Measures_ and _aequations_ of _Time_ by accurate _Pendulums_, and other Motions, _Hydro_- and _Hygrostatics_, divers _Engines_, Powers and _Automata_, with innumerable more _luciferous_ particulars, subservient to human life, of which Dr. _Glanvil_ has given an ample and ingenious _Accompt_ in his learned Essay: And _since_ in the _Posthumous_ Works of Dr. _Hooke_, lately publish'd by the most obliging Mr. _Waller_, already mention'd.

This is (_Reader_) what they have done; and they are but _part_ of the _Materials_ which the _Society_ have hitherto _ama.s.sed_, and prepared for this great and _Ill.u.s.trious Work_; not to pa.s.s over an infinity of _solitary_, and loose _Experiments_ subsidiary to it, gathered at no small Pains and Cost: For so have they hitherto born the _Burden and Heat of the day alone_; _Sapping_ and _Mining_ to lay the _Foundation_ deep, and raise a _Superstructure_ to be one day perfected, by the joint _Endeavours_ of those who shall in a _kinder_ Age have little else to do, but the _putting_ and _cementing_ of the _Parts_ together, which to _collect_ and fit, have cost them so much Solicitude and Care. _Solomon_ indeed built the glorious _Temple_; but 'twas _David_ provided the _Materials_: Did Men in those days insolently ask, _What he had done_, in all the time of that tedious preparation? I beseech you what _Obligation_ has the _R. Society_ to render an _Accompt_ of their Proceedings to _any_ who are not of the _Body_, and that carry on the _Work_ at their own _expence_ amidst so many Contradictions? It is an _Evil Spirit_, and an _Evil Age_, which having sadly _debauch'd_ the _Minds_ of Men; seeks with Industry to blast and undermine all _Attempts_ and Endeavours that signifie to the Ill.u.s.tration of _Truth_, the discovery of _Impostors_, and shake their sandy Foundations.

_Those who come (_says the n.o.ble _Verulam__) to enquire after _Knowledge_, with a mind to _scorn_, shall be sure to find matter for their _Humor_; but none for their _Instruction_: _Would_ Men bring light of _Invention_, and not fire-brands of _Contradiction_, Knowledge would infinitely increase._ But these are the _Sanballats_ and _Horonites_ who disturb our Men upon the Wall{xciii:1}: But, _let us rise up and build_, and be no more discourag'd. 'Tis impossible to conceive, how so honest, and worthy a _Design_ should have found so few _Promoters_, and cold a welcome in a _Nation_ whose _Eyes_ are so wide open: We see how greedily the _French_, and other _Strangers_ embrace and cultivate the _Design_: What sumptuous _Buildings_, well furnish'd _Observatories_, ample _Appointments_, _Salaries_, and _Accommodations_, they have erected to carry on the Work; whilst we live _precariously_, and spin the _Web_ out of our own _Bowels_. Indeed we have had the Honour to be the _first_ who led the _way_, given the _Ferment_, which like a _Train_ has taken _Fire_, and warm'd the _Regions_ all about us. _This Glory, doubtless, shall none take from us_: But whilst they flourish so _abroad_, we want the _Spirit_ should diffuse it here at _home_, and give progress to so hopeful a _beginning_: But as we said, the _Enemy_ of _Mankind_ has done us this despite; it is his Interest to impeach (in any sort) what e're opposes his _Dominion_; which is to lead, and settle Men in _Errors_ as well in _Arts_ and _Natural Knowledge_, as in _Religion_; and therefore would be glad, the World should still be _groping_ after _both_. 'Tis _he_ that sets the _Buffoons_, and empty _Sycophants_, to turn all that's _Great_ and _Virtuous_ into _Raillery_ and Derision: 'Tis therefore to encounter _these_, that like those resolute _Builders_,{xciii:2} whilst we employ one hand in the Work, _we_, with the _other_ are oblig'd to hold our _Weapon_, till some bold, and _Gallant Genius_ deliver us, and raise the Siege. How gloriously would such a _Benefactor_ shine! What a _Constellation_ would he make!

How great a _Name_ establish! For mine own part (_Religiously_ I _profess_ it) were I not a _Person_, who (whilst I stood expecting when others more worthy, and able than my self, should have s.n.a.t.c.h'd the Opportunity of _signalizing_ a Work worthy of _Immortality_) had long since given _Hostages_ to _Fortune_, and so put my self out of a Capacity of shewing my _Affection_ to a _Design_ so glorious; I would not only most chearfully have _contributed_ towards the freeing it from the _Straits_ it has so long struggl'd under; but _sacrific'd_ all my _Secular Interests_ in their Service: But, as I said, this is reserv'd for that Gallant _Hero_ (whoe'er it be) that truly weighing the n.o.ble and universal _Consequence_ of so high an _Enterprize_, shall at last free it of these _Reproaches_; and either set it above the reach of _Envy_, or convert it to _Emulation_. This were indeed to consult an honest _Fame_, and to _embalm_ the _Memory_ of a _Greater Name_ than any has yet appear'd amongst all the _Benefactors_ of the _Disputing Sects_: Let it suffice to affirm, that next the _Propagation_ of our most _Holy Faith_, and its _Appendants_, (nor can His _Majesty_ or the _Nation_ build their _Fame_ on a more _lasting_, a more _Glorious Monument_;) The Propagation of _Learning_, and _useful Arts_, having always surviv'd the _Triumphs_ of the proudest _Conquerors_, and Spillers of humane _Blood_;) _Princes_ have been more _Renown'd_ for their Civility to _Arts_ and _Letters_, than to all their _Sanguinary Victories_, subduing _Provinces_, and making those brutish _Desolations_ in the World, to feed a _salvage_ and vile _Ambition_. Witness you _Great Alexander_, and you the _Ptolemees_, _Caesars_, _Charemain_, _Francis_ the First; the _Cosimo's_, _Frederic's_, _Alphonsus's_, and the rest of _Learned Princes_: Since when all the _Pomp_ and Noise is ended; They are those _little things_ in _black_ (whom now in scorn they term _Philosophers_ and _Fopps_) to whom they must be oblig'd, for making their _Names_ outlast the _Pyramids_ whose _Founders_ are as unknown as the Heads of _Nile_; because they either deserv'd no _Memory_ for their _Vertues_, or had none to transmit them, or their _Actions_ to _Posterity_.

Is not our R. _Founder_ already _Panegyriz'd_ by all the _Universities_, _Academists_, _Learned Persons_, divers _Princes_ _Amba.s.sadors_, and _Ill.u.s.trious_ Men from _abroad_? Witness besides, the many accurate _Treatises_ and _Volumes_ of the most _curious_ and _useful_ Subjects, _Medicinal_, _Mathematical_, and _Mechanical_, dedicated to His _Majesty_ as _Founder_; to its _President_, and to the _Society_, by the greatest _Wits_, and most profoundly knowing of the _European_ World, celebrating their _Inst.i.tution_ and _Proceedings_: Witness, the daily Submissions and solemn _Appeals_ of the most learned _Strangers_ to its _Suffrages_, as to the most able, candid and impartial _Judges_: Witness, the _Letters_, and _Correspondencies_ from most parts of the _habitable Earth_, _East_, and _West Indies_, and almost from _Pole to Pole_; besides what they have receiv'd from the very Mouths of divers _Professors_, _Publique Ministers_, great _Travellers_, _n.o.blemen_, and Persons of highest Quality; who have not only frequented the _a.s.sembly_, but desir'd to be _Incorporated_ and _ascrib'd_ into their _Number_; so little has his _Majesty_, or the _Kingdom_ been diminish'd in their Reputation, by the _Royal Society_, to the reproach of our sordid _Adversaries_: Never had the _Republique_ of _Letters_ so learned and universal a _Correspondence_ as has been procur'd and promoted by this _Society_ alone; as not only the casual _Transactions_ of several Years (filled with _Instances_ of the most curious and useful _Observations_) make appear; but (as I said) the many _Nuncupatory Epistles_ to be seen in the Fronts of so many _learned Volumes_: There it is you will find CHARLES the II. plac'd among the _Heroes_ and _Demi-G.o.ds_, for his _Patrociny_ and _Protection_: There you will see the numerous _Congratulations_ of the most learned _Foreigners_, celebrating the Happiness of their _Inst.i.tution_; and that whilst other _Nations_ are still _benighted_ under the dusky _Cloud_, such a refulgent Beam should give day to this _blessed Isle_: And certainly, it is not to be supposed that _all_ these _Learned Persons_, of so many, and divers _Interests_, as well as _Countries_, should _speak_, and _write_ thus out of _Flattery_, much less of _Ignorance_; being Men of the most refin'd _Universal Knowledge_, as well as _Ingenuity_: But I should never _end_, were I to pursue this fruitful _Topic_. I have but one word more to add, to conciliate the _Favour_ and Esteem of our own _Universities_, to an _a.s.sembly_ of _Gentlemen_, who _from them_ acknowledge to have derived all their _Abilities_ for these laudable Undertakings; and what above all is most _shining_ in them of most _Christian_, _Moral_, and otherwise conspicuous, as from the _Source_ and _Fountain_, to which on all occasions, they are not only ready to pay the _Tribute_ and _Obsequiousness_ of _humble Servants_, but of _Sons_, and dutiful _Alumni_. There is nothing verily which they more desire, than a fair and mutual _Correspondence_ between so near _Relations_, and that they may be perpetually _Flourishing_ and _Fruitful_ in bringing forth (as still they do) supplies to _Church_ and _State_ in all its great Capacities:{xcvi:1} Finally, that they would regard the _Royal Society_ as a _Colony_ of their own _planting_, and _augure_ it _Success_. And if in these _Labours_, and arduous _Attempts_, several _Inventions_ of present use and service to _Mankind_ (either detecting _Errors_, ill.u.s.trating and a.s.serting _Truths_, or propagating _Knowledge_ in _natural things_, and the visible _Works_ of _G.o.d_) have been discover'd, as they _envy_ not the _communicating_ them to the _World_; so should they be _wanting_ to the _Society_, and to the _Honour_ of divers _Learned_ and _Ingenious Persons_, (who are the _Soul_ and _Body_ of it) not to vindicate them from the ambitious _Plagiary_, the Insults of _Scoffers_ and injurious Men: Certainly, Persons of right _n.o.ble_ and subacted _Principles_, that were _Lovers_ of their _Country_, should be otherwise affected; and rather strive to _encourage_, and promote Endeavours tending to so _generous_ a _Design_, than decry it; especially, when it costs them nothing but their _Civility_ to so many _obliging Persons_, though they should hitherto have entertain'd them but with some innocent _Diversions_. To conclude, we _envy_ none their _Dues_; nay we gratefully _acknowledge_ any _Light_ which we receive either from _Home_, or from _Abroad_: We _celebrate_ and _record_ their _Names_ amongst our _Benefactors_; recommend them to the _Publique_; and what we thus _freely give_, we hope as _freely_ to _receive_.

Thus have I endeavour'd to _Vindicate_ the _Royal Society_ from some _Aspersions_ and _Incroachments_ it hitherto has suffer'd; and shew'd under what _Weights_ and _Pressure_ this _Palm_ does still emerge: And if for all this I fall short of my _Attempt_, I shall yet have this satisfaction, That tho I derive no _Glory_ from my own _Abilities_ (sensible of my great _Defects_) I shall yet _deserve_ their _pardon_ for my _Zeal_ to its _Prosperity_.

_Epictetus_, ??.

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