Survival To Godhood - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

After discussing the plan for a bit, "Leo if we go with that plan, then what do you propose we do to get past the beastmen on the other floors?"

"I don't know . " Regrettably, Leo responded .

"We should take the 2nd elevator shaft . " Claws suddenly said . Joe and Leo looked at Claws . "The 2nd elevator was damaged upon landing . If we stick to the left side of the wall, there should be a maintenance ladder . "

Joe ran the plan through his head and agreed it could work . The only problem would be once they got to the first floor how would they get past the guards . Joe figured no plan was perfect and thought they could wing it .

Sprite spoke up after running an a.n.a.lysis . "After compiling the data, I believe the plan has a 23% chance of success . I don't think you should risk it, Sir .

"Sprite we have to take chances sometimes . "

Later that night stuffing Leo's old bandages in the door slit . Claws attacked the door . After a few Iron Reapers, sparks started flying and ignited the old rags . Once the pieces of cloth were lit the three men fanned the smoke into the hallway . All three of them yelled "Fire . Fire . Fire . "

Guards down the hall came over coughing from the smoke . As they started to open the iron door, sprite scanned the location of both guards . "Unit 9345 claw strike 5 paces forward and Sir use Ascending Sun 3 paces to the right . " Acting right away both guards were knocked out . The Smokescreen didn't even let them see it coming .

Joe ran over to the next room covering his mouth . Motioning Claws to give him a hand and they opened the cell door . When the door was opened, a female draconian was staring them down . She was a fierce warrior with orange scales . Her eyes were crystal blue and teeth as sharp as Claws . Understanding right away these were escapees and not guards the draconian stepped forward and said, "thanks . " Then she dashed down the hallway .

The three ran after her toward the center where the elevator shafts were . When they reached the elevator shafts, many guards were laying about dead . The draconian made quick work of them . "Stop right there . " Two beastman guards came out of a doorway and using a plasma rifle fired at the trio . Joe pushed Claws out of the way and got shot in the left arm leaving a scorched mark .

"Human you alright . "

"Don't worry about it Claws . Open that shaft and let's get out of here . " Even though Joe acted tough, he was hurt badly by the blast . It took a chunk from his arm .

In the elevator shaft, each one took a turn jumping to the ladder . Leo went first, followed by Claws, and then Joe . Joe was having a hard time climbing with his busted arm .

"They're going up the shaft . Fire on them . "

With nowhere to run, they were sitting ducks . Then Claws said, "Goodbye humans . " He jumped off the ladder and performed an Iron Reaper mid-air attacked the guards . Claws tackled the two back into the corridor, and they never saw Claws again .

Once they finally reached the 1st floor, Leo had to open the doors . After extending the doors ajar, Leo pulled Joe up . "Now, what do we do?" Leo said to Joe .

Looking around the room, they noticed it was a hanger with multiple crafts on it . Joe spotted a two-man craft close to the exit door . Once they jumped inside Sprite scanned it and directed Joe how to power it on .

"Hold on tight Leo . Fire . " Joe fired the blasters until the exit hatch opened and flew out it .

Back down on the 3rd floor, Claws was fighting like a madman . After killing seven guards, a beast man turned the corner that put the fear into Claws .

"Unit 737," growled Claws .

"Unit 9345 how dare you side with fifthly humans . Steel Reaper!" A claw strike so fast that, it split Claws into two halves . As Claws fell to the ground, he was upset that the beastmen treated humans like garbage, but humans treated him better than his own race ever did . Claws died regretting being born a beast man .

A guard ran up to Unit 737 . "Boss, the draconian also escaped . "

"d.a.m.n it!" Unit 737 stabbed his claw into the wall . "Send all able beastmen to focus on the draconian . Once she is re-captured, we will focus on the humans . "


Before the trio executed the escape, in the next cell over, a draconian heard the plan being formed . The draconian's name was Itmen-Anon . She was an that was captured as she was reporting on beastmen's bases in North America . Itmen was outside when a s.h.i.+p above her sent out net after net till she was pinned down .

Unit 737 walked up to her and said . "Looks like my fourth catch this week . " The beastman punched her, and she woke up in the iron box .

That night, when the trio executed their plan, the smoke that entered her cell woke her from sleeping . Then after a bit of noise three men opened her compartment . Looking at the trio, a beastman, an old human, and a young human, she moved forward and thanked them .

She dashed down the hallway . Beastmen tried to slow her path, but she performed 19 hidden strikes killing them all . She pa.s.sed the elevators and ran to the end of the hall . At the end of the building, there was a staircase . Many beastmen came down the stairwell to face the draconian only to die by her hands .

She killed her way to the first floor and once there she used her Dragon Arts: Fire Fist to blast the door open . She jumped out the breach and landed on the ground .

As Itmen headed south, she saw a hovercraft head west in the corner of her eye . She wished them luck and disappeared without a trace .