Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times - Part 30

Part 30

_Rome, Lateran Museum._ Votive tablet representing forceps and other instruments.

_Milan._ Many knife blades, two bodkins, spathomele, two ligulae, scoop and curette, olive and stylet.


CHOULANT.--De rebus Pompeianis ad medicinam facientibus. Leipzig, 1823.

KUEHN.--De instrumentis chirurgicis veteribus cognitis et nuper effossis.

Leipzig, 1823.

In 1846-7 Benedetto Vulpes made a series of communications to the Royal Academy of Archaeology at Herculaneum as follows:--

(1) Ill.u.s.trazione di un forcipe Ercolanese a branche curve. (March 3, 1846.)

(2) Memoria concernente la interpretazione dell' uso di un forcipe Ercolanese di bronzo con le estremita delle branche a semi-cucchiai dentellati: la ill.u.s.trazione di due cannelli di bronzo anche trovati in Ercolano, de' quali servivansi gli antichi per cavar l'acqua dall'

addomine degl' idropici: l'indicamento di tre cannelli Pompejani di bronzo. (April 28, 1846.)

(3) Ill.u.s.trazione degli specilli e di altri strumenti chirurgici affini trovati negli scavi di Ercolano e di Pompei. (September 15, 1846.)

(4) Descrizione dello speculum magnum matricis e dello speculum ani.

(November 24, 1846.)

(5) Delle pinzette, degli ametti, degli aghi chirurgici e del tridente scavati en Ercolano e in Pompeii. (December 1, 1846.)

(6) Ill.u.s.trazione degli strumenti chirurgici di ferro trovati in Ercolano e in Pompeii. (January 19, 1847.)

In March, 1846, Quaranta made a communication to the same Society ent.i.tled 'Osservazioni sopra nu forcipe Pompeiano', in which he expressed a different opinion from that held by Vulpes, and pointed out that the forceps described by the latter in his first communication was found in Pompeii. This is the famous forceps which is always referred to as the 'Pompeian Forceps'.

These valuable papers of Vulpes and Quaranta were published in vol. vii of the _Memorie della Regale Academia Ercolanese di Archeologia_. These articles are profusely ill.u.s.trated. In 1847 Vulpes gathered these papers together, and with some slight alterations published them under the t.i.tle of 'Ill.u.s.trazione di tutti gli instrumenti chirurgici scavati in Ercolano e in Pompeii'.

At the time when Vulpes wrote there were in the Museum among other things 45 probes of various kinds, upwards of 90 forceps, 13 bleeding-cups of bronze, and 16 scalpels.

VACHER.--Les instruments de chirurgie a Herculanum et Pompe. (_Gazette Medicale_, 1867, xxii. pp. 491-94.)

SCOUTETTEN.--Histoire des instruments de chirurgie trouves a Herculanum et a Pompe. (_France Medicale_, Paris, 1867, xiv. p. 483.)

OVERBECK.--Pompeji, 1884, p. 461.

Mus...o...b..rbonico, Vol. xiv. Pl. 35, Vol. xv. Pl. 23.

CECI.--Piccoli bronzi del Museo n.a.z.ionale di Napoli.

NEUGEBAUER.--Warsaw Medical Transactions, 1882.

NEUGEBAUER.--uber Pincetten alter Volker. (Korrespondenzblatt der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, 1884, No. 11.)

HAESER.--Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin, 1875, p. 499.

GUHL and KOHNER.--Life of the Greeks and Romans, 1862, p. 296.

MONACO.--Guide General du Musee National de Naples. (Naples, 1900.)

MONACO.--Les monuments du Musee National de Naples.

MONACO.--Specimens of domestic articles from the Naples Museum (Naples, n.d.).

LINDENSCHMIDT.--Die Altertumer unserer heidnischen Vorzeit, Bd. iv. Heft iii.

Anzeiger fur schweizerische Geschichte and Altertumskunde, Jahrgang 1857, No. 3.

ULRICH.--Jahrbucher des Vereins fur Altertumsfreunde in den Rheinlanden, xiv. 1849.

ULRICH.--Catalogue of the Collection of the Antiquarian Society of Zurich (now placed in the Landesmuseum). Pt. I. Roman and Pre-Roman, by R.

Ulrich, Conservator. (Published by Ulrich & Co., 1890, p. 140, pl. 1037.)

BRUNNER.--Die Spuren der romischen Aerzte auf dem Boden der Schweiz.

(Zurich, 1894.)

ANONYMOUS.--Un hopital militaire romain. Zurich. (A sketchy pamphlet published as an advertis.e.m.e.nt by the town of Baden.)

Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft, Zurich.--References of interest occur in the following volumes: vol. vii, Meyer, Geschichte der XI. und XXI. Legion; vol. ix, Mommsen, Die Schweiz in romischer Zeit (15); vol. xii, Die romischen Ansiedelungen in der Ostschweiz (19. M. B.); vol.

xiv, Bochat, Recherches sur les antiquites d'Yverdon; vol. xvi, Romische Alterthumer aus Vindonissa; Romische Ansiedelungen in der Ostschweiz, ii; vol. xvi, Bursian, Aventic.u.m Helvetiorum, Mosaikbild von Orbe.

TOLOUSE.--Recherches historiques et archeologiques sur divers points du vieux Paris (Memoires de la Societe Dunkerkoise pour l'encouragement des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts, 1885).

HAESER.--Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin, 1875.

FREIND.--History of Physick from the time of Galen to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, 1725.

DAREMBERG.--Histoire des sciences medicales, 1870.

MCKAY.--History of ancient Gynaecology, 1901.

LAMBROS.--?e?? s????? ?a? s????se?? pa?? t??? ???a????. Athens, 1895. An exhaustive monograph with many ill.u.s.trations of ancient cups.