Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1637 - The Captain On the Run, and Pierce Takes the Stage

Chapter 1637 - The Captain On the Run, and Pierce Takes the Stage

Chapter 1637: The Captain On the Run, and Pierce Takes the Stage

Luke picked up his pace and sent a message to Tony. Black Egg is dead. You need to hurry up.

Nick Furys death meant that the two parties had completely fallen out, and it was time for Hydra to reveal its true intentions.

Perhaps Hydra still wanted to lurk for a while, but Nick Fury, who was dead, wouldnt give them that chance.

Otherwise, wouldnt the director have died for nothing?

Tony simply replied, Got it.

Last time, Nick Fury had used Phil to put on a martyr show. Now, it was very hard for the tyc.o.o.n to feel much.

It made more sense to hurry up and plunder s.h.i.+ELDs resources.

Once s.h.i.+ELD collapsed, the burden of world peace would fall even harder on Tony Starks shoulders.

Thus, he diligently plundered the organization with a clear conscience.

Everything was for world peace!

Sure enough, Frank sent a third message dozens of minutes later. There was a fight in an elevator at s.h.i.+ELD. The victor jumped from a height of more than ten floors, took down a plane, and ran.

Luke was stunned. Huh?

Frank said, Hm, this guy is really good at close combat. The way he throws his s.h.i.+eld is also very interesting.

Luke: Where is he now?

Frank: Weve lost him for the moment.

Luke said, Ignore him. Killing him is harder than killing Black Egg.

Frank: Hehe, that might not be the case. A hero is always the quickest to die.

Luke said, Hes almost 90 years old.

Frank: Okay, I take back my words. Hes indeed quite capable.

Lukes mind raced. So, even Captain America had fallen out with Hydra s.h.i.+ELD. All-out battle was close to breaking out in s.h.i.+ELD.

He said, All members, enter standby mode. Hammersmith will a.s.sume full command.

Pings rang out in the team channel as the team members came online with the remote-controlled robots.

Frank swiftly began to give orders. The team members operated the remote-controlled robots and began to rush to their designated positions.

Half an hour later, the commander stopped issuing orders on the commanders exclusive chat window in the team channel.

Frank wouldnt act rashly until something happened.

If that happened, he wouldnt just be helping Hydra out, he might even cop the blame after this.

After a brief silence, the ID Knight popped up in the team members chat, and people started talking.

Frank, Ivan, Angel, Damon and the Ninja Squads teacher either remained silent or simply responded with a few words.

Mindy and the little turtles greeted each other and chatted excitedly.

n.o.body stopped them.

Even Frank, who hated distractions during an operation the most, didnt say anything.

That was probably because the team members chat window didnt interfere with the commanders exclusive chat window.

Everybody would immediately pay attention to any orders in the commanders window.

The operation hadnt really started yet.

It wasnt good for everyone to remain silent and tense for long periods of time.

It was like a rubber band. When your nerves were stretched taut for too long, it would throw you out of the proper state.

Besides, it was only the five minors who were chatting. The older crowd didnt say anything and watched the screen silently. They wouldnt be delayed if something happened.

It was usually Selina who initiated the group chat.

However, she was basking in the May sun in Mexico, so Luke let her take a break this time.

The five minors were very good at livening up the atmosphere.

They talked about TV shows, movies, cosplay and so on. Even the older members felt it was quite fun to watch them.

Just like what was described in Maslows hierarchy of needs, humans had five levels of needs, and the lower three levels had been amply met for the team members.

The biggest problem had been with the turtles and their teacher, but thanks to Internet access and communication with the rest of the team, their social needs, which they had lacked the most, were now being met.

As for the remaining high-level needs of esteem and self-actualization, these were without doubt met through the vigilante work which they did as superheroes.

Even Frank and Angel would say that this wasnt a strong need for them.

However, if they had a choice, to have an utterly fulfilling career recognized by the public was far better than being despised by everyone.

So, watching the small superheroes talk about superhero cosplay was pretty fun.

The older members were too embarra.s.sed to discuss this, but it was impossible to say that they werent interested in what other people thought.

Even Luke, who had a lot of aliases and switched between them often, still read the crack comments online about him. However, other people didnt have a system, and it was hard for them to be as detached as he was.

The situation was pretty much what Luke and Frank had expected.

There wasnt much activity in D.C. for the next few hours. At least, there were no more public battles.

But Tony soon received an internal message from s.h.i.+ELD.

After Black Eggs death, Alexander Pierce of the World Security Council, as Nick Furys direct superior and the previous s.h.i.+ELD director, was temporarily taking over s.h.i.+ELD affairs.

In the meantime, this old director issued a wanted order for Captain America, telling everyone in s.h.i.+ELD that Nick Furys death was related to the captain.

Luke pondered for a few minutes before he sent a message to Tony. Theres a big problem with this new director.

Tony said, I agree.

They didnt continue discussing it.

No matter how reasonable it might be to pin the blame for Nick Furys murder on Captain America, it was still very suspicious.

It wasnt that Pierce was stupid, but only someone with a high rank could convict Captain America.

If Nick Fury wasnt dead, he would also have this authority.

Of course, Black Egg, who had now been killed by Captain America, naturally couldnt do this.

Luke and Tony didnt relax with Pierces appearance. Instead, they were even more certain that something was going to happen.

As a member of the World Security Council, Pierce was at the top.

For such a bigshot to personally step in meant that things had gotten to a point where it was necessary.

What was the Helicarrier going to do as part of Project Insight?

Was it going to completely destroy D.C.? And bury major cities on the East Coast like Pennsylvania, New York and Boston along with it?

Luke felt that this was probably the only way to severely cripple America.

Blow up the person in the White House? Dream on.

In a sense, the person in the White House was just a tenant, while the owners would always be the major capital corporations.

Mich.e.l.le Geber, the current tenant, only had a year in office left, and was about to step down. It didnt matter if she died or not.

It wasnt hard for Luke to find out about Project Insight.

It was s.h.i.+ELD who had given the project its name.

Apart from the high-ranking members in s.h.i.+ELD, several people in Hydra had heard this name, but n.o.body knew what the plan was.

Based on Lukes understanding of Hydra, there was no way such a huge air carrier would be used against aliens.

On the contrary, there were many people in Hydra who wanted to seize the opportunity to climb the ladder.

They preferred to work for Hydra over world peace.