Stunning Edge - c45-49


Soo&h.e.l.lip; you might be wondering what this is all about

AP exams are coming up and actually posting the chapters takes quite a bit of time so I just decided to publish a lot in one go (but our stock is now suffering) and the next update will be either on or before 5/6 by Charity for chapters 50-51

Basically the way it works is that 45-48 each counts as 1/3 of a week, but 49 counts as a whole week because it’s freaking long

And from now on each chapter will be counting as once a week because each one is sooo looong

Of course that will change depending on the situation, length of the chapter, etc.


TL: BuzzBannana

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49 

parts 1-5 all combined (original text had a bunch of breaks)

Edit: If you see any grammar mistakes, please comment, I won’t bite