Study Days At Hogwarts - Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Chapter 962 Things to do before the holiday

"Thank you, I was rescued thanks to those socks."

Not long after Harry Potter was discharged from the hospital, he took the initiative to find Albert to express his gratitude to him.

He knew that although the pair of socks were a gift from Sirius, Harry knew very well that Sirius didn't have the brains and ability to save himself under Voldemort's nose. Time to start the door key.

Especially after Harry heard the outline of the whole thing from Hermione and Ron, he became more certain about it, otherwise how could the Weasleys insist on staying on the Quidditch pitch to wait for him?

"Give you a kind advice." Albert seemed to have not heard Harry Potter's thanks, and looked at the scenery outside the window and said calmly: "People are unwilling to accept the truth."

"You want me to shut up, like Fudge?"

Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, remembering something unpleasant.

Fudge visited him the night he was sent back, but it wasn't a pleasant meeting because the two had a falling out.

Harry saw Fudge's other face for the first time, ugly, hideous, and disgusting.

"Don't you smell fear?"

Albert motioned Harry to look at the students walking around them, and reminded: "Reformers usually die badly, because they offended too many people."

"You think I should lie." Harry looked a little angry. He came to thank the other party, not to listen to the other party's lecture.

Just when Harry turned to leave, he heard Albert continue to say: "It seems that the lessons I taught you a few days ago are not enough!"

"What do you mean."

Harry paused, turned his head forcibly and asked.

Actually, he really wanted to turn his head away and leave, but...sometimes he should stop and listen to other people's advice, especially if he just had a hard time and still remembered the pain of the Cruciatus Curse.

"A lot of times, I suspect that your head is full of muscles, and you don't even think about why I tell you this." Albert glanced back at Potter: "Probably because many students like you, Gryffindor's courage will be ridiculed as recklessness!"

"Are you trying to mock me?" Harry said angrily.

"I've told you more than once that incompetence and rage won't solve the problem, it will only make you look stupid, just like you are now." Albert's words blocked Harry's anger back: "I just want to I want to tell you that your good days are coming to an end, and so is Dumbledore, and generally the first person to uncover the false reality will suffer a brutal blow."

"Can't you tell me directly, you have to beat around the bush like this?" Harry gritted his teeth and complained, he knew that the guy in front of him definitely did it on purpose.

"Of course I can do that, but I'm not your father, so I won't accommodate you. It's the same with others, this is how the world is, don't you realize?" Albert's mouth curled up with something that made Harry uncomfortable. Smile: "You really can't feel the changes in the school? Everyone obviously dislikes you and treats you like a **** on the side of the road."

"If it were you, what would you do." Harry asked, suppressing the anger and annoyance in his heart.

"Don't you already know the answer?" Albert gave Harry a meaningful look, then turned and walked away.

Harry did know, because he was Albert's answer.

Letting go, watching people pay for the mistakes they made, and even their lives because of it. And he is like a king, standing on a high place overlooking everything that happened below, and after the matter was over, he jumped out to laugh at them with a wicked sense of humor. It was entirely his own fault, because he had reminded and warned more than once Everyone, but no one wants to listen.

This is Albert's behavior, just like the sentence that I am not your father, and I will not accommodate you.

"What an annoying guy."

Harry looked at Albert's leaving back with a complicated expression.

Honestly speaking, Harry suspected that Albert was targeting him, and he had evidence that neither Hermione, Fred nor George had ever been targeted in this way.

So he has never liked Albert very much, but he has to be grateful for the help given by the other party, at least the other party did save his life.

Harry didn't know at all that Albert actually reminded him specifically to help him better perform his duties as the savior, otherwise he probably wouldn't be bothered to talk nonsense to Harry.

"What did you tell Harry?" Hermione came around the corner.

"I just told him that it's time to accept the reality." Albert said softly: "He still looks like a child who can't grow up, it's really unbearable."

"Harry is not yet an adult, you are too strict, it is unfair to him." Hermione defended Harry, she felt that Albert was too strict.

"The mysterious man is not fair. If Potter hasn't grown up now, he will have to pay a more painful price if he wants to grow further in the future." Albert said softly, "It takes an extremely painful price to make a person wake up and quickly Grow up."

"For example?" Hermione asked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

"If the minions of the mysterious man kill your whole family." A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Albert's mouth, "It will surely enlighten you, and you can also list countless cases!"

Hermione shivered suddenly, she regretted asking Albert this question.

"The Second Wizarding War has begun." Albert reminded kindly, "There is a reason why the Mysterious Man and his name are feared by people. If you don't make up your mind, many people will die."

"you're right."

Hermione thought about Albert, he almost died in the maze, he saw it more clearly than anyone else, and he was more qualified to say this.

"By the way, have you caught Rita Skeeter?" Although Albert asked in a questioning tone, he seemed certain that she had already caught the woman.

"Caught it, by the window of Harry's hospital bed, she seems to want to inquire about some news."

Speaking of this, Hermione smiled happily. She had always wanted to catch Rita Skeeter, and just the day before yesterday, she finally got her wish.

"I need her to write a report on this matter. She is good at this." Albert said suddenly: "It was published in the "Guide to Defense". The magic world needs such an article to alert everyone."

"What are you going to do?" Hermione frowned and reminded, "I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic will not be happy to see such articles appear. They seem to be controlling the news recently."

"The "Defense Guide" may have to suspend publication for a period of time. Before it is banned, it should act first and throw a big news."

"Now everyone is unwilling to believe the content of the "Defense Guide". After the mysterious person's ambitions are fully exposed, they will believe the report of the "Defense Guide"?" Hermione guessed Albert's intentions, and she suddenly felt that Sirius and It was no accident that Lupine founded the magazine.

Albert was waiting for this day to happen, and he had even predicted what would happen next.

Hermione guessed right, Albert did intend to use this to gain some prestige for the "Defense Guide", and how much the "Defense Guide" was suppressed would be as much benefit.

The most important thing is that Albert intends to cause some trouble for Fudge and Voldemort, and let the Order of the Phoenix pull the hatred away, so as not to add unnecessary trouble to himself.

Of course, he also planned to dig a hole by the way, to see how many people jumped in, and to see how many would fall into the hole and fall to their deaths.

At this moment, both of them noticed something, turned their heads and saw Krum and Fleur coming towards this side.

The two came to apologize to Albert.

Although it was true that the counterfeit used the Imperius Curse to control them in the maze, it still couldn't change the fact that the two were trying to kill Albert.

"Don't take it to heart, I never blamed you." Albert said calmly.

Actually, in a way, it was he and Potter who should apologize, because everyone else under the Imperius Curse was just unlucky people affected by misfortune.

After getting Albert's understanding, Krum whispered to Hermione, and Fleur and Albert found a place to talk.

"I plan to find a temporary job in the UK to study English." Fleur said to Albert.

"Britain has not been peaceful recently." Albert reminded kindly.

"You mean the resurrection of the Dark Lord?" Fu Rong raised her eyebrows slightly.

"It seems that you have met someone who interests you." Albert said suddenly.

"What do you think?" Fu Rong asked curiously, "I heard that you are good at divination, can you tell me the result?"

"You are a very brave person." Albert nodded and said, "Few people have such courage. I think you will succeed. Most people can't resist your charm."

"You can, in fact, you are not bad." Furong took a deep look at Albert and said, "I suddenly understand why Louise likes you, but unfortunately..."

"There is nothing to regret, some things cannot be forced." Albert said with a smile, "Have you talked to him?"

"After chatting, he recommended me a temporary job at Gringotts Bank." Fu Rong admitted generously.

Of course, she thinks Albert probably knows something too.

"Bill Weasley himself works at Gringotts." Albert said with a smile.

After separating from Fleur, Albert returned to the dormitory to pack his luggage. As soon as he entered the Gryffindor common room, Fred, George and Lee Jordan immediately greeted him.

"Here's your package, buddy." Fred said excitedly, "It's from Fengya Wizard Clothing Store. We think it's probably..."

"Remuneration." Albert nodded to show that he understood.

The original fire dragon suit was taken back by Fengya Wizard Clothing Store after re-shooting the winning scene of raising the trophy.

Didn't expect the new fire dragon suit to be delivered to him so soon, obviously it was prepared a long time ago.

"Check it out, and disassemble it if there is no problem!"

"Leave it to us!"

The Weasley brothers looked at each other and grinned, they had prepared the dark magic detector early

Compared with the first set of fire dragon suits, this set of fire dragon suits is not gorgeous. Albert suspects that the Fengya wizard clothing store actually made two sets, and chose the most handsome one for publicity, while the other was thrown to Albert paid for advertising.

After all, with Albert's status, the salary must not be shabby, otherwise he will be rejected directly if he is not sincere.

Fengya wizard clothing store is not bad. With Albert's deeds, he is destined to become a legend of the generation. Such an opportunity may not even come back in the future. It is very important to show your sincerity.

"It looks ordinary." Fred said slightly disappointed.

"This is the normal clothes for people to wear. The previous dragon suit was too gorgeous." Albert looked at himself in the mirror, then took off the dragon suit and threw it aside casually.

"How are you preparing for the opening of the store?"

"Everything is going according to plan. However, you really plan to..." George hesitated, he felt that Albert was really generous.

A few days ago, Albert gave them the Garen obtained from the Triwizard Tournament as the start-up capital for the store.

"Next semester will be a very interesting year." Albert said softly.


"I heard that Dumbledore seems to be planning to... announce the return of the mysterious man."

The three of them looked at each other, not understanding what Albert wanted to express.

"With Fudge's character, he will probably send someone to interfere with Hogwarts, and even drive away our Mr. Headmaster." A meaningful smile appeared on Albert's face.

"How dare he do that." The three said in unison.

"Of course he dares to do this. Politicians can eat **** when necessary, and claim that **** is delicious." Albert said contemptuously, "then there will definitely be a nuisance, but you also know, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors often have accidents."

"We can give him an unexpected surprise."

The three looked at each other, and suddenly understood why Albert said that the next semester would be a very interesting year, and also understood that Albert always said that the seventh grade is very suitable for promoting joke props.

It really fits well!

At the school leaving banquet that night, Harry Potter once again attracted the attention of countless people, even more eye-catching than Albert, the champion of the Triwizard Tournament.

People are very curious about what happened that night, because there are some bad rumors circulating in Hogwarts Castle, and they want to prove those rumors to be false for the first time.

"Tonight, I have a lot to say to you all," said Dumbledore, looking down at the students, "but first of all, I must pay tribute to Mr. Anderson, who not only thwarted the Death Eaters' conspiracy in desperation, but also debunked the little boy." The identity of Barty Crouch, publicizing his tricks, avoiding a tragedy, he is a true warrior, a true champion, and the pride of Hogwarts!"

Dumbledore raised the goblet to Albert.

Albert could only raise his goblet and stood up from his seat, welcoming all kinds of cheers and applause in the auditorium.

"I know everyone is curious about what happened that night." Dumbledore continued after the cheers in the auditorium stopped, "Maybe you already know some of it, but the most important part of it-the Ministry of Magic doesn't want me to Let me tell you, some of the parents of some of my classmates may have been shocked by what I did - perhaps because they couldn't accept the brutal fact that Voldemort had really returned."

When the students in the auditorium heard the news, their faces were filled with shock and fear, even though they had heard similar rumors, but these words came from Dumbledore's mouth, and the weight was nothing compared to the rumors sex.

"They think I shouldn't tell you this, after all, you are still young, but I believe that telling the truth is always better than lying, at least it can make you mentally prepared, not everyone is Mr. Anderson, not everyone Individuals can enjoy everyone's applause instead of sacrifice after unfortunately encountering evil forces."

Dumbledore looked at the pale students below, and suddenly said: "I once asked Mr. Anderson what is the secret of his success, and he told me that he never meets challenges unprepared, and now I put Send this message to everyone."

"Of course, another person has to be mentioned when talking about last night." Dumbledore continued, "Yes, I'm talking about Harry Potter, who once again escaped Voldemort's clutches. In my When he hurried over, he was dueling with Voldemort. Even if he was knocked down and tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, when his life was threatened, he never gave in, bowed his head, or compromised to Voldemort. Few wizards face Voldemort's despicable power I salute him for the courage and spirit he displayed from time to time."

That night, many owls left overnight with letters, and at the same time brought the news of Voldemort's resurrection to all parts of the UK.

The next morning, more owls were released.

Albert had just bid farewell to Fleur and Krum, and came to the crowded foyer to find Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were waiting for the carriage.

"follow me."

"What's the matter, it's mysterious."

The three looked at each other, dragged their luggage and left with Albert.

"I don't plan to take the train to leave, I will give you the things now." Albert handed the two double-sided mirrors that were just delivered this morning to George and Lee Jordan, and urged, "Don't try to write to me, then This method is no longer safe, and the owl can't find my specific location, and don't let people know the existence of this thing."

"You are?"

"I'm planning to hide temporarily, so as not to be targeted." Albert said quickly.

"You're not coming to school," Fred asked in shock.

"Of course, the school is still safe, and I plan to get the N.E.w.Ts certificate." Albert shrugged, "But I have to be careful, no one knows if the mysterious person will suddenly have a seizure and want to find him. My trouble, maybe Death Eaters, but it's trouble."

"Is the situation very bad? Have you talked to Dumbledore about it?" The three asked worriedly, "Maybe, Dumbledore..."

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations. No one can find me, no one can. See you next semester." Albert turned and left without giving them a chance to speak.

"Do you really need my help?"

Dumbledore stood by the window looking at the departing students below, and asked Albert who appeared beside him.

"No need." Albert said calmly, "I have prepared a safe home for myself."

"I see, no wonder you want to take it away." Dumbledore nodded and said, "Many wizards always underestimate this. I'm glad you can treat it kindly."

"I will." Albert smiled and looked at the house elf beside him, "Kara, I will trouble you next."

"It's my honor, master." The house elf Kara bowed slightly towards Dumbledore, reached out and took Albert's hand and disappeared.

"Sometimes, it's not good to see too clearly."

Dumbledore looked away, recalled the conversation with Albert not long ago, and sighed lightly, even if he knew there was no hope, he still had to try.

Some things need to be done after all.

(End of this volume)

This volume is finally finished, I am really relieved. Although it is a bit bloated, it is still finished as expected.

Tomorrow, I will ask for a day off, and I will organize the outline by the way. Well, although I don't have that kind of stuff, I have to know what to write about.

(end of this chapter)