Stop, Friendly Fire! - Chapter 47 – Arema Steelworker (2)

Chapter 47 – Arema Steelworker (2)

"Shin-Woo, are you alright!? Lee Shin-Woo!"


Lee Shin-Woo knew he was physically incapable of vomiting, but he still retched while breathing roughly. It was something he had retained from his days as a human being. Repeatedly doing so calmed him down; it was effective even if it was nothing more than a placebo.

"Get a hold of yourself, Shin-Woo!" Jin yelled while shaking him wildly to wake him.

Lee Shin-Woo pushed him aside and said, "I'm okay. There was way too much information coming in all at once. That also means it’ll be very helpful. It'd be great if I could make one for you as well."

Jin scraped his hooves against the ground in protest and snapped, "You want to give me something like that when it was difficult for even you to absorb!? Are you crazy?"

"Well, you probably won't be able to absorb the memories, so don't worry. It'll be helpful enough if you just learn the fundamental principles behind how Golems use mana, as well as how their bodies operate."

That would be especially helpful to Jin since he didn’t even know the basics of mana manipulation. Hearing that, the goblin fire in Jin’s eye sockets spun, indicating his internal struggle. It didn’t take long for him to calm down, though. The reality of his situation wasn’t lost on him.

“But there’s nothing...