Stevenson Memorial Cook Book - Part 40

Part 40


Mrs. Henry Crossman

One quart of flour; three tablespoonfuls sugar; one teaspoonful baking powder; pinch of salt; two eggs; two cupfuls milk; piece of b.u.t.ter size of egg. Scatter baking powder, salt and sugar into flour and sift well, add the beaten eggs, melted b.u.t.ter and milk; stir all together a few minutes, then add berries, slightly floured. Bake in long square tin for twenty minutes or half an hour.


Mrs. Earl Combs

Three eggs; four tablespoonfuls of cold water: one cup powdered sugar; one cup flour and a pinch of salt; two teaspoonfuls baking powder; beaten whites of two eggs; bake in loaf or layers.


Mrs. J. E. Kelly

One-half cup raisins; one-half cup figs, cut fine; a level teaspoonful soda; one cup boiling water. Sit to one side while mixing; one cup sugar; one-half cup b.u.t.ter; one egg; one teaspoonful lemon extract; one heaping teaspoonful cinnamon; one-half teaspoonful cloves; two cups flour; add first mixture and bake in moderate oven.

Frosting: One and one-half cups powdered sugar; one-half cup b.u.t.ter, creamed together; two tablespoonfuls grated chocolate; two tablespoonfuls strong coffee; one teaspoonful vanilla. Do not cook frosting.


Mrs. W. F. Becker

Three tablespoonfuls b.u.t.ter; one scant cup sugar; one scant cup milk; yolks of two eggs; one one-fourths cups flour; two teaspoonfuls baking powder; one teaspoonful vanilla. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar and add eggs; beat five minutes; add milk; then add flour sifted with baking powder; add vanilla, and beat five minutes and put in two layer pans, put filling between layers and on top.

Filling: Whites of two eggs; one-half cup sugar; two large grated apples; one teaspoonful vanilla. Beat one-half hour.


Mrs. H. D. Sheldon

One-fourth cup b.u.t.ter; one cup sugar; one egg yolk; one teaspoonful cinnamon; one-half teaspoonful cloves; little nutmeg; one cup apple sauce; one level teaspoonful soda; one cup raisins; two cups flour; pinch of salt. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar, add egg well beaten and soda dissolved in the apple sauce; add raisins, mixed with flour and spices.

Frosting: One cup of confectioners' sugar; two tablespoonfuls melted b.u.t.ter, enough hot water to spread.


Mrs. Edward S. Smith

One cup of dates chopped fine; sprinkle over them one cup of boiling water, and one scant teaspoonful of soda. Let stand while you mix the cake. One cup of sugar; one tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter; one and one-third cups of flour; one-half cup of nut meats; vanilla. Mix and add dates.

Bake slowly thirty-five minutes.


Mrs. J. G. Sherer

Dissolve two ounces chocolate in five tablespoonfuls boiling water.

Cream one-half cup b.u.t.ter, adding gradually one and one-half cupfuls sugar; add yolks of four eggs, beaten thoroughly, then add the chocolate; one-half cupful milk; one and three-fourths cupfuls flour; two level teaspoonfuls baking powder; one teaspoonful vanilla and add beaten whites last.

Filling: Two cups sugar; one cup milk; one-half cup chocolate; b.u.t.ter size of a walnut. Boil until thick enough and beat until rather stiff.

Spread on cake.


Sharlotte Pangburn

Two cups of brown sugar; one-half cup of b.u.t.ter; one-half cup of sour milk; two eggs. Cream this together. Then dissolve one teaspoonful (level) soda in one-half cup of hot water; one teaspoonful baking powder. Grate one-third cake of Baker's chocolate; add hot water and soda and stir with cake. Lastly add two heaping cups of flour. For layer or loaf cake.


Mrs. T. C. Hollenberger

One-half cake chocolate; three-fourths cup brown sugar; one-half cup sweet milk; cook until smooth. Add one teaspoonful vanilla. When cold, add to the following: Cake one-half cup b.u.t.ter, one cup brown sugar, two eggs, one-half cup milk, one and one-half cups flour, one teaspoonful soda. Beat whites of eggs separately.


Mrs. Paul Klein-exel

One-third cup b.u.t.ter; one cup of sugar; three-fourths cup milk; three eggs beaten separately; one package of graham crackers, ground fine; one cup of nuts, one walnut; two teaspoons baking powder. Bake in two layers for twenty minutes.


Mrs. William S. Wood

One and one-half cupfuls sugar; one-half cupful b.u.t.ter; one cupful sour milk; one teaspoonful soda; two eggs; three cupfuls flour; one cupful stoned raisins; one and one-half cupfuls nut meats, cut up, and one teaspoonful cinnamon.


Mrs. William Molt

One cup cold boiled potatoes, grated; two cups flour; one cup grated chocolate; two cups sugar; three-fourths cup b.u.t.ter; one-half cup each of chopped almonds and raisins; one-half teaspoonful each of ground cloves, cinnamon and vanilla; five eggs, beat in one at a time; one cup sour cream, or milk; one teaspoonful soda. Bake one hour.


Mrs. C. A. Carscadin

One cup sour milk; one teaspoonful soda; one cup chopped raisins; two cups flour; one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves; one cup granulated sugar; one-half cup b.u.t.ter and a pinch of salt.