Steel, Guns And The Industrial Party Across The World - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

September 3rd was a day of great misery for the soldiers of Berdine who had been recruited by their respective lords.

A few days ago, they were still working diligently in the fields for their family's livelihood, and then the clerk of the lord's castle came to the village and asked the village chief to gather the young and strong of the whole village, and the clerk came from the crowd He chose his stronger-looking man, and announced: "The vile and vile men of Arda have kidnapped Lord Meron Garnard, lord of Bairdin, and we must give them a good lesson, and from now on you will do nothing for them." Fight for the glory of Beldin."

The orders of the lord must be obeyed, otherwise they may be hanged, and the family members may be punished as slaves.

The affairs officer asked the selected person to go with him to the lord's castle with the belongings that could be used as "weapons" at home, because the weapon inventory in the lord's castle was often not enough for everyone. Sure enough, after arriving at the lord's castle, only more than half of the people received spears, and a few received a wooden shield. The rest of the people could only fight for the lord with their "farm weapons". There are all kinds of things: pitchforks, hoes, sickles and even sticks.

They were divided into several centurions, and each centurion was led by a knight for training. In the past few days, they trained how to stand in a team, how to move collectively, how to camp, and most of the time they used wooden sticks to fight each other. Practice how to fight the enemy hand to hand. Occasionally, a few enthusiastic knights came to give pointers on fighting skills, but most of them just stood aside to watch the excitement. Because they used too much force during the practice and accidentally injured each other, there were quite a few of them who turned into real fights. Greeting each other with clumsy movements is a good way to pass the time, each time it can cause a burst of laughter, and no one will stop it as long as it does not cause death.

A few days later, the soldiers who had been hastily trained for a few days were brought to Butuya by the knights, where they would get their supplies and some other ordnance, and then go to the neighboring territory to settle accounts with the Ardas. When I arrived, I found that the required supplies were not ready yet, so I had to stay here for a few days. The barracks in Butuya city couldn't accommodate so many people, they were crammed into some houses for the night, and some dishonest people caused frequent conflicts between the army and the people, and the Lord's Mansion sent people to chop off the heads of several people indiscriminately. Only a little more stable.

Suddenly he received an order that the people of Arda had come to the door by themselves, and they should go out of the city immediately to fight against them. There was a lot of chaos in the city of Butuya, and it took several hours from noon to gather the people together and go out of the city to form an array under the leadership of the knights.

After leaving the city, under the urging of the knights' whips, the soldiers had just formed four square formations when the Ardas appeared in their field of vision. The number of people looking at each other's posture is only half of theirs, so there should be nothing to worry about. All the little bosses conveyed the orders of the lords hoarsely: "Those who retreat without receiving the order are all hanged. Kill or capture an Arda soldier and reward 100 copper coins, and an Arda officer reward 1 silver coin." The rules and generous rewards caused a commotion in the team. Many people began to fight with high spirits, talking with each other about how to earn more military merits, and many people closed their eyes and prayed silently to the Lord of Light.

The Ardas stopped not far away, and the lords decided to take the initiative to kill them. The four knights respectively commanded a phalanx to move towards the opponent's position.

"Cutting people's heads to earn military merit!" During the movement, the leaders of the army, big and small, yelled to boost morale, and many people also screamed strangely, emboldening themselves.

As they got closer and closer to the Arda people's team, white smoke suddenly rose from the row of people in front of the opponent, and with a crackling sound, tragedy struck...

"First row, fire!" After Commander Dempsey gave the order, the first row of musketeers pulled the trigger, and 40 deadly projectiles flew towards the front of the Bairdin phalanx.

There was a sound of screams. Although the phalanx of Bairding soldiers was getting more and more chaotic, the crowd was very dense. More than three-quarters of the bullets hit the enemy. Dozens of soldiers fell to the ground, and some died immediately. , and some clutched their wounds and kept struggling and screaming.

After being hit for the first time, although there were casualties on their own side, most of Bairdin's soldiers hadn't reacted yet, and continued to move towards Arda's army with their spears driven by inertia.

The first row of musketeers retreated quickly to load ammunition, and Dempsey ordered: "Second row, fire!"

The crackling sound sounded again, and a large number of Bairding soldiers fell down again. This time, the people walking in front all reacted. They had not touched the enemy, nor saw arrows and crossbows coming. So many people were killed and injured. , is really too wicked.

Panic began to spread among the soldiers in front, and the speed under their feet slowed down unknowingly. Some opened their eyes wide to see what the Arda people on the opposite side were up to, and some went to help their companions who were struggling on the ground. After tearing off the blood-stained clothes, the freshman wound was clearly visible.

It doesn't matter if the front is slow, the unsuspecting soldiers at the back of the phalanx immediately pushed hard after being blocked, urging the cowards in front to stay out of the way.

The musketeers fired again, and as another group of people screamed and fell down, the Berdin soldiers who were walking in front finally collapsed. They either turned around and hid behind the others, or ran to the sides of the team. Just be the target of the Ardas yourself.

The knight commanding at the back of the team saw all this, and he judged that it was the effect of the strange weapons of the people of Arda. Only now did he know that those strangely shaped sticks were long-range weapons. He grabbed the nearest soldier: "You! Go to the back and tell the adults to send the archers over!"

Then he rode his horse and rushed to the front, raised his whip and beat those panic-stricken soldiers fiercely, shouting: "Idiots! It's just some weapons similar to bows and crossbows, it scares you like this!"

He pulled out his own sword and raised it high, shouting: "The enemy has long-range weapons, and now we must rush to them in one go! Listen to my order now, and the whole army will attack!"

The four "phalanxes" of the Berdin people moved towards Arda's army in an oblique The knight's voice was also transmitted to the companions who commanded the follow-up phalanx, and they all made gestures to indicate that they would follow the action!

Paul was very satisfied with the effect of the first round of shooting. At this distance, the power of the volley is still great.

He instructed the messenger: "Notify the artillery, and blow up the two phalanxes behind."

Then ordered the two battalion commanders: "Let your mortars fire! The spearmen are ready to charge, charge after firing a round of musket salvos, and concentrate on annihilating the two frontmost groups of enemies!"

The Beldin phalanx at the front reorganized its formation and began to run forward.

However, at this time, the six mortars in Arda's army also opened fire. Accompanied by thunderous bangs, hundreds of shotguns, large and small, flew out together, forming a huge killing area. It was so tight that it swept away a large group of people almost instantly.

After all, they are flesh and blood. Under the huge casualties, the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages was stimulated. The first phalanx collapsed instantly, and the soldiers ran back without the slightest hesitation. Overwhelmed by the horrific scene.

The artillery company deployed on the nearby high ground also opened fire. At a distance of more than a hundred meters, there was no need for test firing, and all the cannons blasted at the third phalanx.

The thunderous sound sounded again, indicating that the **** of death had come again, and 8 solid iron bullets opened up several passages of flesh and blood in the phalanx. The knight commanding the phalanx was hit by a shell in the waist, and everyone watched in horror as their master knight turned into two pieces, and the exquisite and thick armor did not help at all. After the cannonball killed the knight, its power remained undiminished. It rushed to the middle of the soldiers and continued to harvest life. For a while, blood and limbs were scattered everywhere.

The third phalanx, collapse!